Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Everything

Year 20XX, 24th of December; it was a history that birthed the memory of dread.

It was the day before the Christmas. Therefore, it was simply a norm to see the world to be rather busy preparing for the blissful celebration. After all, it was Christmas. A the happiest holiday on Earth.

There were brilliant decorations all around the place. Heaving life to a normally mundane society. There were yellow and white. Orange and purple and blue. Still, red and green were the most prominent hues; however, everything appeared to merge beautifully in the dawn of the nighttime where the lights are in its full romance.

It was raucous since the beginning of the month, as December was known to be boisterous. But today was even noisier than the previous ones. Couples were on date, families were on picnic, and busy part timers sporting their santa costumes. Everything was bright. And joyous. And vibrant.


On that exact Christmas Eve, it happened—the evenfall that changed the values, the norm, and the perspective of the whole world; The so-called "second coming" or "evangelion"—the rampant angelic phenomenon that led to the dreadful rage of the World War III.

That night, while the world was filled with joy, a lone comet fell straight from the heavens. A ball of flame entered the atmosphere without any intention to stop.

Caught off-guard and without any prior warning from the UASA (Universal Aeronautics and Space Administration), the panic attack was severe. Throwing the world itself into extreme anxiousness.

Furthermore, the comet itself was not the only matter of fear; what dreaded the whole humanity was that what happened next; when the comet successfully lands. After all, it aimed straight at the heart of the Pacific Ocean.

A comet of such magnitude should've normally melted as soon as it entered the Earth's atmosphere. However, nothing of such scientific anticipation occurred. It appeared as though this comet was already on its way to Earth. As if directed by an unscientific force.

The comet was set aflamed, yet it held binary hues. The comet's twin colors were brilliant white; as if the light of a holy hallo. And jet black; as if the hue of an endless abyss, and it was thus, this monstrous heavenly body was dubbed the "Nightmare HDSBW21." The comet of Holocaust.

24th of December, same year; midnight.

The world's second massive flooding occured. The comet, which was roughly half the size of the moon, found its target and successfully landed on the oceanic surface of the Pacific Ocean. Wiping over 500, 000, 000 of the whole world's population. It was a history of dark Era. Thus, that event was then called the "Dreadful Messiah." This merciless flooding lasted for over two whole months before finally subsiding.nAfter the world scale crisis that the comet {Nightmare HDSBW21} had brought, the flood that took millions of lives died down; the world found out that the surface where the Nightmare exactly made its impact had formed, and a new island was created from it. Furthermore, another discovery was brought to light: the shards of the said comet were broken into hundreds of thousands of pieces with two defining colors: radiant white and jet-black.

The discovery never ended with just that. The world then changed when the unveiling of magic-related abilities came to the knowledge of the world.

The shocking news was revealed to the whole humanity; that the shards from the comet had an ability to give its chosen master a skill to weild magic. Black magic from the jet-black shards and holy magic from the radiant white shards. It was a blessing among the curse, or... a maybe it was a curse of a curse?

;Black magic includes shadow manipulation, monster or demonic creatures summoning, curse orientation, alchemy, enchantment, and any other related to magic that manipulates darkness. Thus, the jet-black shards were then dubbed the "Demonic Stones."

;Holy magic includes: healing, familiar summoning, anti-curses magic, barrier magic, and strengthening magic. Thus, the radiant white shards were then dubbed "Seraphim." or the "Holy Shards."

Yes, the world had found something that could reverse the worst of its current situation. With magic and ability, rebuilding the lost cause of Earth would be easy, but alas... greed is the nature of man.

Country against country, nation to nation—the lust for power consumed the mind of every leader. The desire to take control not only of their domain but of the whole world corrupted the peace that was holding the last string of the Earth's hope.

That was when the Third World War began.

The world engaged in the most ferocious fight that could be recorded in history. Shaming the kill count of WWII. Nuclear bombs exploded, changing the familiar geography into something abstract. Atomic bombs prevented the soil from bearing fruits once again.

The war continued for almost five years. The Earth was plunged into an even more hellish experience than the first catastrophe. Nations fought to no end only to find out that the Demonic Stones and Seraphim cannot be manipulated by human hands. Both types of shards choose their own master, and no one could ever try to put it to themselves and be an ability user. They've realized that the war was all for naught.

This revelation managed to cease the war. But at the time that it did, it was almost too late: the lands were destroyed and the lakes were contaminated. The ocean was dead. Farmland can never again bear its grains. The air was polluted. The price that the war has to pay was laid before all of humanity. A hopelessness that could lead to the apocalypse. The world end.

But then, in the midst of all the turmoil. In the time where the world would come to an endless darkness. In the maelstrom of the dread, she appeared—the first ever SSS ability holder. {RAPHAELA}; a Seraphim-type ability that ruled over fertility and healing, had become the only hope of the world. It became the sliver of light in the dark filled realm. She healed the land and brought back life to the ocean.

She was indeed the fertility goddess as to praise. Even then, owner of the ability had remained incognito so as not cause any more problems and conflict for the world. Knowing that the greed of human is insatiable, the hero who is said to be the savior of the world from destruction was hidden and was only hailed as a Saint who saved the whole humanity. 

Year after year and ability after ability was discovered. The world began to flourish and returned to how it was before the war. More so, it was even better. Rebuilding was fast; the land was returned to its former bount. And even with the first SSS ability user had then faded into the obscurity, nature began to heal itself. Moreover, as to prevent the same mistake that history had committed, an organization was birthed. HARMONIA; an organization solely for the purpose of world balance. Never affiliated with any country and was never under any political control. They serve as the balancer for all ability-related problems. To further clarify the purpose of HARMONIA, the organization asked the permission of countries all around the world to claim the sole island that Nightmare C021 had left, located at the heart of the Pacific Ocean. 

There, they would settle as the balancers of the Earth and would only respond to use their ability if the whole world was concerned.

They named the island "SAINT ISLE" and founded an academy at the center of it. The academy was then named after the first hero, the SSSR ability user, SAINT STELLA.

No one knows what the Saint looked like, and the only hint about her was her young age of 13, but all of those who hold any ability, whether from the Demonic Stone or Seraphim, have nothing for the first hero but respect and admiration.

And so, all of the ability holders around the world were gathered on an island to hone their talent and skills for the sake of the world. As to never again experience the darkness of the past, all ability users were required to attend the academy. As a result, the SAINT STELLA ACADEMY was conceived.

15 years have passed since then.