The sound of the horse's hooves against the dirt path was almost soothing, but the tension in my body wouldn't allow me to relax. I sat before Magnus, his powerful arms encircling me as he held the reins.


His body was solid against my back, a wall of strength that made me feel small and fragile in comparison. His breath was warm on my ear, and I could hear the steady beat of his heart,


As the horse trotted on, I felt myself growing drowsy. My eyelids became heavy. I leaned back against him, feeling the hardness of his chest, and my head found a place to rest on his shoulder. His scent, a mix of pine


"Magnus," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the soft thuds of the horse's hooves.


"Hmm?" His voice rumbled through his chest,


"Thank you," I managed, though I wasn't even sure what I was thanking him for—perhaps for just being here.