

"Welcome, Alpha Magnus. I'm glad to have you honor my house". Alpha Lawd said as he ushered Alan, my Beta, and me into his living room.


"The pleasure is all mine." My voice was gruff and rough, as always.


I respected the man. Even at his age, he was a strong warrior and very efficient.

We had done business together, but it had always been held at my pack. This year, the man pleaded with me to come to his pack so I could attend the Ondion festival. I wasn't interested in it, but being the first favor, the man had asked, I decided to come.


"My wife and daughters would be here shortly so we could join the rest of the pack at the town's center. " To that, I nodded, and the man seemed pleased.


As I scanned the room, I saw her descending from the stairs. My heart stopped. My breath caught. My entire world narrowed to a single point - her.


I was transfixed, unable to look away. Her beauty was mesmerizing, but it was more than that. It was the sense of recognition, of familiarity, of belonging.


What was this? I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, my diaphragm contracting, my lungs struggling to expand.


The world seemed to no longer exist as I stared at her intently at the floor before her. Her hands were folded before her, making her so small, vulnerable, and beautiful.


Her chestnut hair was packed up on her head, some curls falling down her face, making my fingers itchy. Play with them. Her eyes met mine, and I saw the same shock and wonder reflected on me. It was like looking into a mirror, seeing my emotions staring back at me.


I couldn't move, couldn't speak. All I could do was drink in the sight of her, my gaze devouring every detail - the curve of her cheek, the sparkle in her green eye, the gentle frown on her pink plump lips.

It made me want to kiss that frown away.


Own them


How would it feel to...?


What was wrong with me


Time we stood still. The room around us melted away until it was just us and our strong connection.


My heart was racing out of control at this point, and even though I tried, I couldn't control myself. I could almost feel her every emotion. She wasn't pleased, and a hidden sadness was in her depths.


As my gaze lingered on her face, my head started getting light from her beauty.


My legs developed minds of their own and moved to her. My fingers touched her cheeks, and I felt a sharp electric shock travel throughout my body, making me shiver slightly. It was pleasurable, and I realized I wanted to touch it again.


My eyes scanned her beautiful face, but in an instant, my emotions shifted. I saw the faint bruise on her cheek and the subtle discoloration on her skin.

There was makeup shimmering on her cheeks to hide the bruise, but I could tell.


Her eyes were puffing, too. Had she been crying? Rage ignited a fierce fury threatening to consume my entire being. My vision narrowed, my focus on the mark on her cheek. I felt her pain. Her heart was heavy with grief.


So much pain


So much sorrow


So many regrets




I knew, in that moment, that she'd been hurt, that she'd been made to suffer. I tried to search her eyes for answers, but they were filled with surprises. But I could smell her fear, her vulnerability, her desperation.


What was she desperately for?


Didn't she want to be here?


My mind was filled with questions, and then, like an open book, I could see she was surrounded by these people who'd hurt her. Her own family had hurt her so badly that I had to fight the urge to cry cause her heart was bleeding, and her silent voice pleading for freedom.


"Who hurt you?" I asked even though I already had my answer. I wanted to hear her say it.


Her lips trembled in sorrow for a few seconds before her shoulders began to shake in pain and anguish. Just before she crumbled to the earth, I held her in my arms, close to my chest, her tiny body shaking with sobs, as I gazed at her family with a fierce, accusatory glare.


My voice was low and menacing, my words laced with venom. "What have you done to her?" I growled; my anger barely contained. "What have you done to my mate? What did you bloody do to her? "


Her mother took a step back, her eyes wide with fear. I gave Alan a sideways glance, and he immediately moved towards us and took Astrid from my arms. I reluctantly let go of her as I advanced on her family, who were now crowded together in a corner. Her father and sister stood frozen, unsure of how to react.


"You've hurt her," I snarled, my eyes blazing with fury. "You hurt her, didn't you? How could you do that to your flesh and blood? She's your daughter, your sister. You're supposed to love and care for her, not hurt her."


Astrid's cries grew louder, and I had to go to her immediately. It felt like a part of me was tearing apart. I took her back in my arms and lifted her from the ground so she was straddling me, her body trembling in my arms as her arms wrapped around my neck.


I held her tighter, trying to comfort her, as I continued to lash out at her family.


"What kind of family hurts their flesh and blood? She's so tiny and fragile, and yet you chose to hurt her. "


Her mother opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.


"No," I growled. "I don't want to hear it. You've lost the right to speak, to justify your actions. All I want to know is what you've done to her, and I want you to apologize to her at once."


I turned to her father, my eyes blazing with anger. "I'll only ask you this one last time. What did you do to her?"


Her sister looked away, tears streaming down her face. My mate's sobs slowed, her body relaxing slightly in my arms. I felt a surge of protectiveness, a need to shield her from further harm, and I would do that.


My large hand instinctively covered her head as I caressed her back with my other hand.


"Since neither of you is willing to talk, I'll come to my conclusions." My voice was loud and clear as I looked at each of them before my eyes settled on Alpha Lawd. "I will withdraw all help and support from your Pack." Ignoring his gasp, I continued. " I will no longer send soldiers for your cause.


All business ties are, at this moment, severed. You're no longer an ally but an enemy pack, and I will reign terror on you and your pack at even the slightest mistake."


His lips trembled as he sought the right words.


"Tread carefully, Alpha Lawd. Your days are numbered. " With that, I turned and left with my mate in my arms.