Chapter 29: Maria's Enrollment

A quick question; what day was your absolute enemy? The answer for this question was no-brainer. It's gotta be Monday!

If you've got a better day to hate, let me in about it.

Days went by and it's already my most hated day. These past two days, Claudia manage to thank miss Elle and now had moved to their permanent residence here in Saint Stella; which was provided by the Academy itself. Things are smooth sailing on the other side of the river.

Meanwhile, here I am, slothing in my seat, yawning my sleepyhead away. Reason? I didn't get enough sleep again last night. That anime Jin lent me was absolutely interesting, I ended up watching it all-night. I was caught and got scolded by Sofy, though. Remembering the face she made when she saw me still on it while the time already turned another day… yep, terrifying!

Mondays are absolute worse. It's the nightmare for the office workers who'd wanted to laze for a longer amount of time—and the enemy of the students; thus, by extension, it was my fated enemy.

I was drained even before the day started. Man, how I hope no trouble comes my way this time around. Even since that Maria lass become known to me, I've nothing but trouble visiting. I already have a lot in my plate right now. Adding more would be a real hell to deal with.

Ah, speaking of trouble. That Maria's supposed to—!

As I try to reminisce something, the bell rang.

"Quite everyone. It's already time for homeroom."

Shinra entered moments after the bell reverberated it's annoyingly familiar sound. That alone was enough for me to raise my head and look in front of the classroom.

Hey, what's with that menacing stare?

Shinra stole a glance to where I was sitting before going straight to the podium. Is she annoyed about something? Come to think of it, I haven't been meeting with her since our first master-servant contract. Was this about that? Nah, I doubt the woman would ever wanted to meet me, the person who tied her into a forced contract, on her precious day off in the first place.

"Listen, you lot. I have two things to announce." She begun, voice tinged with annoyance as well. "First; its already a week since the school started, but we still don't have class representatives. That being said, we ought to have an election later."

I heard groans erupting. These guys really do hate responsibilities, eh? They began to complain just as soon as Shinra outed that. Well, I'm on the same boat, though. We're two peace in a pod. A bamboo of the same root. I don't want that position either. Sounds troublesome. Class rep? Yep, no way. Hard pass. There's the trashcan, you can toss it there.

"Silence! I said I have two things to announce, did I not?" Ugh... Why's she so antsy? "Lastly; we will be having a new student joining us in this class and a new assistant adviser. You may now enter." As if one cue, the door slid away to the side.

A new teacher? I was informed about Maria being a new student here, but a new teacher…? Wait is she the one that Jin was talking about? An infiltrator from enemy organization? —No. It's too dangerous to assume things without any basis. Let's just see to it before making any judgement.

As I was thinking this, my expectation was met with something I have not taken into account. As soon as the people on the other side entered the class, my vison was met with their long silver hair as well as the other's magnificent golden blond hair. As my classmates begun to fuss to the unusual sight, (the boys begun shouting in excitement and girls goes "Kyaaa! How beautiful!") my eyes went saucers in surprise and my face contorted into something I cannot describe. That Jin… He never told me about this!

"Come. Introduce yourselves."

—About Claudia being a teacher! Her? That clumsy child in an adult form? A teacher?! Are you sabotaging the standard of the academy?!—ah, oops, my bias again Claudia was making me perplexed.

Then the woman in question went to it. With an energetic voice, Claudia announced;

"Hello! My name is Claudia Asmodeus! A Beautiful woman who's mature and open minded and super awesome! I will be helping miss Tokugawa as her assistant. From now on, we'll be seeing each other everyday so please take care of me!"

What an energetic introduction. That's not how a teacher should introduce herself now is it? And that last line seemed directed to me, too. What mischief would she be thinking right now? She's smirking.

Never mind that, though. What matters more was the girl who stood next to her. She has been there the moment miss Claudia entered but there was no sound she'd ever made. Her face, sure it was beautiful, but it was void of emotion. Her eyes were glaring crimson, a beautiful scarlet that rather than intimidate, would entice the onlookers. The boys who celebrated with Claudia's appearance and introduction was silenced the moment of her turn. Their face turned red with the sight of her, and as soon as they met her eyes, they were enticed as if they were being pulled in by it. Even Dio was not an exception for this. What a terrifying creature that girl is.

It was already passed and overdue her introduction but she never spoke. She just stared at the class with such lambed eyes. She was as if a queen looking at her subjects. It was as though a moment dedicated to a praying session seeing how quite the room have become. Maybe not being able to stand the situation, Claudia leaned to Maria and whispered something to her.

Maria shifted her gaze from the class to Claudia. Her face remained unemotional, yet she squinted a little as if wondering about something. Then, when another moment had passed, she decided to speak.

"Maria Vlad Valentine."

It was just her name. She said nothing more

—yet the class went crazy with cheers from the sound of her voice. Even I could not believe it. It was as if an orchestra. For a moment there, I thought I was watching a performance in a play. What a beautiful voice that was. It was actually terrifying as it was terribly magnificent. Is that why she's hesitating to speak from the start?

But… how long will this class be cheering? They're really into it.

Hmm? That girl, is she looking at me? As I was thinking this, she, Maria, leaned to Claudia and whispered. I am not an ESPER so I don't know what she'd told her. But I have a bad feeling about it. A veeery bad feeling.

Maybe finishing what she was trying to say, she left Claudia's ears and returned her gaze to me. I see. So, it was not my imagination, huh? She really IS looking at me!

Please, no matter what, just don't cause me any trouble, okay? I'm begging you here. I've seen this pattern a lot in anime, but please don't do this to me. Spare me, please!

I pray with all my heart, but my pleading was never answered.

Ah… it's over. She's heading towards me. It's all over.

"For last time. I give thanks. Big help."

She held the hem of her uniform's skirt which suited her perfectly as if tailored just for her—and bowed gracefully just like how Elisha would usually do. Elegant and graceful. I only saw her in person that time I lend them help and I didn't get to have a closer look. But being face to face with her like this made me think—what a gorgeous person this girl really is.Terifyingly so.

However, I'm dead. Sofy's gonna kill me for this. Okay, attention; there was this girl who'd transfer to the class. That girl was so pretty that the whole room went crazy for her. Then she went to the most unpopular and mose hated boy in class—she bowed and gave her thanks for a very unknown reason. What do you make out of it? I give up.

See!? The class was making a huge fuss. I can clearly hear them say;

"Guh! Why him? A low rank like him?"

"Nooo, miss Maria, you shouldn't come near him. He'll tarnish your reputation!"

"He's a perverted person who would steal women's underwear!"

Well, I can't blame them though, after all what they were saying was the trut—?!

"Hey! Who said that last line?! Show yourself!"

What the hell?! I'm not that perverted! I will never steal a woman's underwear as long as it's not from miss Elle!

"Silence, fools! Enough with the chatter! We still have election to do."

"Ye-yes ma'am."

"Miss Valentine, you may take the open seat next to Stasis. Miss Claudia, you may take a seat at the side. You can observe the class from there."

Thanks to Shinra the ruckus died down. But why the heck is she glaring at me. More intense than before. Did I do something to earn her irk? I can't remember anything of such, though. But well, those eyes—it makes me a little bit excited. Eheh.

And that lass Elisha's looking more annoyed than usual. Why?

"Now let's proceed to the election. Who wants to volunteer as the Class representative?"

See? No one wants to bother; Or so I thought. But to my surprise, Elisha was raising her hands. Well, not so surprised, though. Given her attitude and her character.

"Alright, miss Courtenay. Since no one from your goofy class wanted to do things like this, you'll be the immediate class representative. Alright then, who wants to accompany her?"

No one raised a hand. Not a shocker.

"Geez. You could show a little enthusiasm about this, you know?"

Shinra held her forehead in dismay.

"Well, anyway, Stasis you do it."


You can't be serious!

"I dencline!"

"Nah. I won't be taking no for an answer."

She smirked grimly. Is this her way of paying me back? Remember this, Shinra. I'll get you back for thissss!

With my wails not being heard, I was made the male class representative and what's more… my partner was the grumpy princess Elisha. Wait, she looks excited about this, though? Why? Does being with a person she hates excited her? I don't really get what this lass is thinking.

More than that, in her first day of school, Maria became the hottest topic in the campus, together with Claudia; the hot newly hired English teacher.

As for me? Give me a damn break!!!