We can't Help You Now



I felt Astrid's body tense beside me as we stood before her father. Her fists were clenched at her sides, knuckles white, and her chest rose and fell with rage.


"How dare you ask me for help now?" she spat, her voice trembling. "After everything, you think you can just say sorry and it'll all be fine? You don't care about me—you never did."


I could see the way her father's shoulders sagged. His eyes, weary, showed the sorrow of an alpha who had seen his pack suffer and diminish under his leadership. I could almost feel his pain, that heavy burden of responsibility that comes with leading a pack, of having the lives of so many rest on your shoulders.


I stepped forward, placing a hand on Astrid's arm. "Astrid," I said softly, "let's take a moment."


She turned her head to face me, her look piercing.