Chapter Five

Maya Ramos looked at her brother with teary eyes, she was desperate but she was also not pathetic.

"I'm very sorry Mateo for suggesting it. Please forget about it."

Mateo nodded his head and shared an understanding look with his sister. Maya shared a small smile with him and limped to the bathtub.

"I'll clean up the blood."

"What about the baby?"

Maya was silent for sometime.

"Leave it to me dear brother."

Mateo nodded his head I'm understanding. Even though it was a miscarriage, he felt uneasy if asked to dispose it. He unlocked the door quietly and peeked out, seeing that the coast was clear, he turned to look at Maya.

"I will be leaving for mom's house in the evening. I'll take the bus."

"I'll be coming with you."

"But Mimi..."

"I'll manage. Go prepare your things, I'll ask Ximena to prepare mine."


Mateo stepped out of the bathroom and as he did. He heard the door been locked again. He sighed and quietly left the room to his own room to prepare for his journey.


Maya stepped out of the bathroom with a bathrobe covering her body. It took lots of effort to wash the blood out of her clothing. The hot bath had added a little strength to her. She walked gently to her bed and sat down. She inhaled sharply while placing her hand on her lower abdomen. In her her other had she clutched something wrapped up in a white cloth towel. She unwrapped it a little and peeked at it- her dead fetus. A tear threatened to escape from her eyes, she held. it back in.

She stood up and went straight to a black designer's handbag. It was from the Nick Thony's brand, the bast fashion brand in the country and the bag was the least and oldest version. She placed the wrapped fetus inside the bag and zipped it shut.

Immediately the door was opened and Ximena stepped in.

"Ximena, prepare a bag for me. I'll be traveling to my mom's place."

"Yes madam. Have your husband yet?"

Maya told to scold Ximena but was glad she didn't.

"He just arrived and is at the bar downing his favorite wine."

Maya rushed out of the room and even with the slight pain, she matched into the bar and there she saw Gabe pouring himself another glass of wine. She went to him and hugged him from behind.

" Welcome back honey. "

" Mmm."

Maya frowned slightly. This was not the usual response that she was used to getting from him. Normally, he would hug her and kiss her passionately on the lips before placing a hand on her bottom and massaging it lightly.

"What's wrong?"

She removed disconnected the hug from behind and went in front of him. She looked at his green orbs as the stared back into her honey eyes. He removed his gaze and instead looked at the wine. He raised the glass to his lips but she stopped him.


Gabe looked at her and sighed.

"One of our investors died and unfortunately his second son whom I'm not close to took over his company. Just last week he sent a mail and a lawyer saying that he didn't wish to partner with us and he backed out. More than twenty percent of our investors have backed out and now our shares are dwindling. "

Maya listened carefully as Gabe unburdened his problems to her.

" And you know what, we have lost most of our almost sealed deals and I heard a gossip when I was moving round my staffs unnoticed that most of the board with large shares a planning on selling their shares to our rivals."

" That's bad. Why... "

Maya was caught off immediately.

" Don't worry about that. How's our baby. "

" They are doing great."

Gabe raised an eyebrow up and even in his current predicament, he still managed a smile.

" They? "

" Yes. I feel that the universe is going to compensate us for our losses. "

Maya smiled sweetly and placed a hand on her tummy. Gabe smiled back and hugged her gently.

"You are going to make me proud Maya. I'm glad I married you instead of that witch."

Maya smirked and immediately remembered her reason for coming.

"Honey, I and Matteo will be going to see our mother."

Gabe frowned deeply and immediately pulled Maya back staring at her with angry eyes.