
Hello guys! Minazuki_Keizo here!

I'm so very glad that I was reaching you through my work! Thank you very much.

Alright then, why am I making this announcement again? Oh, well...

I started writing this novel because I really need money. Ahaha. I thought that by writing one, I'd be able to amass an amount. But, well, that's quite hard and physically impossible.

Actually, dear readers, this book was a free version of it's official copy. There were actually two of this books here in the webnovel with the same tittle.

This one is fairly behind. The orginal and paid version was actually advanced on few chapters.

I will keep updating this story for free, no need to worry. But if you like (and pity this poor man's financial status) please support the official book as well. Ahaha.

That's all guys! And please leave a review as well if you like this one!

Thank you very much! Arigatou gusaimashita!