The Students

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Is Wormy 4d?




Department Store: 3rd P.O.V.

Kindaka smiled. "For your first mission, you are going to take me to a hospital!"


The room went silent.

A tick mark appeared on his face. "Who the hell do you think you're ordering around?"

His smile turned into a smirk. "A worm-eating, broke, homeless punk."

Toji was about to retort but closed his mouth once he realized it was true.

He gave Kindaka a deadpan stare. "You can crawl."

He started walking away, making Kindaka genuinely worried. "Wait a second!"


Toji had a malicious smile on his face as he picked Kindaka up by the back of his shirt. "You want me to carry you around?"



He threw up the worm.


Kindaka's face paled. "You don't mean..."

Yes, Toji did, in fact, come up with an 'effective' method of travel.

Toji finished his sentence. "Moving you using the curse."

Looking at the inventory curse, Kindaka couldn't help but throw up a little in his mouth. He didn't know what a curse was, but whatever it was, it sure looked cursed to him.

It was a hairy baby worm thing that the kid liked to eat for some reason. He didn't want to know what was actually inside the worm, let alone travel in it.

He knew Toji had weapons in the worm but had no idea what else he could have stored in it.

Kindaka started panicking. "Take responsibility! You were the one who made me end up like this!"

Toji's eyebrow raised. "Responsibility? Can I buy something with responsibility?"

All he received was a returning deadpan stare.


Toji drops Kindaka on the floor.

A muffled voice speaks on the ground. "I hate you."

He crossed his arms. "We are business associates, not friends."

Toji made sure to keep his assassin contacts separate from his personal life. He created a barrier even though he didn't have a personal life.

Shiu Kong was Toji's closest thing to a friend. He kept Shiu Kong at a distance, not even having a drink together after a long mission.

However, Kindaka was no Shiu Kong.

He was just an idiot.


Elsewhere in the Department Store

Four teenagers stood in an elevator...

With a dead woman who had a snapped neck.

A teenager with grey hair spoke. "Looks like someone got here before us."

Taro Sakamoto is the current strongest student assassin due to his ability to use terrain and the surrounding objects to his advantage. He can use almost anything as a weapon, which always gives him an option for tools when killing.

Even things as small as credit cards can be used to kill someone.

Another teenager with green hair looked irritated. "I just hope that Steel Dragon guy is still alive. This is stupid...Sakamoto is the one who destroyed the train."

Rion Akao is a new-age assassin born with The Paths, a unique set of eyes that allows users to see the most effective way to kill something by following thin lines to their target.

Their visual senses are also enhanced to a high degree, allowing for precision and analytical skills.

The perfect set of eyes for an assassin.

The black-haired teenager smiled. "But wasn't it fun?"

Second to last, Yoichi Nagumo is a master of disguise. He can change his outfit near-instantly to throw off his opponents. Short, tall, male, female, short hair, long hair, he can change them all in a split second.

In his own words, he believes deception is the key to killing. 

The fourth teenager had empty eyes. "It won't be fun when you three get expelled."

Kei Uzuki is a fairly mysterious assassin. He doesn't show off his abilities and keeps to himself. While talented, he rarely expresses emotion.

One thing that isn't currently known is that his full potential rivals the strongest assassins in the world, even surpassing them.


Rion raised an eyebrow. "Who are you again?"

He responds in a monotone voice. "Uzuki."

She smiled. "Alright."

It went silent for a moment.

Rion continued. "Anyways, the train was fun, Nagumo! Hey Sakamoto, are you going to do some shopping with the JCC's card?"

Sakamoto squinted and looked at the credit card. "You can buy things with this?"

The three other teenagers, including Uzuki, gave him a strange look.


The elevator opened to an interesting sight.

Rubble and blood all covered the second floor.



The entire left wall fell over.


Rion blinked. "Does the mission count as complete if someone else killed the guy before we did?"


Nagumo put his hand on his chin. "What happened here? 

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the middle of the department store. "NOOOOOOO!"




All four of them, including Uzuki, go to the handrail to investigate the strange noise.

They see...


A bloodied man getting eaten by a purple worm.


Kindaka pleaded for mercy. "You want money, you punk!?"

The worm stopped as Toji put his foot on top of it.

Rion leaned over the handrail to see the surreal scene that someone would only see in the darkest depths of the internet.

Sakamoto's right eye twitched. "What the hell is that thing?"

Nagumo pulled out a picture labeled Steel Dragon. "Facial bones match. That guy getting eaten is our target."

Toji glanced over to the four of them, including Uzuki.

Nagumo leaned on the handrail with a wide smile. "Uh oh, looks like we were spotted."

Sakamoto grabbed his left shoulder. "The assassin already took care of the Steel Dragon. Let's take this guy out and get this over with."

While the others were preparing to jump in, Rion's eyes narrowed.

Something was strange. Her eyes had never done this in the past.

Toji, or the homeless-looking man standing in the middle, was weird in that her paths weren't acting normal.

The pathway is leading towards her.




'It's the pathway to me getting killed.'