Transfer Exams?

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Hyo was the bum of the Order but still kinda cool.


JCC Transfer Exams: 3rd P.O.V.

Every year, the JCC holds the Transfer Exams, a test to join the future generation of assassins.

Some of the most accomplished assassins graduated from the JCC, making it a desirable learning place.

The JCC exam isn't like any regular exam; it changes yearly and is a test for assassins.

While participants can take it multiple times if they fail, there is a high likelihood of death if one takes the exam or enters the JCC.

There is a 90% death/quit rate among the students—only 10% graduate.

This year, the exams will take place on a boat.

Given that the JCC is on a remote island, there are only a few ways to reach it.

Usually, they would wait for results after completing the test, but this year was different.

Each participant had to attend the exam, thinking they would pass and make it to the island. 

The requirement of passing this year was to reach the island...


There are exemptions to the exams if a student is recommended and talented enough to skip them.

Only a select few people get this privilege since they must be in the top 0.1 percentile or have very tight connections with influential JAA members.

Under normal circumstances, Toji would fit this criteria as an Order member and having access to a recommendation letter from Kindaka.


Toji's eyes narrowed as he stood in line to board a boat. "This sucks."


Kindaka wanted to be a dick.


Toji P.O.V.


Readjusting the bag over my shoulder, I speak out loud. "I'm going to kill Velcro."

At least I finally got something other than my training clothes.

Velcro gave me a few sets of long black pants, a baggy black shirt, and a white sweater as casual clothes.

I was currently wearing the white sweater.

There isn't much I need since the inventory curse carries most of my tools.

I'd rather not have a nylon bag in the same place as thirteen daggers and four swords.

I should be able to get more of my things when I get to the island, but who knows how long this stupid thing will go on?

The only reason I'm here is because of that payout. I'm definitely on the JAA's bad side, but I couldn't care less.

Alright, I'm done waiting in line.

I casually walk to the front, nobody noticing me.

Weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, and weak.

Nobody is nearly at the same level as the other guys I've seen. I guess it makes sense, but it's disappointing.

After arriving at the stairs, I move but stop when I hear a voice to my left. "You can't skip the line, asshole."

I glance behind me and see a grey-haired kid that looks like he's around 14-15.

Well, I wasn't trying too hard.

He isn't strong, so it's impressive that a kid noticed me.

The last time a kid did that...

A small smile appears on my face. "What's your name, kid?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Huh? It's Gaku. Now go to the back of the line, old man."

However, I jumped from the dock to the side of the large boat, about the size of a container ship.

My smile widens. "See you on the island, kid."

His response was a middle finger.

This trip might not be as boring as I thought.


A few minutes later, everyone boarded the ship.

The exams are annoying as is.

At least this trip will double to get to the island.

I'll need to 'visit' Velcro after this whole thing ends, although the 20 million I received was pretty good.

Unfortunately, the JAA was strictly against the upfront payment, so it was split into 20 million upfront, 30 million after a week, and the rest after a month.

I guess this does make things more interesting.

Killing randoms for money was starting to get boring.

Funnily enough, I've never been to a school before. Everything was either self-taught or something I picked up from experience.

The Zenin clan couldn't give a damn about me.

My thoughts are interrupted when an announcement plays: "All participants, make your way toward the front of the boat."

Well, I better listen to figure out what is going on.


3rd P.O.V.

After a few minutes, around thirty people could be seen grouped together

An ordinary man in a suit stood on top of a stage near the boat's edge.

He spoke into a microphone. "Welcome to the JCC Transfer Exams. This year is quite different from the usual exams. Due to the current shortage of assassins, all assassins that remain alive at the end of the trip will be admitted into the institution."

Everyone looked skeptical since most people wouldn't want to take the chance that they would die if they attacked another contestant.

However, someone raised their hand. "Does a participant get anything if they kill other participants?"

It was Gaku.

Everyone looked pissed as some kid thought he could take on some of the 'veterans' that have taken the exam multiple times.

Some mob spoke in the front of the group. "Courting death!"

While others were planning on killing Gaku, two people stood near him.

One was a woman named Kumanomi, and the other was a man named Haruma.

Both of these people were from the Al-Kamar orphanage.

The speaker had a small smile. "Of course. I almost forgot to tell you..."


"Only five participants must remain by the time we reach the island."


Someone from the middle of the crowd spoke up with a wide smile, alarming the people around him since they weren't aware of his presence. "Or what?"

Usually, Toji wouldn't make his presence known, but after scouting the entire ship, he found only one person notable in raw strength.

The speaker's smile only widened. "We'll forcibly lower the numbers."

With that sentence, a tall man with spiky hair and a metal chin appeared on stage.

It was Hyo.




Every established Order member was well known. 

Toji shook his head with a smile.

Hyo narrowed his eyes, but then he saw the man he recently met in the hospital.

Toji Fushiguro was the man who effortlessly countered him and was fast enough to perception blitz him.

He started sweating. "*Ahem* I suggest you start killing."

However, his thoughts were racing. 'Why is he here!? Isn't he in the Order!?'

Because Kindaka was petty, he sent one of the strongest assassins into a group of novices, some of whom had failed the test multiple times and couldn't even become first years.

Toji shrugged. "Well, might as well get this over with."

Everyone froze since everything was so sudden.

As if it were a bell, everyone turned toward Toji and Gaku since he and Gaku were the top participants to kill.

Toji vanished.


In the blink of an eye, 4 participants had their necks turned 180°.


The next person had their chest cave in as Toji's fist nearly went through his stomach, sending him flying through a group of people.




After that, it turned into a massacre. Nobody stood a chance, and it only took seconds for people to turn around and start running away.

Gaku, Kumanomi, and Haruma eliminated the competition on the other side of the group, gunning for them after realizing that fighting Toji was useless.

10 Seconds Later

Gaku, Kumanomi, Haruma, and Toji were the only ones standing.

Twenty-six bodies, all with horrifying injuries, lie dead.

Toji looked down at his sweater. "Damnit, I should've gotten a red one."

The speaker from earlier was hiding behind Hyo, who was still sweating.

Toji smirked as he glanced toward the group of three teenagers.

Kumanomi stood in front of Gaku. "I don't care who the fuck you are. You aren't going to lay a finger on him."

Toji held his chin and pondered for a moment. "I did say I'd see you on the island. Meh, I'm bored. I don't feel like killing a bunch of kids today."

Primarily because he wasn't getting paid for it and the Gaku kid interested him.

Gaku started sweating as well. "*whisper* I called that guy an asshole, flipped him off, and called him an old man?"

With that, Kumanomi turned to the speaker and raised an eyebrow. "Why would you only allow five people to get on the island if you are running short on assassins?"

He blinked. "Eh?"

Haruma facepalmed. "Are all of these representatives idiots?"

Hyo smiled briefly as he left the front and made his way back to his room, not saying another word.

He was happy to be alive.