Standing at the Lancaster door, Knight observed the wall clock right above the front deck. The rhythmic ticking echoing softly in the silent living room, as each second, drew him deeper into his own thoughts.

He truly needed a wife –a girl he liked. Indeed, he had fathomed a plan of observing, listening and weighing all eligible spinsters beyond society, but this plan was quietly wavering. Victoria's presence in the Lancaster household had become warmly satisfying and comforting him away from his intricate goal –or was she the goal?

The pressure was mounting, as his brother had already begun his own pursuit, and especially the price being Lady Victoria. He knew he needed to act quickly, or else all the plans, and poses as a guard would be a waste. Nonetheless he knew, of all newly introduced spinsters, his heart already comforted to one –he had to fight his brother!

Thus, due to this constant thought, he was greatly consumed with a want to leave his standing point and carefully think about what he ought to do. His head had already pointed at one eligible spinster – Lady Victoria: it called out, she was perfect, free, and a woman who knew what she wanted, with a bonus of caring, when she applied the lavender concoction on his blisters. Not many ladies would show that much of a care, to a person, especially a guard.

"I have a ticking headache, I might fall if I linger here much more!" Knight called out to his fellow guard, right when the larger hand of the clock ticked twelve –4 AM it was.

 "Go.., go…" The guard stated, opening the door slightly for Knight, adding, "I will quest the kitchen to have you brought some bitter herbs." He did quite like Knight, the guard –probably since he saw him his younger.

As at that, Knight walked out of the Lancaster mansion, to his sleeping room, sixth room, second floor. He momentarily paused checking out the small glimmering light in the lawn, then entered the room, and making sure he locked it quite well –he wanted no visitor.

The room was dark, as he instinctively reached out for a candle, and instinctively lighted it; as the room gleamed in the light.

Thus, without resting, under his bed he dragged out a well-crafted, brown and red portmanteaus. It indeed looked extravagant, especially from the candle light gleaming it. Anyone who would see it, would either depict Knight as a royalty, or as once a thief working in the royalty or a King's palace.

He swiftly opened the zipper, and in one shove he quietly opened the box. Nice clothing lay there, well folded, not expected from a lad – most lads were depicted as clumsy and dirty.

In the box: on the left, were well-folded coats. The first was a black tailcoat, and beneath it lay a shining red and silver glimmering frock coat, along with a tailcoat in the same color pattern. In the center, two white waistcoats were neatly placed, followed by carefully folded neckties and cravats, each with its pin secured to the visible folded part. Black gloves and three luxurious black capes were to be seen between, and on the right side, black knee-length boots with intricately designed zigzag spats were neatly arranged. Additionally, on the left side, were his personal undergarments, well-folded black trousers for formal events, and one overly long morning coat that, if worn, especially by he, despite his height, would likely brush the floor.

He removed each cloth one by one, flexibly unfolding the formal ones.

He was troubled, confused whether to stand in the line of men who sought speech with Lady Victoria, or still wait as a standing Knight, for the night to arrive and have another conversation with her lady. Nonetheless, he ought the latter thought as a fail, since Lady Victoria would probably never think of him as royal, or someone in the standards to marry her – a guard.

After thirty-one minutes of introspection, his bed full of attires of great expenses and luxurious –each item reflecting its diverse origins, from the well-tailored waistcoat of Egyptian design, to his tailor coat that had shimmering silver lines from top to its bottom– he decided it was time to formally introduce himself to Lady Victoria. His decision, not driven from thoughts of other men vying for her attention, but in realization that continuous pose as a guard, would probably not serve him well –but he sure would not leave his guard role in the Lancaster mansion.

So, in check of his clock, that he hadn't checked since coming in this Lancaster mansion, except during that Lord Winchester ball, it showcased it was already five, and by much he knew his brother, He would sure be at the Lancaster door before seven.

He knew, himself and Edward, were like to like. They knew what they wanted, and they would try all means to get it, even if it meant lacking sleep for it.

He thus headed to take the cold bath. Unfortunate for workers, no hot tub was placed for them.

After taking his bath alone—since the only shared facility with other workers was the toilet—he began searching for what to wear. First, he steadily opened his small traveling bag and removed some beautiful rose-scented oil, a gift from Lady Evelyn upon his arrival in London. He then dressed in black high-waisted trousers, knee-length black boots, his usual white waistcoat, and on top of the waistcoat, an elegant red velvet tailcoat.

He checked himself in the mirror, slightly adjusting his hair. He noticed that his hair was growing quickly and needed a cut. His small brown eyes stared back at him dully as he questioned whether his decision to formally introduce himself was wise. After reassuring himself that it was, he brushed his hair, watching as a few strands fell onto his forehead. He wondered how the maids back at the palace had always managed his hair so well. Fearing that Lady Victoria might see his unkempt hair and consider him dirty, he decided to wear his black formal cap. If Lord Hordy were there, he would surely tell him that his charm lay not just in his sharp jawline, thin nose, and brown eyes, but also in his physique, which quietly complemented and blended with all his clothes.

After, he shoved his watch on the tailcoat breast pocket, and quietly opened his door, and closed it firmly. His idea was leaving through the back door, of the Lancaster, which barely had guards, and if there were, he would just pose as one of Lady Victoria's brother. The idea was to leave for the London flower market, and buy a bouquet of specifically pink rose flowers; to signify his admiration for Victoria, and in the middle of the bouquet, place two white roses depicting purity and new beginnings. He felt he presented himself to her impurely, hence needed to adjust.

With the light boots comfortable in his feet, he strode through the Lancaster mansion, and towards the back door gates. Unfortunately for him, there stood two guards, one sleeping and the other still on watch.

"Lord Beaufot you walk out today quite early." The guard stated quite loud, for Knight to hear as he nodded to that impersonification. He did not say a word, as they opened the small gate for him, and he walked out of the Lancaster mansion.

"It has been a while since I wore these!" Knight said to himself, as he looked at his physique and how uniquely different he looked on the clothes.

He indeed knew that the flower shop was some two mansion houses past the Lancaster's on the right. He indeed did not know the name of the Lord who planted those flowers, but he sure knew the best way to have fresh flowers is to visit the source. Thus, in fast strides, as the birds chirping and the morning daylight was lighting through, he walked away to the right towards the place he knew sold fresh flowers. Lady Evelyn had told them of the place before.

On arrival at the big gates, he knocked one of the corner doors, and well covered two huge guards came out.

"I seek to buy some flowers!" He stated, without introducing himself, and the guards just looked at him, and then around him, "I live not far away, I saw no need of disturbing my resting horses!" He added right away.

"Who do we refer to you as?" One of the broader, short guard questioned.

"Prince Harry Mcvourse!" He added, as the smoke from his mouth could be observed.

"A minute," One of them stated, entering inside as the other stayed out.

"Isn't it quite unsafe, to have a prince alone without guards at this time of the day?" The other one questioned, but Knight looked at him and just looked away. He was in no business and in no time for chip chats, he needed to be first at the Lancaster's door.

Right, after five minutes of waiting, the gates were suddenly widely opened, and a smiley – Lady Hardington, who seemed to have just been woken up, from the little yawn she made, came overly to Knight. Surprise! He indeed was.

"Prince, come in… we sure like guests!" She added, as Knight strided into the big Hardington mansion. It was quite smaller, compared to Lancaster's, but it still depicted its own beauties.

He brushed the thoughts of the house off, with the desire to state what had brought him as fast as possible. He wondered the exact place where they placed the flowers to be bought, as throughout the lawn walk from the now closing gate towards the front door which was opened, he saw no look of a flower garden. He spoke not, however, despite the disappointment.

He was entered into the mansion, and was welcomed to one of the well set – pretty much then fast set, table, as treys of biscuits and a cup of tea and milk were brought forward to him! Confused, and petrified, he looked over the beautiful macaroons, and wondered what this was! He in thought, questioned Lady Evelyn's explanation of where to get flowers; as he quite remembered her words:

'Some flowers blossom well especially the first black gate at the corner towards the Lancaster's! Indeed those are the best for a lad to buy' and then he remembered, she adding, 'but they have oddly withered a year –not for princes!' and he at that knew, Lady Evelyn was speaking of no real flower. She was speaking of girls being introduced to society! And so, Knight knew, he had to hastily leave, or else, looking at his watch which depicted thirty minutes past six, he would lose his number one position as he wanted!

However, being rude of this huge breakfast treatment would tarnish his name! He was indeed ruined!

And he knew, the Hardington would press him as from now!