Prince Harry and Victoria sat on the London Cinema hall plastic chairs for almost thirty minutes. The show had still not started, despite the hall being almost full. Lords and Ladies who fancied this type of theatre were still entering.

Harry felt the need to leave. He hated waiting and waiting much for something he wasn't sure if it would be worth it or just another waste of his pennies. He had paid, of course, forty bucks at the entrance… that would last them till four. Twenty for Victoria, and twenty for him. The guards wished not to enter, and Harry just respected their opinion.

"I promise it shall start soon," Victoria spoke again, and Harry just nodded. She had repeated the words five or probably ten more times since their arrival here. She was probably nervous, or maybe… undoubtedly tense that the show would not start. Harry did indeed care about his money, but if it would ease the tension for Victoria, then he would definitely state,