Chapter 19: A Spy And A Kiss

The world works in a rather mysterious way as they say, doesn't it?

It doesn't work the way you want it to, but gives you the opportunities to do so.

It goes against you sometimes then gives you compromise to make up for it.

It takes you down then lifts you up. Too much to consider, really. In other words, this world is a pain in the ass.

Smartphone; A great invention that was made as a fruit of genius minds. It functions by the way of science and technology —in a mysterious way for someone as dumb as me. It can be used for communication, education, entertainment, and business transactions. It can also be used for one to connect to the whole world and to browse your favorite por—ahem—anyway, it is very convenient. It makes the life of humans more expedient. It was marked as one of the best inventions in history!


Somehow, the greatest invention of mankind has betrayed me… twice now.

Rooftop garden; Saint Stella Academy.

The wind blows nicely and I can freely feel the pleasant chill breeze of the spring. I can see the full view of the scenery; the extravagant gardens, glittering artificial lake, the cherry blossoms in their full blooms. And the wide weird sky with a sun surrounded by six black orbs.

All that entered my view was pleasing in the eyes and I think I can enjoy this sight no matter what condition I'm in—even if right now I am being roasted by miss Tokugawa.

"So, care to explain why you were carrying a smartphone in a place where it should be prohibited? Hm? mister Stasis?"

Miss Tokugawa questioned while glaring down on me. I was on my knees in a seiza way; a Japanese way of kneeling meant for apologizing. Since miss Tokugawa was a Japanese person, such way of apology was just appropriate—while in Rome, do as Romans do, as they say. Though right now, it's more like—in front of Japanese do as Japanese do. Yep.

Anyway, in our current position it would only be natural that I should be looking up and she'd be looking down on me. But this angle ain't half bad, I dare say. Since she was wearing a tight short skirt, I can somehow look into what the future holds. 'twas black. So mature! So fantastic! Bravo, the night sky!

It made me swallow my own saliva.

Noticing where my eyes were directed to, miss Tokugawa backed away a little. Then, with an expression of mixture of disgust and embarrassment, she said,

"Damned pervert!"

Ah… this feeling...!

Somehow, I can finally understand the feelings of those who were admiring miss Tokugawa. The feeling of being looked down at. Those sharp words. This sensation seems addictive.

Something's awakening in me.

"Would you take this seriously and answer my question?"

Now it felt like the ground was rumbling. She looked really angry.

In case you were wondering why as trivial as bringing smartphones in places such as training hall and classrooms were prohibited. Then, let me explain.

Students in Saint Stella Academy were treated as national treasures for both outside and inside of Saint Isle. After all, each one being able to use magic and other abilities was comparable to that of an entire army. That's just how powerful the status of each students in Saint Stella from the world's perspective. And thus, information on their abilities and the way they fight was absolutely confidential to leak outside the island. The most obvious reason for this was that risk might come if they were announced.

For instance; imagine if Varvara's abilities should be known throughout the world, many countries would do anything just to get their hands on her. After all, having an uninterrupted communication and relay of information in the battlefield using the spirit of nature was a huge advantage a mega boon in a warfare.

Forget about not being able to live in peace, Varvara will have to live in fear and seclusion. That was the reason why bringing gadgets that could take videos or pictures were prohibited in training areas or even just in training itself.

It was for the safety of all the students of Saint Stella.

And that was the very reason why I am here. I broke that damned rule. Ehe.

How did I get caught, you ask? It—my smartphone—fell out of my Gi's inside pocket after moving around during my match with Roderick.

Worse, it was Sofy who picked It up and accidentally saw the image of that lass Maria which I forgot to set as a private photo.

I took a picture of Maria from Jin as an insurance to not forget what she looked like— and the result of my negligence was that I need to explain who she was to Sofy later. I can still remember the blank expression Sofy had earlier as she casually handed my phone to miss Tokugawa…

"Uh, uhm... It was for my work..."

I answered timidly as I tried to avert my eyes from her.

"Work, eh? And what kind of work would that be? Hm?"

She raised her well kept brows. She's being suspicious of a student? I narrowed my gaze. That won't do, miss Instructor.

Well, Kage no Kishi was not a secret of an organization and by no means we kept our identity secret. It's just, right now the most convenient course of action for me was to keep my profile low so I can have a normal—if by standards of Saint Isle—high school life.

Miss Tokugawa continued, "Military level ability manipulation of skills. Battle sense. Motor skills. And absolute precision. You even realized the existence of magic circles while engaged in combat. Just who are you?"

She asked in an interrogating tone.

If she hasn't heard of me, then, by no means miss Tokugawa was affiliated with the seven divisions.

If so, then what was all those about?

Her observing eyes that's as if she's memorizing every skills in the training hall earlier. Analysis of my skills and movements. Her battle sense and her perception.

I see. Miss Tokugawa's true identity…

I think I found it. The uninvited guest.

"For ones, how did you even manage to use shadow to cut the golem?" Not paying heed to my thoughts, miss Tokugawa went on, "By the rules of physics or even nature, shadow should be harmless and an unmanipulable existence. How did you pull it off?"

I heaved a sigh.

Then, leaving my kneeling position, I stood up and looked her directly in the eyes.

"I'll answer you, miss. But after I do, you'll answer my questions as well. How does that sound?"

At first, when she heard my proposal she stared at me while looking indifferent or rather should I say dubious? Anyway, something in line with that. Then, realizing that I'm being serious, she nodded in affirmation.

"I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but sure. Be my guest."

"You knew of HARMONIA, no? miss Tokugawa."

"Don't take me for a fool. Of course, I do. Not a single ability holder alive doesn't know of HARMONIA."

"Okay, then." I bobbed my head. "How about the Kage no Kishi?"


Her expression slightly changed. It's a face of produced by a confusion. It seemed she really doesn't know of it.

"Have you heard of this, miss? HARMONIA was divided into seven divisions?"

She nodded slightly and confessed, "Yes. I've heard of it."

I see. So, she knew about the divisions but not the names of each. So she's got this far already, eh.

"I am a member of Kage no Kishi. The seventh division of HARMONIA. While I cannot tell you the details as why and my reasons; I am currently studying as a student of Saint Stella Academy."

At first, her eyes widened as if in disbelief, but she manages to compose herself just as sooner.

"I see. So, that's that, eh? That explains how you managed to pull those things off on the test. But about the shadow manipulation? How did you do it?" She inquired.

You're throwing yourself too much, miss. Are you that desperate to unveil my abilities? But fine, I'll gladly oblige. I'll humor you.

"Mana." I shrugged. "By infusing mana to the shadow, I can make it move freely. As long as I have enough mana, I can manipulate shadows at will. I can make it as sharp as blades, or as heavy as metals. I can even make a puppet out of it. Wanna see?"

She had the look of bewilderment as she listened to my explanation. Her expression was telling me that she was at a loss. I can tell that she understand the fundamentals of what I'm saying, but she somehow cannot believe it.

So, to make it simpler for her I tugged her own shadow to make a humanoid puppet that had the perfect copy of her silhouette. Her normal shadow disappeared, but in exchange a shadow of her size stood next to her.

"See?" I smiled at her.


She said in disbelief. A puzzled expression was exposed on her lovely face.

"Well, it's certainly true that it goes against all laws and whatnot. But, miss Tokugawa, in a world where abilities were prominent, don't you think that this kind of things should be considered as just normal?"

"Don't joke around!" She retorted aloud, "to break each law is by no means considered normal. While it was true that the existence of ability was prominent, I have never heard nor seen something like this!"

Beads of sweats came rolling down on miss Tokugawa's face as she denied my claim. Well, I revealed to her just now was what can be considered as "okay to reveal informations." To believe it or not is up to her.

I made a serious expression. A shocker for miss Tokugawa who only saw me as a goofy person—wait, does she really saw me as one? That's... Uh, kinda hurts.

"Now it is my turn to ask questions, miss Tokugawa."

She backed away a little. As if being wary.

I can hear her swallowing her breath, but after letting out a bit of it, she looked relaxed.

"Do tell. I'm all ears."

"Map is an essential tool, isn't it?" I started. "However, the map of Saint Isle was a different matter. In that map, the important locations, the vulnerability of the island—and the military related legends were there. It was prohibited to make a map of the island; it was to ensure the safety of all its residents from potential assaults. As such, only one map was made for the Island. That map was the only map made for a certain purpose."

"And so?"

"That map, miss Tokugawa, has gone missing as soon as the school year began. I have a question for you miss. It was you wasn't it? The one who took that map?"

Her expression didn't change, and her demeanor remained the same. She has a tough mind. I admire that.

"And what makes you think that it was me? Just so you know, what you are doing right now is an accusation. If proven wrong, the consequence is severe—mister member of seven divisions."

What she told was right. That was only natural. To accuse her with no evidence would cause nothing but confusion and other misunderstandings. It could even be labelled as swindle. The consequence for this would be expulsion, or if not, imprisonment for illegal claims. Sealing of ability as a punishment was not that far off as well.

But you know, miss Tokugawa, I, Gleren Stasis, would never go to hunt a prey that I couldn't catch.

"Well, you are absolutely right about that, miss. The punishment is severe for false accusation. For false accusations, that is."

I tossed a tablet at her direction. Her eyes went wide and her astounded expression showed itself.

What I showed her was a record of the crime committed. The time of the incident and the clue for finding the thief. The intruder's ability.

"I won't be asking more questions but one, Instructor Tokugawa Shinra. Would you mind telling me what your ability is?"

As an employee of Saint Isle, one must state their BioData and personal information in full. It was so that the management of the Island would believe that they could be trusted. After all, leaking any information about the island was absolutely forbidden.

The ability that miss Tokugawa put on her resume was {Invisibility: One with Nature} it was, supposedly, an ability that makes her existence completely imperceptible.

However, that information was all a farce. A cover. She lied in her personal data.

Sweat beaded on her anxiety-stricken face and her expression was turning sour. She's in the net of my trap.

And to finish catching the mouse, I said, "Miss, your true ability was not Invisibility wasn't it? It was {Absolute Evanesce}."

Miss Tokugawa is a spy.

"Kuh! {Fade!}"

As soon as she heard the phrase {Absolute Evanesce}, she immediately activated it; her true ability. She disappeared all of the sudden, completely merging into the unseen. Knowing that she was completely exposed, she had no other choice than to escape. Not that I'll let her though.

Still, the {Absolute Evanesce} was a really troublesome ability. Not only it can completely erase the trace and aura of the holder, it can also make the user permeate to any cocreate object at will. It makes it an ability that was too perfect for stealth missions—well, such as this one. Truth to be told, I already encountered this ability many times before and I wasn't even able to find out who was the holder—to think it was miss Tokugawa herself. That really took us by surprise. Not even Jin was able to realize it. If not for miss Kyouka and some help from someone, things could get more awful.

Miss Tokugawa used her skill and once she activated it, no one would be able to find where she was. Yes, no one; by normal means, that is.

I closed my eyes and concertated my senses.

"{Shadow Manipulation: Void Projection.}"

As I said that, the whole rooftop went all black all of the sudden; all the shadows can be found at the area formed a cube that was as if imprisoning me.

If miss Tokugawa's ability can make her able to permeate to any kind of object at will, then all I need to do was to make sure that she cannot use her ability.


After what felt like a second, a blue trail traced all the corners of the cube—and with that Miss Tokugawa appeared in plain sight once more.

In a cube made with my ability, there was nothing but the two of us. A cube where not a single ability will activate. The Void Projection's "Dispelling Chamber."

"What did you do?!"

Miss Tokugawa yelled in panic and disbelief. She was unable to grasp the situation.

"Do you know, miss Tokugawa? Mana can be used as a canceller of one's ability. Once, when I was experimenting with my skill I accidentally canceled my own ability while doing so. And so, I came to the conclusion; a mana concentration that counters the other person's mana composition could be used to cancel each other by forcing each mana to collide. This cube was solely for that purpose. It was a concentration that forces our mana to collide."

"That… is impossible! That should be impossible!" Miss Tokugawa swipe her hand in the air as she yelled. Breaking was her cool demeanor.

"Impossible or not, now that we are in this situation proves that I am correct, no? But of course, it goes for both of us. As I seal yours, my ability won't work as well. Ehehe."

"Kuh...!" She gritted her teeth in frustration.

If she goes for the hand-to-hand combat, I'm confident I won't lose. So, what will her course of action be?

"Well, being able to make sure you can't get away from me was good enough. Now then, miss Tokugawa, what shall we do?"

Just as I finished talking, she immediately pulled something from her stockings. Her skirt flipped with her vigorous movement; a glimpse of her black laced-panties (thank you very much) as she took the item.

A blade?! Then she pointed it at her throat.

This idiot! She's trying to kill herself!

Seeing what she plans on doing, I put strength to my feet and rushed towards her in a flash. Maybe the fastest I did in my whole life!

Luckily what she has was a folding blade; thus, I was able to made it in the nick of time before she could stab her own neck.

"What the hell!? Are you insane?!"

I took both of her hands that held the knife and pinned her down on the cold floor of the rooftop; me straddling her. My hold on her arms was quite forceful. When I was surprised at what she planned on doing, I was not able to hold myself back. But thankfully with that, she lost the grip of her knife.

She's quite delicate and soft... She smells nice, too. No, that ain't it!

"What are you planning to do?!"

I questioned, my voice lined with agitation.

"Can't you see?! Killing myself! This will be better than being held captive by a person like you!"

"Don't you hate me a bit too much?!"

After declaring this clearly, she opened her mouth.

Now what the hell was this crazy woman plans on doing?!

As I was panicking with that thought, my hunch was perfectly correct. She intends to bit her tongue!

"Tsk! This stupid...!"

My hands are both busy so i don't have any more ideas on what to do.


I have no other choice, got it?! I was forced to do this, okay?! By no means I was aiming for this from the very beginning, understood?!

To avoid her from biting her own tongue—to prevent her from committing suicide for failing whatever mission she had—I've got no choice but to seal her mouth—to take her lips in mine. I kissed her… a bit forcefully so that she won't be able to... uh…uhm... Why... was I kissing her for again? My reasons left me.

She was stubborn, I tell you. Really stubborn. Very really stubborn! She was struggling super much that my lips started bleeding. And it was my first kiss, too! I didn't even think that my very first kiss would be from an adult beauty, and for minutes straight, to boot!

Yes, our mouth—lips intertwined for about a minute and a half. That long. That's just how stubborn she was. But after all those struggles, she stopped moving. He gasped for air. Her face flushed, and she looked that of really intoxicated. That went for both of us, that is.

She calmed down. Thankfully.

Being sure that she won't do anything stupid anymore, I released her slowly. Face flushed red reaching her crescent shaped ears, she turned away from me…

"You… beast." She muttered. Her voice trailed with both shyness and irritation. Her clothes were disheveled and her hair is a mess—some even got into her mouth.

That just shows how much she wriggled earlier. But looking at her now, it was as if I was being lured in by her. Seeing her like that forced me to swallow my breath.

She's steaming hot!

I cannot see my own face now, but I'm sure as hell how red it was. I can fell the heat rising to it.

"What the hell did you do that for?! You crazy woman!" I yelled at her. Something a student shouldn't be doing to his teacher. I still, I was at lost. Angered and puzzled by her own action.

"Are you planning to disgrace me even more?!"


"It would be best for me to die than be held captive by you, you perverted fool! Or are you aiming for my body all along?! I see! You must be! After all; all you do in my class was stare at my butt. So, this is what you were aiming for, huh?! Do it! So be it! You may take my body but my heart will never be yours!"

What the hell of a bunch of nonsense are you on about?! What the hell did you smoke?!

"You idiot of a woman! What the heck are on about!? No wait, you were aware that I was staring at your butt?!"

She was?!

"Of course, I am. You damned pervert!"

And then after saying that out loud, she sobbed, wailing like a child who dropped her ice cream before even tasting it.

"Uuuhh. And it was my first kiss, too. Uuuu."

"You say that after trying to commit suicide?! And just so you know… that was my first… uhm, kiss, too…"

That was my first. It was wasn't it? Somehow I'm not so sure.

She stopped weeping and glanced at me from below; eyes still wet from the tears she'd cried. She stared at me with a hell of disbelief or rather distrust? Come to think of it, I'm still straddling her.

"Liar." She said meekly as if she was pouting. What gives?!

"It's true! And here I was reserving it for something romantic!" I said protesting to protect my innocence.

"Don't say that! You damned pervert! Even I wanted my first kiss to be romantic!!!"

"I'm not a pervert!" I retorted. Then my eyes landed on her heaving-ho abundant of a chest. Wow, a mountain was a treasure in itself.

I gasped. Realizing my own foolishness. She stared a hole at me as though reading my inner thoughts.

Okay, sorry. I am a pervert. But, I... Okay, I have no excuse. I am indeed a pervert.

With her doubting eyes, all I can do was to heave a sigh...

Hey, come to think of it, they say that first kiss tastes like lemon? Well, ours tasted like blood! Not a sweet and sour taste of a lemon but an irony taste of blood.

I confiscated the knife. I got off her and release her hands.

Now then, what should I do with her?