Class Dismissed

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Satoda deserved better.

She was so wholesome.


With Satoda: 3rd P.O.V.


A blade flew over Satoda's head as she ducked.

Nakamura smiled broadly as he blindly swung the blades on his hands, attempting to dice Satoda in two.

He let out a maniacal laugh. "Come on! Show me what you got! If you don't attack, you're gonna die!"

Satoda's pencil would be useless against his blades, but assassins only needed a single decisive strike to end the fight.

She frowned as she jumped backward, avoiding a cross slash.

Nakamura sighed as he didn't pursue her. "This is annoying. It's like I'm swinging at a fly that won't die."

While he was monologuing, Satoda was thinking about their exchange.

Her eyes narrowed. 'He doesn't just have those blades. His reactions are unreal.'

Whenever she thought she had an opening, he quickly closed it before she could move in for a strike.

However, something, or rather, someone, worried her.

The man leaning on the pillar, watching the fight.

Dealing with Nakamura is rough, so who knows what will happen if the other one joins?

Satoda flipped the pencil so the grip was pointed in the opposite direction. 'This is bad. If I don't take care of these two here and now, they will go after the students. I need something other than a pencil.'

Nakamura shrugged. "Well, whatever, I'll cut you eventually."

His smile reappeared on his face as he jumped toward Satoda.

However, she jumped back up on the second floor, to his surprise, instead of engaging him.

A tick mark appeared on his head. "Nah, you aren't running away!"

Turning her back, she grabbed something off the ground.

He swung at her neck, aiming to cleave her head off. 'Got her.'



A pencil lodged in his eye as she threw it behind her. "FUCK!"

His swing barely missed as he cut some of Satoda's hair.

Suddenly, she spun around with some sharp metal that Nakamura had made during his exchange with Satoda after he had sliced the environment, aiming for the side of his head.

She created a makeshift dagger.

As the dagger neared close to his head, a single word was heard. "Stop."

Satoda and Nakamura froze in place.

They stopped not because he said so but because they couldn't move their bodies.

The man from earlier, Yoshida, spoke the word into existence.

He sighed as he started walking up the stairs toward the frozen assassins. "This is why I suck at team fights. Nakamura, you were sloppy, and now I have to kill the old lady."

He went to Satoda and grabbed the dagger from her hand. "And you're done."

The only thing that Satoda could do was twitch her body as he raised the dagger.





Yoshida blinked as he looked at his right hand, which was now missing.

The newcomer spoke. "Satoda, you've gotten sloppy."

It was natural since she was well past her prime. Had this been twenty years earlier, at least one of the intruders would've already been dead.

The newcomer held a three-section staff with a small knife on the end, which had blood dripping off of it.

Running his hand through his hair revealed an older man's face.

Satoru Yotsumura.

Yoshida fell to his knees, grabbing his right arm with his left hand. "AHHHHH!"

Without wasting time, Yotsumura swung his staff at Yoshida's head.

Yoshida spoke with narrowed eyes. "Kill yourself."

Yotsumura's eyes widened as he reeled back his swing and flung it back at his side.


However, it didn't stop the staff from slicing Yoshida's neck open, by proxy destroying his vocal cords and killing him instantly.

With the death of Yoshida, he felt the invisible influence on him disappear.

Unbeknownst to him, the two people behind him were unfrozen.


Yotsumura was stunned for a few seconds and didn't realize that Nakamura regained control of his movement.

Nakamura had one of his blades running through his back while Satoda held onto his other arm.

He smirked. "I'm getting at least one of you bastards before I di-"


Yotsumura reached back and grabbed Nakamura's face with his right hand.


He blinked as Yotsumura didn't flinch. "Shhh, you're too loud."


Yotsumura closed his hand on Nakamura's face.






Nakamura fell to the floor, and his face became unrecognizable as his skull caved in due to Yotsumura's grip.

While Nakamura had physical enhancements, his augments were mainly speed and blades.

As soon as Yotsumura got his hands on him, it was over.

Satoda's eyes widened. "Are you alright?"


Yotsumura used his left hand to pull out the blade running through his back.

As the blade came out, he fell to his knees. "Yeah, I just need a minute."

Satoda ripped a part of her sleeve off and tied it around his stomach to slow the bleeding.

She knew the medical staff would be busy with the current attack, so basic first aid had to suffice.

While she was tending to his wounds, she spoke up. "Don't speak. Just nod if I'm right. The people attacking are those 'superhuman' people, right?"

He nodded.

Her expression turned ugly. "Do you know who did this?"

He shook his head no.

Satoda sighed. "So we're nowhere. We need to find out who is behind this entire thing. Sei Asaki alone couldn't do this. I suspect a traitor. Do you think so?"

Yotsumura's eyes darkened as he had a slight nod.

They both had a person in mind, but they would confirm it if it were true during this attack.

However, being rash might be necessary for the current situation.

Tying off the last knot, she stood up. "We can't stay here. The students are still in trouble."


Satoda grabbed one of Nakamura's blades and snapped it in half with her raw strength, keeping one of the sides for herself as a weapon.

Yotsumura glanced at her, but she shook her head. "You aren't in any shape to fight. I'll return after I 'take care' of the others and move the students."


A bloody noise spoke from the ground. "Hey, old bitch, we were the weakest ones. Have fun with the rest dickheads."


Satoda raised the blade and finished the job.

He went silent.

She stood back up and turned toward the east wing, her figure disappearing as she sped toward the classrooms to keep her students safe.


Toji P.O.V.

Shit, I'm lost.