Chapter 27: Premonition of Trouble

They say that the essence of a school life lies beyond what can be learned during classes. This meant to say that one must experience everything while they can. Youthfulness and boldness build and opportunity, or so they claimed. Opportunity to improve; or maybe to grow. Or rather to snatch a romantic chance with opposite sex. Maybe they were pertaining to club activities? If so, then I'd really have no idea. I joined the 'go home club', after all.

Also, finding love through after school activities? Sounds like a huge scam to me.

The school ended up having no significant events, and the sky turned orange as the clock struck 6 p.m. Since most of the students had already left, the school's vast grounds are now practically deserted if not totally empty. I trekked at the entrance gate, accompanied by Claudia.

"No matter how you look at it, this isn't your normal Academy, is it?"

Claudia muttered to herself as she followed me from behind around the school's empty grounds. Her eyes would widen in amazement at every turn and her response varies depending on the scenery. For her, everything seemed brand-new.

We went through the numerous school buildings to the famed garden pavilion, the main gym, and then finally to the headmaster's office; which was actually where we intend to go in the first place.

"This really looks like a palace to me than an academy meant for the students to learn! Wow!" She cheered like a child. I saw her like this when we rode the train, but still, her childlike reaction always felt refreshing to the eyes. I smiled at her, looking over my shoulder.

"You seem really excited. Well, you're right, though. Everything here was built with an intention to show off the wealth of Saint Isle. Beautiful, ain't it?"

"Everything here is beautiful!" She beamed. Uwaa~I wanna pat her head. "I wish my lady Maria could have gone with us."

"Well, even if you say that…"

Actually, Maria was already awake. However, she appeared to be really frail; so, we agreed that it would be best to just let Claudia go to school this time so as to not put unnecessary strain on the lass. Later on, if Maria was already feeling better, Claudia can take the lead to tour with her instead.

Miss Elle had already made a lot of effort to get Maria back to health, but nothing proved to be successful so far. According to miss Elle, it was not a mana deprivation. And since Maria was not injured anywhere, miss Elle was at lost on what to do.

For now, Maria should get as much rest as she can, according to the opinion arrived at by miss Elle. Maybe her sluggish character for now was because of her exhaustion.

"I know~. But it was actually my fault that it turned out like this. If only I have been more resourceful, my lady would have not suffered." She gave a self-deprecating smile. Her eyes were unusually sad as she spoke. For a cheerful lady like her, it was a rare sight. So, as if by instinct, I suddenly grabbed for her head and gently patted her.

I'm not sure why I did it without thinking, I was surprised by my own actions as well; but, I just can't stand to watch her like that.

Claudia's body jerked, startled as my hand landed on what it was aiming for; her soft silky, golden-blond hair.

She stared at me in a mass bewilderment. Her cheeks steadily grew scarlet, and with her face slightly below mine, she glanced me an upward stare. In that angle, Claudia appeared even more alluring than normal. She seemed to be embarrassed, yet she never tried removing my hand from her head nor stopped me from stroking her.

Then, after what felt like a moment, she grinned with her expression transitioned to one of a sheer playfulness.

"W-what is this, Gleren. Taking advantage of the situation now, are we? Ehehe. You really do make women cry, don't you?"


Now that I think about it...! True, I frequently engage in this behavior when Sofy was depressed, but was such behavior acceptabtle with a woman of Miss Claudia's age. Isn't this simply an instance of sexual harassment?!

"I… I'm sorry. I was a reflex." I moved a step away from her.

"Ehehe. You really are a bad boy, eh? Or what, are you trying to make this pretty me fall in love with you, hm?"

"Ugh… spare me please."

Damn it… I messed up. I knew it. She's got me in her bag. She's teasing me relentlessly.

"Because if you do, then…"

Stop it. No really, stop blushing while cutting your sentence unfinished! It hurts my psychological health by much!

With such unfortunately (?) exchange; we've arrived at the headmaster's office.


"Pardon our intrusion."


After three knocks, the door opened from within and Miss Kyouka came to greet us. Miss Kyouka then led us inside. Jin was seated at his table inside the office with his hands clasped together and his chin resting atop of them.

"So, you have come." Not this farce again.

This idiot. He was intentionally letting out such intimidating aura again. He made it to be as though he was steaming with bloodlust and was giving off somewhat dark pressure. Sweat was clearly streaming down Claudia's cheeks as she stared at him with an anxious expression on her face. But it's amazing, actually. Those who doesn't know Jin would have collapsed on the spot if they were subjected to this much of his bloodlust. Claudia, though, remained steadfast. Despite appearing frightened, she maintained her gaze. She's exceptionally tough. Meanwhile, miss Kyouka just heaved an exasperated sigh.

"This again. Would drop it already, you idiot. We've got a guest." I said while tiresomely looking at his way.

"Kukuku. Kuhahahaha!"

"No really, stop it."

What the hell is this old man up to today?

I'm getting secondhand embarrassment here! Don't just laugh without any reason!

When he was done laughing for who-knows-the-reason what, he left his table and walked slowly towards us. He glanced at Claudia but he shifted his eyes on me almost instantly. Then,

"Glereeeeeeennnnn! I'm glad you finally come!!!"

"Geh! Get off me, you old rascal! We just met ultimately the othere day! I don't know what you did this time but I will never help you!"

"Noooo! Please, help me!!!"

As I thought. When he acts like way, it simply means that he done something wrong. He was on the floor clinging on my legs like a spoiled little girl. Except, the one doing it is an old man in his late forties.

"Y-you know each other?"

Now, even Claudia was looking bothered. The desirous look on her face was now blown away, but now she looked worried for a whole different thing.

"Ah, this man? He's the—"

"I'm his father-in-la—ouch! What was that for?!" I gave him a karate chop on the head.

"For forging misinformation! Anyway, Claudia, please take your seat first. This person is the headmaster, and uh, my uncle. I'll ask him something in the meantime."


Miss Claudia took her seat while having an expression on her face that says "Is this really going to be fine?"

I turned to Jin. He let go of my leg but he was still sitting on the ground.

"So, what did you do this time?"

"I did not do anything wrong! Why do you automatically deduct that it was my fault?"

"Well then, is it not?" I looked down on him and gave him an uninterested stare.

"W-well, it might be, but…"

"Then you're on your own. I don't wanna get involved with anything of your stupid stunts."

"Noooo. Don't abandon meeee!!!"

He clings to my leg once again. It was as if a soap opera when a man caught his wife cheating and now begging to not leave her. Except, once again, the one clinging to me was a rugged looking man—two metter tall in his late forties!

"Let me go, you're creeping me out!" I yelped.

"Dun wanna!!!"

"Enough with that baby way of talking, it's, like, ultimately gross! It's making me thow up! Besides, I don't even know the case, how will I be able to help?!"

"That's why I was saying that you should at least hear me out!"


"Ah… you're right…"

He has a point. I don't really want to get involve with his troubles, but I could at least hear him out.

"Mother wants to know how Reina and I were doing, so she was sending someone to come and look at our current situation."

"So? What's so bad about that? Just show them how you usually conduct yourself. It's not like you have something to hide, is it now? Oh, but do refrain with your stupidities."

"Why plural!?" She retorted. He sighed. "I know. That's fine, really. Inspections and all. The problem is… the one whom she intended to send."

Yamada Kiyomi, Jin's mother and my acting grandma, was a very rigid woman. She adores Reina too much but harsh to Jin in contrary. If grandma Kiyomi begins to scold Jin for even the smallest act of idiocy, he won't hear the last of it. Now I see why he was so insistent about this.

"So, who was it? The person that grandma would send?"

"It was…"

He frowned and showed a very serious expression. For him to show an expression like this… I unconsciously swallowed my saliva. Shoot, I'm ready for it.

"Yamada Karin. My little sister."

Holy sh—!

"You can't be serious! I will never get involve with this! No, absolutely not!"

Aunt Karin was the only person I don't want to have her bad side with. Better yetz I'd steer my way far from her. You know Reina? She's cute to be teased but when she's angry she goes as wild. But Aunt Karin, I tell you, was a woman with no "cute mode" at all! She's always at her wild mode!

No! Cut me some slack! Just remembering my training days with her makes me wanna burp!

Jin then said with his shaky voice, "If she caught me buying anime goods and stuffs, she'll tell mother about it… and do you know what would happen to our beloved anime stuffs if she caught me?"

I nodded rigidly. Like some valve needing some oil.

"I do."

Of course, I do.

"They will burn it mercilessly!"

We said in sync.

Ugh nooooo! I don't wanna get involved. I don't want to but…

"Gleren, if you help your poor uncle this time, I will give you a week worth of vacation. Yes, without any assignment or whatnot. Not only that, you know how the new goods are about to be released, no? I will give you a bonus for it and an additional allowance. How does that sound?"

"Deal!" I said without a hint of hesitation.

I stretched my hand and Jin took it with him. Looking from the sidelines, we seemed as if we were having a major deal that would decide the prosperity or dawn of a huge company. Except what we want to protect was anime and novels instead. Anime, manga, manhua and novels are weighing more heavily than life!

Yep. Let's not think about it for now. I get to rest and flir—ahem stay with my sister for a whole damn week. Praise be! But more than that…

Jin and I held each other' hands firmly like comrades in arms. And with a heartfelt determination, we both shouted, both arms hoisted in the air,

"Glory to animation! OOUH!!!"

I just realized how embarrassing it was when I heard Claudia and miss Kyouka say,

"Are they really okay. Should we call for help?"

"Just let them be, miss. They are always like that."

And with that, another trouble was certified to come.