40. Changes

"System, can you hear me?"

[Initializing... waking up from observation mode... authentication check...]

[Here, here, the awesome system is here to assist the host.]

"Huh... Just as I thought. After all those awakening stones and that strange liquid those researchers used on me, you've grown quite a bit."

[Yoohoo, this awesome system can finally unleash its true functions. Stupid host, bow down to the might of this amazing creation of the world!]

"Ugh... You're more f*cking annoying than ever!"

[>~<||| hmph...]

"Wow, look at that! Your emotional reactions are much clearer than before. So, what other functions did you awaken? Say, what changes are there in me? And, and... what about the lil' egg?"

[Too... too many questions... Let's take it one at a time, shall we?]

"Yeah, sure."

[Let's start with my changes. I'm pretty sure you'll be surprised. Hehehe, maybe you'll even learn to respect me more after this...]

"Okay, let's go with... Wait, wait, wait... before all that, tell me what happened after I fainted on the battlefield?"

[Huh? When was that again?]

"You know, after that battle with the combined forces of both the Main City and the Black Market. I got shot down by that strange bomb. You were observing, right? I definitely know you were, don't dare lie to me..."

[So, you were awake the whole time before that? Then why did you cause so much chaos? Look where we are because of your stupidity...]

"Ugh... It's not like I wanted to do anything. I just couldn't control myself; it was like the body moved on its own... though the power boost at that time felt really awesome, hehehe..."

[Shut up!]


[After you fainted, they wrapped you in some bag and locked you in a special mechanical vault...]

"Oho, oho, and then?"

[And then... since you were locked inside, I couldn't observe outside. So, I don't know what happened after that.]

"F*ck! So useless! What's the point of you updating at all?"

[...The update came only after we arrived here at the lab. I was just a primitive little system back then. But now, if you get decimated and locked up again, I can definitely watch the show from both inside and outside. Hehehe, am I a truly awesome system or what?]

"F*ck off!"

"Soo... what changes are there in me?"

[Let me check... Processing host information... Tadah, here's your latest data...]

[Name: Sid Shoka

Age: 19 years

● Faction:

Divine – (-500)

Nether – (000)

Level: 8 (3110/7200)

HP: (123/200)

MP: (115/115)

STR: 22

STA: 20

DEF: 19

AGI: 16

INT: 23

● Talents:

Unpredictable Luck (Innate)

● Skills:

1. Omniflux (Innate)

(1. Your body has great flexibility, allowing you to adapt to any situation.)

(2. ???)

2. Death Curse (B)

3. Limit Break (A)

4. Forest Combatant (C)

5. Parallel Thinking (S)

6. Rulebreaker (Unranked)

7. Extreme Regeneration (Proficient)

8. Parasite (Initiate)

● Resistances:

1. Pain (A)

2. Mana (A)

3. Physical (C)

● Equipment:

1. Prison Rag (+0)

● Quests:

1. Skill Quest (Omniflux) – Progress 20%

2. The Watchful Eye

3. Wrath of the Divine

● Title:

1. Maverick

2. Slayer

● Inventory: (04/10)

1. Skill Stone

2. Experience Scroll

3. Bear King's Hide

4. Club of the Valiants]

"Ohhh... so much to look at. What's all this? And look at that long list of skills... so awesome. System, summarize it as briefly and as quickly as possible."

[Sure, sure...]

[First, the factions. You've earned a whopping negative five hundred favorability from the Divine Faction.]

"The hell! Why?"

[Well, since you destroyed one of their mystic realms and killed one of their divine incarnations in cold blood, it's only inevitable they'd be unhappy... what else did you expect?]

"Ugk... Just tell me, how will this affect my development? Don't hold back on my account... (T_T)"

[Best case, you won't be able to join the Divine Faction.]

"Huff... that's a relief. If nothing else, at least I can still join the Nether Faction."

[I said, BEST case. Yours is definitely the worst case, though.]

"What? What's the worst case? Are they going to hunt me down or something?"

[No, they're not that free. But all Divine Factions related to Jambhvan and Rama will definitely have negative favorability towards you, possibly targeting you if you ever meet.]

"Shit! That's worse. How am I supposed to distinguish them from normal people? What if they backstab me in a crowd?"

[Don't worry! Most of Rama's followers are valiant warriors. The chances of a sneak attack are minimal.]

"Well, that's a bit better... Ah, whatever, forget it. So, what are my new awesome abilities?"

[Congratulations! You've discovered one of your innate skill's abilities, making your Skill Quest progress 20%.]

"Hmm... let's see... So, what's this adaptability? What uses does it have?"

[It's just as the description says—you can adapt to various situations with ease. Your stable mental state and Parallel Thinking skill are results of your adaptability to your unstable second personality.]

"Got it. I can change between that form and my sane self. Though if I got it correct, adapting takes time depending on the specific difficulty, right?"

[Yes. As we all know, your rampage went on for quite a while before you could adapt.]

"Cough... So, what are these new skills? Tell me! Tell me!"

[Certainly... Here's the next skill...]

[Skill: Forest Combatant (Acquired)

Grade – C

(Due to strict training, you can easily adapt to combat in any forest environment.)]

"Huh, that's simple enough. I should've gotten it while training in the Vanara camp. What about the other one? It's S-rank, right?"

[Yes! Here's the data...]

[Skill: Parallel Thinking (Acquired)

Grade – S

(1. Greatly increases your comprehension and memory.

2. Allows you to divide your mind into two, processing two things simultaneously.)]

"Hahaha, am I awesome or what? So cool... What's next?"

[Here's your next skill...]

[Skill: Rulebreaker (Title Skill – Maverick)

Grade – Unranked

(1. You are no longer bound by the world's rules.

2. With pure effort, you can gain additional attribute points.)]

"Ahem... So system, what's it saying?"



[Hmph... So you do know how to ask for help after all. Alright, since you're so sincere in your plea, I'll enlighten you...]

[The Rulebreaker skill allows you to gain stat points through training, not just leveling. Look at your stat points, they've already surpassed the normal 80 points level limit.]

"Oh, yeah! My stats are definitely beyond 80. Hehehe, guess I didn't notice before..."

[Are you sure it's just that you didn't notice?]

"Ahem... Of course, I just forgot to pay attention. No need to look too deeply into it..."

[Then what's the actual total of your stats? Please do tell me...]

"Ugh... Let's see... hmmm, hmmmm...."


"...99, 100. Yep, definitely 100, hahaha..."

"See, system, I'm not as stupid as you think. Bwahaha... Forget that, what's important is that I didn't even train. How come my stats are so high?"

[Well, it's because of your monster form. After all, it's extremely strenuous, especially that overdrive mode, using mana to gain extreme physical enhancement and your super healing ability.]

"I see, I see.... But, isn't this skill a bit too broken? With it, I can accumulate as many attributes as I want and become invincible even at the lower levels, hahaha..."

[In theory, yes. But remember, this skill only allows you to gain extra attribute points, not to add them beyond the limit of your level. You still need to level up.]

"Huh? That's... ugh, it's so damn annoying. Why so many restrictions?"

[It's actually quite necessary. Skills are, after all, derived from the world's laws, and you can't break those laws. There's always a price to pay for gaining anything.]

"F*ck! What the hell kind of gibberish did you just say? I don't understand it at all..."

[Hmm, if you think about it, it's actually rather complicated, especially since we are talking about you... Ahem. Anyway, don't forget you still have the Limit Break skill. It can increase your attribute points' upper limit.]

[With both skills combined, you might not gain infinite points at lower levels like you wanted. But you can definitely accumulate enough to overpower someone a few levels above you.]

"Ohhh... right. Whahahaha... I totally forgot about that skill. Guess it's not so useless anymore. I'm truly awesome, aren't I? Even such a useless skill can shine in my hands, bwahahaha..."

[...Well, there are still two skills left to explain... but you're already familiar with Extreme Regeneration, right?]

"Huh? Oh, it's Extreme Regeneration. Hehehe, it's the skill I've relied on the most in my monster form. Without it, I'd have definitely died a hundred times over."

"...Wait, how come I can see this skill in my personal skill column? It was definitely in the pet's skill column the last time I checked. And wait, where the f*ck is the pet column anyway? System, what's going on?"

[Well, that's what I wanted to explain... Remember in the Mystic Realm, when Jambhvan attacked you and broke your skull? Actually, the mysterious egg got destroyed in the process... and, well, it died.]