Japan Clear Creation

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Who wins in a fight to the death?

An Entire Preschool:



Toji P.O.V.

It didn't take long for the clown to leave me alone, finally.

I still can't get over how weird these people are. Their personalities aren't fit for assassins, but they can get serious when it comes down to it.

I'm just hoping this isn't what everyone is like at the JCC.

It was somewhat reassuring that nearly all ages are accepted if they can pass the transfer exams.

I'd be even more pissed if they had me sit in a room of toddlers for a month.

Anyway, I have two goals for coming here.

Get information about this place and stay for the month to fulfill the contract with the JAA.

The 'classes' will be a waste of time, so I should focus on anything worthwhile.

I don't need anyone telling me a bullet to the head kills someone.

I've already been doing this for years, and I'm good at it.

Although, who knows if I could pick something up during my time here?

A small smile appears on my face as I spot an island.

I mutter out loud. "Looks like we're here."


Deboarding the ship, I grabbed my bag and hung it over my back.

It didn't take long for us to reach the large island.

I made sure to take note of the island's defenses.

The island was built with air travel as the main source of travel, making a large portion of it look like an airport.

In the middle was a large building, most likely the school.

To finish it off, surface-to-air missiles were ready to be fired.

Damn, it looks like they are serious about keeping this place secure.

Even though Hollow Eyes was the brother of an executive, I still find it weird that he was able to infiltrate this place.

With the island's placement, to the missiles and cameras, I haven't seen a single place that isn't covered or secure.

I'll need to explore more, but it's still very interesting.

I can't help but smirk at the thought of the reason they want to keep this place so safe in the first place.

I'm going to get more information here than from Velcro's connections.

The JAA is bound to have something stored here, so I'm banking on that being the case.


I look at the small purple ball. "Maybe I'll figure out what you're doing here too."


Swallowing the curse, I give a small smile.

Otherwise, I'm going to be bored for the entire trip.


3rd P.O.V.

Everyone who deboarded the ship was separated from one another, aside from Gaku's group.

One of the JAA officials who traveled on the ship walked to the front, clearly nervous. "Welcome to the JCC. I'll, uh, be your tour guide."

However, he was ignored by Kanaguri as he walked past him, holding his camera, filming the campus.

The official moved to put his hand on Kanaguri's shoulder. "Hey, you can't film her-"


Kanaguri, with murderous eyes, swung a Director's clapboard toward his neck.


Someone appeared in the middle of the group and grabbed his arm before he could kill their tour guide. "Fighting between students and staff isn't allowed."

Toji had a wide smile. "Now, who might you be?"

An old woman with medium-length black hair narrowed her eyes slightly but gave him a closed-eye smile. "I'm Etsuko Satoda, but you can call me Satoda-sensei. I've got to ask, are you all the new transfers?"

Kumanomi spoke for the entire group with her arms crossed. "Yeah, we just got here. That freak has been causing too many problems."

Kanaguri scowled as Satoda held his arm. "None of you have class. Let go of me, woman!"


With one fluid motion, Satoda flung him upside down.


He fell on his face. "Follow the rules, and we won't have any issues, young man."

Everyone, including Gaku, had a small smile at the annoying Kanaguri getting his ass whooped by an old lady.

Haruma spoke his one-liner: "You know what they say: 'Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.'"

Satoda let go of Kanaguri's arm, covered her mouth, and laughed. "I'm not that old."

However, she wasn't very convincing.

She shook her head. "In any case, you all should get going. I have a class to teach soon."

The atmosphere returned somewhat to normal as Kanaguri stood up and shot a glare at her.

With that, everyone started walking with the guide.

Satoda tilted her head with a smile. "That reminds me. I'd like to speak with you, Toji. Don't worry, I can show you around the campus. Come on, walk with me."


Toji P.O.V.

After separating from the group, I follow Satoda side by side.

It is silent for a minute until she speaks. "You must be the person they sent from the Order, Toji Fushiguro."

I smirked. "So, that's how you knew my name. Are you in the Order?"

She turned to me with a neutral expression. "No, I turned down their offer. I like teaching much more. I've retired as an assassin."

I tilt my head to the side. "Is that even possible for people in our profession?"

She sighed. "Probably not, but I try to keep away from it. Now then, more about you. You're strange. You don't have any presence. It's like you're invisible."

The 'invisible man'.

It turns out that I gained the same nickname here, although the movie freak started it.

I stretch my arms. "Yeah, I've been called invisible before."

She kept looking forward. "It's how I could tell you were the one from the Order attending here for a little while. That kind of skill isn't the level of a teenager. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

Hmm, how old am I again?

I put my hand on my chin. "I'm not sure. It seemed pretty useless, but I should be around 23 to 24 if I had to guess."

(A/N - "It's unclear how old Toji was when he died, but given that Megumi was three years old when Toji died (2006), and canon started in 2018, it can be assumed that he was in his early to mid-20s. Megumi was 15 at the start of the story.")

Her eyes widened slightly. "Huh, I thought you were younger."

Ah right.

I forgot that my body reverted to when I was in the Zenin clan.

Reverted might've been the wrong term, but my body is younger.

I just shook my head. "Anyway, what are you going to show me?"

She smiled at me. "We're going to see a familiar face."

I give her a deadpan stare. "I hate surprises."

We arrive at the end of the hallway, which has a door.


Satoda opened the door, revealing two people, one of whom was familiar.

A student with a white shirt and a familiar old man.

She speaks. "The student is Shishiba, and the grumpy old man is..."




"Satoru Yotsumura."