No Turning Back

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

"Motivation is a hell of a drug." -Splingosplongo


Toji P.O.V.

This whole thing has been so tedious.

I can't even begin to describe how mentally exhausted I am.

I've done nothing but run a gauntlet of weird people.

It was the random freaks, Takamura, Hollow Eyes #2, and the heavenly freak that I had to fight.

This is probably the most active I've been since I was in the Zenin clan.

Those bastards threw me into the curse pit.

Their definition of a 'punishment room.'

Although, after the fact, I would've thanked them.

They made me fully awaken as someone with a heavenly restriction.

The moment I got this scar was the moment I could take control of my life with my own hands.

At that moment, nobody in the clan could lay a finger on me without ending up dead.


I really have changed.

Even after waking up in this new world, I still haven't figured out who I am supposed to be.

Is killing and making money the only thing I'm supposed to do?

I've been purposely avoiding the question, but I'll need to figure it out since I can't see Megumi anymore.

I decided not to respect myself or anyone else. I thought I had chosen a life like that.

When I make it back, I'll finally answer the question, but I'll need to leave the island first.

Then, it hit me.

Turning over to where Hollow Eyes #2 was previously located, I noticed he was gone.

He most likely left while I was beating up Heavenly Freak.

Given how much he hates me, it won't be the last time I see him. I could run around the island looking for him, but I'm tired as is, and I'd rather not run into another ten people looking to kill me.

One more thing on the list of annoyances.

He isn't nearly strong enough to kill me, but I can't write him off since he can cause problems.

Starting another organization to hunt me down was one of the first thoughts that crossed my mind.

Whatever, I'll just kill him the next time I see him.

Enough yapping; it's time to find a way outta here.


It didn't take long for me to get to the island's edge.

I rubbed my forehead. "If I wasn't mentally exhausted enough."

This island doesn't have any boats since the water is too rough. The only exception was the ship I arrived on, which had long since left the island.

Flying was another option, but I didn't know how to pilot a fighter jet. Also, I doubt the JAA would be thrilled if I stole one.

While I'm done with them, I still need to 'negotiate' with them so they get off my ass.

They have much more resources than I do.

Unfortunately, I had to choose the last option to get off the island.

Looking at the endless blue sea, I sigh.

It's time to go swimming...


Sei Asaki P.O.V.

This whole thing has been so tedious.

Ando made these 'superhumans' sound like Gods, so how the hell did they lose so terribly?

Sure, some Order members were on the island, but they shouldn't have been enough.

Takeshi is likely still alive since he's a monster among the monsters, but we still have nothing on the database!

However, it isn't what is essential right now.

I'll find out about the database when I become the chairman.

Every new chairman gets to know that top-secret data.

Then, there is the other problem.

Toji Fushiguro has proven not influential enough to make a difference since he is a random person who appeared recently.

He hasn't been in the Order for long.

Even so, this attack on the JAA has proven one thing...


He's a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.


If he's let loose, who knows what damage he could do?

So, I'll move to a different plan.

Toji was troublesome, but he wasn't one of the people who CREATED the Order.

He didn't have a record, which made it so much easier to pin the blame on him.

I'll need to use one of my last resorts before the chairman looks my way. I can't have my plans go up in smoke before I become the chairman.

Killing the chairman is easy since I have ties to Ando, but the succession matters. If there is any suspected reason that I could be a traitor, I can say goodbye to everything I worked so hard for.

I'll contact HER so we can finally keep the plans in motion.

Right now, focusing on the brat and his friends is a waste of time. Gaku and the other ones can die for all I care.

Ando is much more valuable than a couple of failed experiments.

I have other things to worry about, and my resources are better suited elsewhere.

The failure of this attack leads to another issue.

Ando is going to be pissed.

Most of his superhumans died, and he couldn't access the database's information.

For as smart as he is, he is easy to manipulate. His smarts are strictly based on science rather than reason.

I'll manage to talk my way out of this one.

I always do.

It's frustrating; I will be pretty busy for the next few days.


JCC: 3rd P.O.V.

Tenkyu slowly made his way toward Gaku, Kumanomi, and Haruma.

In his mind, he was hoping they listened to him and stayed put.

Looking around an entire island in his condition is suicide if people suspect him of being one of the invaders.

He was still recovering from his fight against Toji.

His outer body looked somewhat fine, but he was suffering from internal injuries.

The broken ribs have already caused internal bleeding.

Takeshi gave him enough time to slip away during their fight. It was one of the most painful things he had done, but he had to stay alive.

To kill him.

To break him.

To destroy Toji Fushiguro.

Long gone was Takeshi's playful personality. There was nothing behind his eyes but hatred.

He was utterly helpless against Toji, and it pissed him off.

Tenkyu was questioning what he could do to him.

Based on Toji's performance against Takeshi, he wasn't nearly strong enough to fight him, let alone beat him.

He suddenly stopped in place.

A maniacal smirk made its way onto his face. "If he killed my family, why don't I kill his? HahahaHAHAHAHAHA!"

Tenkyu outwardly stated that the other orphans of Al-Kamar were his friends, but they were more to him.

This experience finally got him to accept it.

They are his family.

Little did he know that this plan would be impossible without traveling to a different universe.




Someone was running toward him.

Tenkyu snapped back to normal as he realized he was loud. "Shit."

Contrary to his expectations, Gaku appeared, followed by Kumanomi and Haruma.

Kumanomi's eyes widened. "Tenkyu!"


Tenkyu fell face first.

He would've faceplanted on the ground had Kumanomi caught him in her arms.

As soon as Tenkyu found them, his body felt nothing but relief.

His eyes slowly closed as a thought crossed his mind. 'I'll keep them safe. Even if I have to destroy the entire world to do so.'

He was glad that he still had some family left.

He was glad they were safe.

He was glad they were alive.