[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Please give feedback.

How is Toji's character? How are the other characters? Do you like the story development? Etc.


Unknown Warehouse: 3rd P.O.V.

Kumanomi held her nose. "This place smells like shit."

After the island incident, Kumanomi could get a flight so they could leave, although the JAA pilot was forced to do so.

Haruma shrugged. "It was the best place I could get on short notice."

Fortunately for them, Sei has given up on forcing them to do his bidding.

He decided against it because wasting time on children was useless. They were shocked to learn that he had simply abandoned them after all they had done.

Based on their actions, they assumed that they would at least be hunted down and killed for the information they knew, but so far, nothing.

Tenkyu put his hands on his hips with a smile. "It's perfect!"

Although his personality has drastically shifted, he wants to maintain a friendly persona for the sake of his family.

Scaring them away and distancing himself is the last thing he wants to do after losing Uzuki.

It's all smiles on the outside with a raging inferno on the inside.

Gaku put his hands in his pockets. "So, what now? Are we just going to be camping out in a dirty warehouse?"

Tenkyu spun around and pointed at Gaku. "Nah, I've already called some of my friends to come and visit us! This is going to be our new super cool hideout."

Kumanomi raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

He snapped his head toward Kumanomi with a fake smile and hollowed eyes. "Yes."

They all shivered, but Haruma spoke up. "So, what's our next move, then?"

Tenkyu returned to his goofy persona. "That is up to you, kiddo."

Gaku raised an eyebrow. "You're putting this on a fourteen-year-old kid? Why can't you? You're the strongest one here, after all."

He shrugged. "I'm not good at this stuff, and Sei put a ton of work on you, so I thought you would be the best fit to run our organization."

Kumanomi spoke up. "Since when were we an organization?"

Tenkyu gave them a closed-eye smile. "Ever since I lost to Toji Fushiguro."

It went silent for a moment as everyone's thoughts aligned.

Internally, Haruma was glad Tenkyu wasn't running their new 'organization,' considering how unstable Tenkyu currently was.

Even though they were his family, it felt like he would slit their throats if they said something wrong.

At this point, they wondered if Tenkyu even had a moral code.

Everyone made a mental note not to mention Toji in front of him unless he mentioned the topic.

Gaku cleared his throat. "*Ahem* We're going to set up here and figure out what comes next after Tenkyu's friends arrive."

The most they could do was wait to see what kind of people Tenkyu could bring in to help them.

They weren't nearly strong enough to take down a large organization like the JAA, Order, or the superhuman organization.

Based on Tenkyu's words, he had a goal in mind.


Kill Toji Fushiguro.


They would need to determine what else they could accomplish as a group, but it was apparent that Tenkyu wanted this group formed so he could get revenge.

Kumanomi leaned against the wall, lost in her thoughts. 'I get where Tenkyu is coming from, but going after Toji is suicide. I've wanted nothing more than to rip his head off after finding out about Uzuki, but if we attack him, we're going to die. I'd rather fight the entire JAA than be 100 feet near him. Tenkyu got destroyed, so what chance do we have?'

She was the most emotional out of all the orphans at Al-Kamar, so her first thought was searching for Toji, but after finding out how strong he was, she couldn't do anything but bite her tongue and curse him out from afar.

If she weren't scared of Tenkyu, she would have told him straight that he was going to die.

The best she could do was protect her family as much as possible, so her next step was to become as strong as possible.

Tenkyu saluted Gaku with a smile. "Sure thing, boss."

Haruma shook his head as he looked around the warehouse. "This is going to take a while."

Kumanomi waved them goodbye. "I'll pick up dinner on my way back. I hope you guys like noodles."

The group broke up as Haruma started to clean, and Kumanomi left to bring supplies.

Gaku was left with Tenkyu.


Tenkyu put a hand on Gaku's head and gave him a fake smile.

If Tenkyu tried to hide it, he was pretty bad at it since Gaku noticed it was completely different from the first time he had welcomed him.

Before Gaku could speak, Tenkyu smirked as he spoke. "We are going to be training together. We'll need to get you strong and I enough to win against Toji."

Gaku kept a neutral face but held different emotions on the inside.

Tenkyu continued. "Ah, that's right. We need to come up with a name for our new organization. How about the worm killers or maybe the monkey slayers?"

Gaku thought in silence but eventually got a word, or rather, a letter.


"We'll call it X."


Tenkyu tilted his head to the side. "Why X? I thought my ideas were pretty good."

Gaku had a small smile. "It was what Uzuki wanted to be called when he acted like a supervillain on the playground, and it has a nice ring."

For the first time in a while, Tenkyu had a genuine smile. "Yes, we'll kill Toji under the name of Kei. It's perfect."

With that declaration, the new anti-Toji organization, X, had been formed.


Toji P.O.V.

And there is the last one.

I sighed as I pulled an M1911 out of the toilet tank.

Shoving it inside of the inventory curse, I speak to myself. "All for a damn kid. This is going to be frustrating to set back up."

I turned to my left to see a somewhat irritated inventory curse.

For the past 10 minutes, I've been constantly shoving weapons inside of it.

Since I moved out of my 'newer' apartment, I have been using the curse all day.


I scratch its chin, getting happy noises in response.

This is disgusting.

If anyone catches me like this, I'll kill them.

A voice spoke behind me. "Mister Toji, is my roo-"

Shit, I was distracted!

I spun around to see the same kid who looked exactly like Rion.

She paused as she saw the look on my face.


The inventory curse instantly changed into a tiny ball as I walked out of the bathroom.

I said a single word as I left the speechless Akira.

