"Father bought it on his travels!" Victoria's words rang in Knight's mind. 'Certainly, this could be the start of some conversation,' he thought to himself, as his gaze went back to Victoria.

She looked gorgeous, and her blue pupils glimmered as they gazed into his… a main reason why he just could not fathom any words. But he certainly needed to speak.

"Undoubtedly, it shows off its expense beyond English borders!" Prince Harry – Knight, stated. He was now Prince Harry, and Knight was a long-lost nickname of his!

"He has indeed traveled much, from Wales_" Victoria paused as she sadly looked into Knight's eyes but diverted them later on.

Knight felt she either somehow knew him a reason why she spoke much of Wales or was just tense as he was! This initially stood not his plan –to visit she, in the Lancaster mansion. But Hordy quite challenged him, stating she would ignore he, on tomorrow's societal event! They had just arrived from Wales four hours ago.