
[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Have you read Sakamoto Days?

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I'm Reading it for this Fanfic:


Toji P.O.V.

I walk on the street as I get lost in my thoughts.

What the hell is going on?

There are no curses.

I found it strange that the inventory curse didn't radiate cursed energy.

Usually, I could see cursed spirits, but ever since I left the lab and museum, I haven't seen a single cursed spirit or felt cursed energy.

Based on the fact that I can't see them and I can't feel the cursed energy of the inventory curse...


I lost my ability to sense curses.



I feel as strong as ever, but losing that ability pisses me off.

Ever since I woke up, I learned that I can interact with curses, but I shouldn't be able to see them.



I throw up the inventory curse, and a small purple ball appears in my hand.

Then why can I see this curse?


Things aren't adding up, and I hate not knowing things.

There is something weird about the people that I've seen.

It is like they are soulless and can only speak basic sentences.

I turn my head toward a family, looking at a kid staring at a building.

He points at the top of the tower. "Look, Dad, that is a really tall tower."

The father nods. "You're right. That is a tall tower."

A woman walks over to them both with a neutral face. "Let's go eat some food."

(A/N - "If you have never read Sakamoto Days, the bystanders and pedestrians have literally no personality. The assassins are the only people who react to anything.")

What happened in the six years that I've been gone?

I look down at my clothes and sigh.

These clothes aren't practical for fighting. If I'm going to start killing again, I will need to get something better to move in.

I've got to make money and am not good at anything else.

Plus, it pays well.

Getting any other job would be tough, considering that I don't have an identity.

It's not like I can be a random cashier.

Being born in the Zenin clan made things weird for me, especially because I was an unwanted clan member.

My thoughts get broken as I see a department store a few blocks away.

Speaking of clothes.


Department Store


Who knew that a simple elevator attendant would radiate so much bloodlust?

I'm invisible to nearly everyone, but it's hard to hide my presence in a cramped elevator.

I give her a side glance. "Before we get started, do you want to get out?"


She reached into her pocket where a concealed pistol was kept.


Faster than she could pull out the pistol, I grabbed her wrist, broke it, and threw her on the elevator floor, keeping her arm pinned so she couldn't move. 

She was facedown on the ground. "How did you know!?"

I gave her a neutral stare. "You're an amateur. Now then, why did you attack me?"

The lady scowled. "You're an assassin, right? Were you sent here by the JCC?"

My eyebrow raises. "JCC?"

She turned her head to the side. "If you aren't with them, that means you must be after the Steel Dragon."

I give her a deadpan stare. "Lady, I just want some clothes."

She blinks. "Eh?"

I use my free hand to facepalm. "Isn't this a department store?"

Her head tilted to the side, but it didn't fully work, given she was pinned. "Yeah, it is. You didn't know this place is run by assassins?"


The elevator reaches the second floor. "Of course not. Since when did assassins have a club? I've never heard of this place."

She looked slightly shocked that I let her go, but it would be annoying. I'd rather grab a few things and get out of here instead of fighting through a group of assassins.

Standing up, I let go of my hold. "Stay here. I don't like killing women if I'm not paid for it."

I can't help but be reminded of when I killed the Star Plasma vessel.

It was business.

Even if I tell that to myself, I know that I should be in hell.


No use thinking about the past.

I leave the elevator, not waiting for the woman's response.





I hear the sound of a hammer being pulled back, preparing to fire.


I vanished from my position, and before she could pull the trigger, I snapped her neck.

What a waste of time.

Leaving the woman in the elevator, I walk out into the clothes section, conveniently labeled.

I browse momentarily before coming across a short-sleeved black sports shirt and tan training pants.

As expected of an assassin's department store. They even have training pants.

A malicious smile appears on my face.



I feel right at home since I'm wearing my fighting uniform.

Unfortunately for the store, I don't have money.

The good news for me is that for people to be able to see me, they have to have heightened senses and extreme concentration or be in a condensed space with me.

I'm not a huge fan of stealing, but I can always return when I get back into the business.

I should probably get something more casual.

Having a single set of clothes would make me seem homeless.

Well, I guess I am, but hopefully, that'll change soon.

I already have the inventory curse, which contains my arsenal. The problem is, I have no idea if everything is still inside it.

My eyes narrow.


I take notice as people start to swarm the floor, four being in my general vicinity.

It was quicker than I thought. And they are assassins as well.

The attempt to hide it is horrible. All amateurs.

They will eventually see me if they search the area.

A small smile appears on my face. "I was planning to see if my weapons were in the inventory curse."



The inventory curse expanded and curled around me as if it knew it was time for a fight.

I reach into the mouth of the curse.



I pull out the split-soul katana as saliva drips off of the blade.

Good, it's still here.

One thing bothered me: why does it feel...empty?

I've lost my ability to sense cursed energy, but something is different with the katana.

Like it was a normal katana.

Whatever, I'll think about that later. First things first, let's take out these assassins.

I don't go out of my way to kill people for fun. However, it is fair game if they are here to find and take me out.


I disappear from my previous spot.


The first man, who has a beanie and sunglasses, gets his head sliced off.


Jumping from the previous position, I cut another in half horizontally.


The next vertically.


The last gets his head pierced.


Alright, I'll get some casual clothes later.

Time to bail.

A voice speaks. "You're pretty fast. The question is, are you faster than me?"

I glance behind me.

You've gotta be shitting me.




Just let me get some fucking clothes.