Prologue 0.1: The Interweaving Destinies

Hello there readers,

To all those true explorers that are here to read this prologue. Salute to your explorer's spirit for nat skipping directly to the first chapter.

Back to the topic. Now I know, these three prologues are quite boring to read. But, if you power through them, I guarantee 100% entertainment.

Warning though, these three prologues are indeed boring, even I as an author, fell asleep while reading them.

Be careful in your journey ahead, explorers. I am happy, just being that old man npc, who has the task of guiding you along the way.

Best of luck


Hellenic universe

In the timeless realm where Gods reside, beyond the reach of mortal eyes, there stood the hall of destiny. It was vast and ethereal, where the fabric of space was being woven by three divine sisters, representing fate of the mortals and the divines alike.

Clotho, the youngest, spun the wheels of fate. Her hands moving meticulously, as she wove the fabrics of space in the strings of fate that would become the lives of many divines and mortals. Her eyes sparked with the bright light of creation hinting at the birth of new sparks of lives across the skies.

On the other end of the hall sat Lachesis, her hands moved with practised precision gradually forming a rhythm, as she moved her rod determining the fate of all beings and measuring the length of their lifespan. She was at first glance mature, unlike her younger sister who was youthful, curious and energetic. Her divine aura gave off the feeling of practicality and fairness of her nature, forming a divine might that sorrounded her.

Between both the sisters stood the eldest of the three fates, Atropos. With a stern expression, she gave of the feeling of being an unquestionable authority, inflexible and unyielding. She swung her sword as she cut down some of the strings woven by her sisters, from time to time, without mercy. She was the determiner of death, deciding the fates at the end of all lives, showing no favouritism.

Today was supposed to be like any other, the three sisters continued their work as usual, determining the fates of the beings across the vast skies. The environment was tranquil as the sisters worked quietly. Yet the darkness loomed over, the fates could never escape the shadows of chaos, which was soon to come.

As Clotho weaved the strings of fate, an ominous wind blew over startling her. One of the many strings suddenly turned pitch black midway. "Sisters!" She called out, her expression turning grave. Her voice reverberated throughout the hall, grasping the attention of her sisters who were engrossed in their work. "An anomaly has appeared", she said, indicating them to look over. The expressions of both Lachesis, the middle, and Atropos, the eldest, turned solemn, as they examined the black string of fate with scrutinizing gazes.

"I too am unable to read this fate." Said Lachesis, as she moved her rod attempting to measure the length of the string. Her hands trembling, she said, "the fate of this mortal seems uncertain, it's beyond my understanding."

"Let me attempt to read into its cause", said Atropos, as her eyes turned dark blue in colour filled with divine light carrying with itself the aura of past and death. She connected to the river of time, attempting to pry into the past.

The atmosphere in the hall was solemn, as both the younger sisters looked at Atropos who was prying in the past waiting for her response, hopeful to gain some insights towards solving the mystery of the black string. But to their dismay, beads of sweats flowed down Atropos' forehead as she opened her eyes with pale and frightened expression.

Seeing their always stern and unmoved sister's miserable state, a bad premonition rose in their hearts. To confirm to their doubts, Atropos said "Chaos was everywhere, the loneliness and fright brought upon by the darkness of the world was unbearable. Beyond that was the light of hope at the end of the chaos that stretched endlessly. To look beyond the chaos needs to be paid with a insurmountable price. Thus the light of hope is ever unreached, so close yet so far away." She chanted subconsciously as if unaware of her sorroundings, before losing her consciousness.

The younger sisters panicked and ran over to their sister, their expression stern flashing with a trace of worry, both towards their sister and the fate that described by her. Lachesis took their sister to rest, disappearing from the hall into an unknown space, leaving still tense clotho to look after the black string and inform them of any changes, however subtle.

Indeterminate amount of time passed, yet there were no changes in the hall. Clothos who had calmed down a bit still had a slight panic on her ever youthful face, as she monitored the string not willing to move her eyes away even for a moment. Suddenly the black string started to hum and vibrate giving of an ominous sound, making the already panicked Clotho jump up in fright.

Just as she was about to communicate with her sisters she saw them coming over in hurry, each was more worried than the other. Atropos was not in her optimal state, but this ought to be enough at such a chaotic moment. Once again, the three fate sisters gathered before the string, observing carefully and wrecking their brains trying to draw possible conclusions.

Under their solemn gazes, the dark string started turning, intertwining with the other strings nearby and afar. As the strings intertwined their colour turned blood red regardless of weather they represented mortals or divine. The eyes of three sisters widened in dismay and terror, as it was obvious, what the blood red string of fate represented was unknown calamity leading to certain death.

Seeing the situation the sisters were alarmed to the extreme. They started to interfere with the fate attempting to untangle the dark string and reverse the order of fate, attempting to bring about the restoration of a peaceful future. But interfering with the fate isn't as simple as it seems, there is always a price to pay. As they attempted to accomplish what was forbidden, blood started to flow from their orfices, staining their beautiful faces red.

Faces pale, riddled with internal injuries they were left helpless, unalbe to change what was inevitable. They could only watch helplessly as the all the strings, weather from past, present or future, broken or unbroken, were slowly intertwined with the dark string filling the entire hall with blood red strings.

The hall of destiny was chaotic, the divine sisters lost control over the fate strings that filled the hall, making their hearts turn cold. The atmosphere became increasingly turbulent, gradually differentiating between the strings became increasingly challenging, as all of them started to gather in a ball, forming a disorderly yarn.

Seeing this chaotic scene Atropos, the eldest, steeled her resolve. Her eyes shone with the glint of determination, as she expressed her will to reenter the river of time to search for traces of the past. She was determined to pay any price that might come to know the truth, rather than watch the calamity befall all of the universe helplessly. This was not an empty resolve, it originated from the firm will to discern the past.

Listening to their sister's firm declaration, Clothos and Lachesis thought that she had lost her reason. Just the trace of past had caused her to fall unconscious, entering the past was synonymous to self destruction. What will the truth cost? Maybe her life, or maybe even that won't be enough.

Before they could rebuke their sister, she had already entered the state if observing the river of time, her eyes dark blue as her body was supported up by the sword that sunk into the ground, giving of the aura of death.

Atropos once again reached the endless chaos and darkness, seeing the familiar light of hope into an indeterminate distance she started to chase after it, determined to reach it no matter the cost. After what seemed to be an endless struggle, she was finally at the shore as she determinedly stepped into the light willing to sacrifice even her life.

In the hall of destiny, as Atropos stepped into the light her body flashed with a blinding light illuminating the chaos filled hall as her body disappeared without a trace. Tears welled in the eyes of Clothos and Lachesis, they knew their sister had sacrificed her life to pry in the past.

But the worst was yet to come, just her life was not enough. As Atropos vanished leaving her sword buried in the ground, the ground near it started to crack. The cracks spread in all directions, and a blinding light covering a cylindrical area sorrounding the sword, extending infinitely upwards, started to spread in all directions.

Sensing the danger, Lachesis, who was mature, immediately reacted. Knowing that they would definitely die if they touched the light, she communicated with the space beyond and tried to open a spatial gate connecting the hall of destiny to an unknown place. But to her horror the space seemed disturbed and the gate was extremely unstable.

She knew that both of them escaping together was impossible. As miserable as the situation was, she was still a divine being governing fate, she used her last bit of power to communicate with the fate.

Sacrificing everything but last bit of her life she divined an outcome, a trace of smile appeared on her deathly pale face as she threw the still confused Clotho into the gate, her last words, "Inform the Prophets of all allied universes, of the unprecedented disaster about to befall the three realms. You were the one chosen by the destiny, your efforts beyond this will influence the outcome of what is to come to greater extent than anyone can imagine. Your every decision will cause an unprecedented change in the wheels of destiny. Remember to always follow your heart and be unyielding towards what you think is the right, be more mature like your big sister."

Clothos could only watch helplessly as Lachesis' figure disappeared beyond the gate swallowed by the light. The door closed and she was left alone.


Hall of destiny

Within the chaos, the strings of fate continued to entangle, the yarn became more and more disorderly. Suddenly a golden light flashed within the yarn, as a single string struggled to untangle itself. The string turned golden, forming a stark contrast with the blood red sorrounding. Yet, it was never meant to be, as it was gradually swallowed by the chaotic strings, never to be observed again.

Outside the hall of destiny

The blinding light continued to expand, covering the entire island upon which the hall of destiny stood erect. To the horror of the other residents of the island, they to were enveloped within the light, their fates unknown. The only thing left was the void, desolate and eternal.


Within some unknown sterch of void

Here was once the hall of destiny, that towered high reaching the clouds moments before, but now was only ruins left in it's place. Everything within it seemed to have undergone the corrosion of time, death and decay was the only thing as far as the eyes could see. The strings of fate continued to interweave without supervision, still as chaotic as ever, forming a destiny unknown.

It was eerily quiet at this moment giving anyone who passing by the chills. There was no traces of life, only the stillness was left behind as the hall of destiny appeared in this unknown realm, it's fate obscure.