I woke slowly, like a man climbing out of a deep, dark hole. I forced my eyes open and winced from the sun's rays as I groggily took in my surroundings.


"I'm glad you are finally awake."

My weak heart sputtered and leapt when I heard her voice before her face appeared above mine.

She smiled warmly at me, even though I could see the tears shining in her eyes as she lowered beside me.


I turned my head to the side, watching her. I wanted to speak, but my tongue felt like it had been glued to the top of my mouth…and my mouth felt like I'd eaten nothing but wormwood for weeks.

She must have noticed me struggling to speak because she pressed a gentle hand to my chest and shook her head, "You need to rest."

I didn't listen; I had so much to say…so I took a deep breath and tried to speak again.

"Where…am I?" I began, sounding and feeling like my tongue was rolling around in my mouth.