

The next morning, I forced myself to Magnus's room. The awkward moment from the previous day lingered in my mind. His touch had been gentle, almost romantic, making my heart race in ways I didn't want to admit.


But I had to thank him for bringing Anel to me and discuss my indoor confinement with him. I was tired of being trapped inside.

I walked to his room and on getting there.


I saw only one guard stationed there which was unusual as they were always two guarding his room. He greeted me and as I was about to knock he interrupted me.

"My lady, the alpha is not in his room I guess he would be at his study. He left not long ago"

"Alright," I said to him as I turned and headed to the study.


As I approached the door, I took a deep breath, knocking softly. "Come in," his deep voice called from the other side.


I stepped inside, finding Magnus sitting at his desk, papers spread out in front of him. His hair was damp, droplets of water clinging to the tips, and he was shirtless, revealing his hard chest. The sight of him made my pulse quicken, my face heating up with embarrassment.


"Astrid," he greeted, his eyes flicking up briefly before he looked away, focusing on the papers again.


"Magnus," I replied, my voice steady despite the emotion inside me. "I wanted to thank you for yesterday, for bringing Anel here. And... I need to talk to you about something."


He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "What is it?"


"I can't stay indoors forever," I said, my frustration evident. "I need to go outside. I need to breathe fresh air, see the sky, feel the wind on my face."


He looked at me then, his gaze intense. "I'm trying to keep you safe, Astrid. You have a habit of running away and getting into trouble."


"I won't run away again," I promised, taking a step closer. "I just need some freedom. Please."


He hesitated, his eyes studying my face as if searching for any sign of deceit. Finally, he nodded. "I'll look into it."


His agreement was a relief, but something in his demeanor was off. "Is everything okay?" I asked, concern creeping into my voice.


He shook his head, dismissing me with a wave of his hand. "It's nothing. Just... go."


I opened my mouth to protest but thought better of it. Instead, I turned and left.


The following day, I walked through the castle, heading towards the kitchen. The hallways were grand, adorned with paintings and tapestries. The air was filled with the aroma of breakfast being prepared, making my stomach rumble in anticipation.


When I entered the kitchen, I found the staff bustling about, preparing a feast. The room was warm and inviting, with wooden cabinets and a large, rustic table in the center. The smell of fresh bread and sizzling bacon filled the air, mingling with the scent of herbs and spices.


"Good morning, milady," one of the guards greeted, approaching me with a respectful nod. "Alpha Magnus has instructed that you may now leave the castle, but only if you are accompanied by guards."


My heart leapt with joy. "Thank you," I said, smiling brightly. "I don't mind the guards. I just want to go out."


I made my way back to my room, excitement bubbling inside me. Once there, I called for Anel, who appeared almost instantly.


"We're going shopping," I announced, grinning at her.


Her eyes widened with surprise and delight. "Really? Oh, this is wonderful!"


She quickly set to work, selecting a dress for me and applying makeup with practiced hands. I chose a simple but elegant dress, light blue with delicate lace at the sleeves and hem. Anel, as always, made sure I looked perfect, her excitement infectious.


"Shall I ask the guard to get some money from the beta?" she asked, her hands deftly braiding my hair.


"Yes, please," I replied, admiring her handiwork in the mirror. "We need to be prepared for a proper shopping spree."


The guard returned with a pouch of money, and with that, we set out, the guards trailing discreetly behind us.


The marketplace was bustling with activity, the sounds of vendors calling out their wares and people chatting animatedly. Stalls lined the streets, offering everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. It felt exhilarating to be out, to be part of the world again.


As we moved through the crowd, Anel and I started picking out clothes and scarves, the vibrant colors and soft fabrics catching our eyes. The guard stayed close but tried to blend in, not drawing attention to us.


While browsing through a selection of scarves, I overheard a group of young women nearby, their voices carrying over the hum of the market.


"Have you heard about the new Luna?" one of them whispered, her tone filled with disdain.


"Yes," another replied. "They say she's ugly and hated by her people. How could Alpha Magnus choose someone like her?"


The words stung, and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Anel, who had heard them too, looked ready to confront them, but I placed a hand on her arm, stopping her.


"It's not worth it," I said softly, forcing a smile.


We continued shopping, trying to ignore the hurtful comments. But then, another conversation caught my attention.


"Did you hear about the missing man?" a woman asked, her voice low and serious.


"Yes," her friend replied. "People are saying it's because of the new Luna. Everything was fine before she arrived. Now, she's a distraction to the alpha."


I stiffened, their accusations causing me to lose my balance. Anel glanced at me, her eyes filled with concern.


"Ignore them, Astrid," she said firmly. "They don't know what they're talking about."


"I wish it were that simple," I muttered, feeling anxiety in my chest.


We moved to another section of the market, trying to enjoy the day despite the whispers and glares. The store we entered was filled with beautiful garments, each piece more stunning than the last. Dresses in rich fabrics, scarves in vibrant hues, and intricate jewelry adorned the shelves and racks.


As we browsed, I couldn't help but think about the missing man and the rumors surrounding my arrival.

"Let's focus on the positive," Anel suggested, her voice cheerful. "We're out, we're shopping, and we're going to find some amazing things."


Her optimism was contagious, and I nodded, trying to push aside my worries. We picked out a few more items, chatting and laughing as we did. The guard remained close, his presence a reminder of the restrictions still in place.


Finally, our bags full of new purchases, we made our way back to the castle. The walk was pleasant, the sun warm on our faces.

As we entered the castle, Anel turned to me, her expression cheerful. "We'll Try out this new clothes and I know they will look good on you."


"Thank you, Anel," I replied, smiling at her. "I don't know what I'd do without you."


We headed to my room, where we laid out our new purchases, admiring each one.

As the day drew to a close, I couldn't help but think about Magnus and the conversation we'd had. There was something troubling him, something he wasn't sharing. I wondered if it was about the missing man.