"Arggh!" Lady Victoria sighed from the day's encounter. She was seated absent-mindedly on her mattress as the maids prepared the bathtub for her. In truth, the day should have been perfect for her. It should have indeed been a dream come true. But this was just society's expectation. The day was far from perfect for the Lady. Andrew's sharp tongue and full presence made it tough for her to detect the man she truly felt much for—or so she thought! But Andrew was far from being the lone champion behind her confusion.

Prince Edward had gone a step further and brought her a handsome young peacock. It was unusual for admirers to buy such lasting animal gifts, especially during this period where unusuality was at its peak; with many eligible bachelors at Lancaster's doors waiting to showcase their charm. However, the prince did it regardless, and the words he used echoed in Victoria's mind:

'I know many stand behind and in front of me! However, I hope that with them acquainting themselves unto you, you shall distance your eyes off them to the compound, or this beautiful cage, and by seeing the peacock, remember my very presence. I want to know you much more than this, Lady Victoria. I hope you grant me the chance. I look forward to being the first of your dance at the Viscount's ball.'

By these words, Lady Victoria knew exactly what the prince was implying. The prince wanted to pursue her seriously, not just as a friend who buys gifts. It was like an honest implication of a 'want'. It meant that Lady Victoria needed to start rejecting the proposals of other men behind the Lancaster front door mansion, despite most traveling lengthy distances and buying expensive flowers.

By Prince Edward's words, a ladyship should be excited. First, she was being acknowledged, and additionally being wanted more by a prince. Second, a prince is the most eligible and perfect bachelor a lady would ever be in luck to be acquainted with. And third, it was Lady Victoria's first season, and by accepting Prince Edward, the possibility of a successful season was almost certain. However, was she really happy?

"The water is set, my Lady," Larny called out, the lone maid left after all were done with fixing the water tub, shifting Lady Victoria from her thoughts to her attention.

"Alright," Lady Victoria acknowledged, as Larny helped her stand and assisted in helping her get out of her beautiful white dress. Lady Victoria trusted Larny very much when it came to undressing her! She felt more comfortable with the girl, rather than being undressed and dressed by many maids. It felt as if they were all closely checking out her body or admiring her from the giggles and smiles they made. It made her less comfortable.

"Do you think I should be happy?" Lady Victoria questioned after entering the lukewarm bathtub, full of rose and lily flowers.

"I understand not much of your thoughts and meaning, my Lady," Larny honestly replied in concern, as she started scrubbing Lady Victoria's back, after letting her comfortably sit in the bathtub.

"A prince has called me out and honestly dictated his intentions. Should I still wait for a perfect match or should I just accept, as a prince is a rare bachelor?" Lady Victoria opened up, seeking an honest opinion, her breathing steady as Larny's hands caressed her skin while bathing her.

"You feel nothing for him?" Larny questioned, her eyes curious as Lady Victoria, whose eyes, in deep thought, were distant, watching the day slip away and light grow darker, welcoming the night. She was bathing in order to head downstairs and take supper with the family. A daily routine for them.

"Should I feel something?" Lady Victoria innocently asked, curious about what kind of feelings her maid was talking about.

"A perfect match, my Lady," Larny started, as she rinsed off Lady Victoria's beautiful skin around her arm. "I believe the perfect match is when you feel a different kind of attraction and energy when the other is around. Do you look forward to seeing Prince Edward tomorrow?" Larny questioned.

"No," Lady Victoria blurted, her eyes watery, in fear she might never experience that kind of energy in a man, if until now, none has affected her yet. "I know he shall still persist and shall come tomorrow too," she honestly added, as Larny slightly massaged the tense neck of Lady Victoria, climaxing her bathing routine.

"Do you not feel any attraction to what he buys, how he speaks, his standing posture? Don't you long for him to enter the door?" Larny questioned as she now dried Lady Victoria's hair, folding the merino woolen towel onto her head, and helped her out of the bathtub to dry her with the next towel meant for her body.

"I…" Lady Victoria started but fathomed no word to use. She indeed felt nothing of the sort. All men who came to acquaint themselves with her would be better placed in the same category, as she felt no one standing out in terms of the feelings her maid talked about. To her, they were just—admirers.

With Larny lastly wrapping the towel around Lady Victoria's body, after fully drying her, she carefully thought of the words to use, as she noticed the confusion and innocence in Lady Victoria. "It shall take its time, my Lady. For some, it peaks with days and months of being friends, and for others, a first sight is all it takes. Probably yours stands on the former. You worry not."

Larny helped Lady Victoria further away from the bath tub, as she unfolded the night clothes she was to wear. A simple white fabric dress and a woolen black robe that would least expose any of her simple wears.

After five minutes, they were both finally done with the dressing, and Larny helped Lady Victoria with combing her wavy, long hair down. They spoke not much after the previous conversation, so the work was faster, and before they could finish, the countess was already knocking on Lady Victoria's door, and wide it opened after a second of waiting by she!

"You're done not, dear..." she questioned, checking Lady Victoria out up and down, and then smiled after confirming she was indeed done. "Come, let's head downstairs." With that, Lady Victoria slowly headed towards her mother at the door, took her offered left hand, and step by step they went downstairs to where their family sat at the large table for dinner.

The Earl was, of course, in his opposite bigger and huger seat.

After the Countess slightly opened the seat for Lady Victoria, she headed to the seat opposite the Earl's. They all waited for their father to be served, and the scramble over who could serve themselves fastest began. That was, I guess, the thrill of the Lancaster children when it came to dinner. They respected their father's space, but afterward, cared less about who needed serving first until,

"Stop!" the Countess stated. "How about letting our dear Victoria serve first, as soon she might head God knows where, and we shall be seeing her once in a blue moon." Beaufort and Christian, who were the greatest of fighters, stopped as Andrew stood, with a glass of wine in his hand.

"To sister..." he added, handsomely smiling at his sister and helping her serve herself vegetables and two pieces of meat, as instructed by the Countess. She needed her to maintain her figure, though God knows why she needed to starve her off eating lot pieces of meat!

"You think you shall find a husband by the end of this season?" Amelia, Victoria's second sister, questioned Lady Victoria, causing her to choke a little from the little water sip she had made. Lady Victoria had never thought much of the word husband initially, which was the reason behind the choke.

"Amelia, would you concentrate on finishing your food!" the Countess specified, despite seeing she had not yet been served by her older brothers, whose courtesy it was to serve Amelia, as the Countess herself served Alexia. She loved Alexia most of all the Lancaster siblings, but she ought not show much of that to her children. However, for the Earl, Lady Victoria somehow had him chained! This was the reason why he locked himself in the library, not wanting to see her daughter's admirers. He was the most scared of all the Lancasters of his daughter leaving.

After thirty-one minutes of eating in respectful silence, the Earl had already left for the library, and it was time for the Countess to chime in.

"Dear, a peacock brought just for you. You like it not?" the Countess questioned, eyes boring into Victoria, who had already finished her food.

"Mother, a peacock means nothing!" Andrew retorted, shaking his head in frustration. He was indeed the most concerned of all his brothers about Victoria's courtship.

"Brother, don't you seem much like the woman being courted here?" Beaufort playfully questioned Andrew, as he was given a death stare, by the recipient of the words, leaving him lip-syncing a sorry. "Sister, worry not about a man, you shall find one whom you shall love!" Beaufort now gave honest advice. However, little known to the whole family, love was something scarier than a word to Victoria. She wondered what animal or object she was, as she still felt no feeling of such within her. She knew that despite this being the peak season, soon, the year would end, and a disturbing want of marriage and desperation would run through the many ladies who hadn't yet secured a husband—God have mercy. This thought made her feel more nauseous.

"I shall head to sleep!" she called out and stood directly, her eyes on her plate, then onto each of her family members who were looking at her, Beaufort in surprise, Christian and Andrew with worrisome faces.

"Guard, escort sister!" Andrew stood and commanded the guard to the left of the door—Knight.

Knight walked from his left attention-standing point, down the two stairs that led to the large living room, which during balls was turned into a ballroom, and towards Lady Victoria, on the third seat from the Earl's, he arrived.

"La..." He searched for the perfect word that guards used to tell their ladies they should start the journey but lacked it. However, luckily, Victoria had already started walking up and away towards the stairs, hence Knight following in silence as the ladyship directed.

As Lady Victoria walked, Knight silently tapped his left pocket in search of the little piece of writing he had written, though anonymously signed.

After walking up the stairs, and to the door, Lady Victoria waited for Knight to open it, and as Knight arrived next to her to open it, their eyes momentarily met. Knight sensed a shadow of sadness in the lady, as her eyes lighted on his view. He nodded back to her and opened the door. Lady Victoria steadily let herself in, and Knight's fingers nervously tapped on the doorknob, questioning whether to give the Lady the note or not, until the voice in his head stated, 'You shall have no other chance!' And so, he nervously removed the well-folded paper.

"Lady Victoria," he respectfully called, as Lady Victoria turned from how slowly she entered the room. She was truthfully in deep thought, torn between the meaning of love as Larny stated, and whatever she felt of all the admirers. "For you!" Knight added, his voice deep, hiding the nervousness in his body. His forehead was already hot, and holding out the paper much longer created a risk of the Countess or her brother Andrew coming in and finding him offering Lady Victoria a paper.

She smoothly took the paper, after what felt like forever for Knight, and he looked down, easing the tension and breathing out happily at least! He later closed the door as Lady Victoria opened the paper, and Knight's eyes filled with tears, wondering what she was to do with the sheet. Would she toss it away?