At the same time, in a different place within the Lancaster mansion, Knight, formerly known as Prince Harry Mcvourse, stood by the living room door on the left.

He detested being a prince, and more specifically his surname, precisely because of his mother. Was she a queen? One betrothed third of the King's five, though later divorced due to religion compartments? Anyway, Knight detested his name, essentially because his mother was always implacably in competition with her fellow co-wives; as the King's current reigning fifth queen bore him only three daughters. Which meant, the sons of the other wives' were of great importance. Otherwise, they would be detested as bastards or simply seen as impediments and sins. Therefore, as at that, the King's overthrown queens needed to force their sons into quick betrothal to see the first babe to bore His grace his first grandson. This was the main reason for Knight standing at the Lancaster front door, acting as a knight.

Knight was no uninformed about working as a guard. He had previously acquainted himself with the works of Knight Halt, who since his mother's leave from London's palace to that of Wales, provided security for them and acted as a standing father. His biological father, King Charles the second, never availed himself, and dared not even write to them. He sometimes felt dearly heartbroken by his mother, who he saw overly desperate for His grace attention, by overly writing to him about their health – Knight; third of five, and his siblings – and how they were doing in school. For Knight, he assumed the King read the letters in detest, in addition to laughing at the grammar errors and punctuality mistakes in his mother's writing – he was wrong. 

Knight donned a navy blue night duty uniform tailored for a Lancaster guard. Over it, he wore a black cotton wool, gloves and a scarf that shielded his neck, mouth, and parts of his nose. On the head, he had a balaclava that covered up the scarf and all parts of his face, leaving his lone, cold brown-hazel eyes. He certainly would not be noticed with this full gear on.

"Today sister has been introduced. I dreaded not see this day come…" A drunk Andrew spoke behind Knight's standing point.

"Aaah... I believe, you are not overly busy are you? I need you to take me somewhere." Andrew whispered, making Knight wonder in his brain where the Lancaster older son was referring to.

"I shall tell father I am leaving to pick sister. Prepare the two wheels and one carriage." Andrew finished, slightly tapping Knight's shoulder, and heading to the library where his father outworked himself.

As commanded, Knight headed out of the Lancaster mansion, ignoring the curiosity look that his co-working front door guard gave him, and headed straight to the lone standing carriage whose two horses, had not yet been drawn to rest. He hastily jumped onto the riding left seat, and directed the horses towards the large gates, being guarded by three, and waited for Andrew to come and make his orders.

"Bastard!" He heard one of the guards on the gates call out laughing. Whatever funny the guards saw of him or of his carriage standing point, it was of no interest to Knight, he was ordered after all.

"Oh God!" Andrew exclaimed as he climbed onto the right seat next to Knight's. "We shall use the back gates. We must leave undetected."

Knight though in acceptance of Andrew's command, wondered why the Lancaster son was trying hardest to hide, whilst, he had stated that he had, though a lie, sought permission from his father – heading out to pick his sister.

"Are you afraid of me?" Andrew questioned as the carriage moved further away from the Lancaster mansion. "…and you seem overly dressed for the night. London is yet to have its winters, however I understand. Wales can be quite a moderate place to live than London." Knight still made no significant response, body language or voice included, he just watched ahead where Andrew was directing the carriage.

"I know you are new. I have no hate for new guards, in addition actually, I think I liked them best; but I supposedly like you of all. You are quite young, twenty-one. Just like my brother Beaufort. Feels right.., right? Meaning we can make a more than rank-based bond." Andrew spoke transparently without pausing or taking a breath, as he directed the horse onto a certain dirty marketplace. He guided them into a small, grass thatched stable-looking house, and once he was sure everything was well set, he went down.

"Come with me." Andrew directed, walking through a low light filled pathway, and right at the end, they entered a little large door. An entrance into a large entertainment area.., precisely for adults.

 "My lady is an actress here." Andrew started, making Knight raise his eyebrows, though not seen from the headgear he wore and the whole scarf he had. "Tell me what you think of her." He finished, paving his way through the drunk men and naked women overly seducing and pleasuring themselves.

For Knight, the only thing that excited him here, was probably the work of art on the walls –naked bodies of women and men. He enjoyed the art work, but not the picture the artist was trying to display.

After the first room, they entered the second room, a cinema hall. Downstairs, and to the right brown wooden door, Andrew opened and walked in, as Knight followed.

There, on the bed, lay a beautiful blonde, playing with her hair.

The room she stayed was small, but carried different colours within itself. On the left were flowery clothes, from a pink velvet, to a black coat, a beautiful white gown and white stockings… name them –a few these. On her bed was a royal white net that Knight assumed was brought to her by the Lancaster lord. In truth, Knight indeed agreed, the woman was gorgeous. She had still not spoken even after Knight walked in, closed the door and stood next to it in respect.

"You've brought a friend?" The lady first spoke, eyeing Knight seductively, as Andrew removed his knee-length black boots and embraced the girl with a kiss on the bed.

"That..," Pointing at Knight, "is our new Lancaster night guard." He finished, and then meaning to tell Knight, "You are dismissed now. I need not father think that I lied to him. Once he sees the carriages he shall know sister has arrived!" Knight nodded, as he opened the door, and quietly closed it behind him. He did not want to waste any time checking out any girl, from the cinema hall to the next room where sinful voices of women and men mourning in pleasure were heard. He passed each and every one until he breathed the outside air. On arrival outside, he directed himself to where the horses were, and in one direct command, off he went.


"Where were you?" Knight's coworker questioned after he entered the mansion.., right after arrival back into the Lancaster's.

"The Lord was at Winchesters," Knight lied, "can I get warm water anywhere?" He added, his voice deeper and real.

"To the Kitchen, on the left. They leave wood for some fire. Boil a larger amount. I already feel my balls freezing up!" The man funnily clarified, as Knight engaged into the large living room, whose lights were only side-lit.

To the left, he sent himself, after seeing the open kitchen door, and before he could enter … "Brother, how do you light the fire?" An angelic voice called out, after hearing Knight's huge footsteps. This made Knight stand as his fingers uncontrollably tapped his trousers, in fear that the Countess would be at the kitchen. He had heard news of how she detested unwanted visitors in her kitchen.

 "Brother..," The voice sang again, now closer, and face to face, Knight was with the princess of Lancaster, Lady Victoria. And in a moment, they both stared at each other as she called out, "oooh…, you are?" As Knight tried to find his voice, she added, "the milk is cold, would you mind warming it up for me?" He just nodded, as he let himself into the kitchen.

Victoria's hair cascaded neatly down, and she wore a simple white nightdress, barefoot. She observed Knight carefully, as he checked out the woods and the fireplace. Knight had never lit a fire his whole life!

"I see them use the paraffin oil!" Victoria directed, as Knight looked around for the paraffin oil. He sure had an idea of how it smelled, but had no knowledge how and where it would be placed.

"It stands on top of your head..," Victoria emphasized, now slightly smiling from the awkwardness of Knight's unawareness. But Knight, still did not know where 'on top' Victoria was directing, "Are you not aware much of the kitchen?" She suddenly asked, making Knight a little bit detest and confront himself in his head. "I shall..,"

"Sister..," Lord Andrew called out from the outside, as he came into the kitchen, and.., on seeing Knight,

"ooh, sister, you ask a guard to be your kitchen maid?"

"I hoped he would light some fire."

"Oooh.., and how were the dances?" Andrew questioned now diverting from the kitchen wants of Victoria.

"The dances were terrible. Mamma made me dance with overly many lads as could be, thank God Christian was there..,"

"Sister, you speak as if I were not there, the peak part of your introduction? Okay, they shall acquaint themselves individually tomorrow, and I shall chase them away." Andrew replied as Victoria looked down and nervously looked up to his brother as they both walked off the kitchen. After making sure both Andrew and Victoria were gone, Knight slightly squatted and in frustration ran his palm on the inside of his face, to wipe off the sweat that had formed. He was never one to be nervous in front of a girl. And today he was!