The King's whim

This is where his life will change, this is where a new love-or-hate story begins. Decision, this might be a right or wrong decision, is he ever ready for this man.

He thought to himself as he quietly glanced at Zephyris who had no expression on his face. It's like looking at a blank paper that has hidden words, but when one wants to see those words, one must look within.

But in Owen's case, he sighed and smiled. 'It's not that I got something to lose, after all.' he thought and looked at the priest, nodding his head.

"It's of my free will to be here and marry the King." Owen replied with a serious look.

The priest nodded in agreement and flashed a warm smile. "Very well, my King and Prince Owen, please present your palms," the priest instructed, producing a small dagger from his hand. Both the King and Prince extended their palms as directed.

"In body and soul, you are now bound to each other, an unbreakable bond," the priest intoned, reciting a sacred incantation as a red circle of smoke materialized between their hands.

The priest then made a small cut on both of their palms and joined them together.

"You may now kiss your bride, Your Highness," the priest announced.

Facing each other, Owen felt a lump in his throat as he locked eyes with Zephyris, whose eyes seemed to have darkened.

Owen was taken aback when Zephyris' eyes turned back to their crimson red color. He then pulled Owen in for a kiss, eliciting applause from the room as everyone gathered around to congratulate the newly married couple.

After the guests had all left, only Owen's family remained.

"Your Highness, I had no idea you were interested in my son. Rest assured, you have chosen a perfect bride," King Rykhard said with a smile.

Owen glared at his father in disgust, frustrated that he couldn't confront him at that moment.

"Owen, my son, you have made this old man proud," his father continued, moving to embrace him. However, King Zephyris came between Owen's father, sharing a smile.

"As per our agreement, he has no involvement with you; he belongs to me. Everything outlined in the agreement scroll has been delivered to your Kingdom," the King declared, causing King Rykhard to take a step back.

"For now, fetch his trusted servants, and as for his attire, he will not require any as he will have plenty here," the King continued before turning to Owen.

"Is there anything you wish to say?" he inquired.

Owen nodded.

"Please, go ahead and speak," Zephyris encouraged him.

"I only require two individuals, my horse Galahad, and some gifts for you to present to Nyx and Eryn before their arrival here," Owen replied.

King Rykhard nodded in agreement as he turned to his wife, Queen Lucia, and assured him, "I will ensure that it is taken care of, Owen."

"Absolutely, I extend a warm invitation to all of you to join me and my wife for a delightful dinner. It would be remiss of me not to include my wife's family in our gathering," King Zephyris graciously expressed, just as a servant approached and respectfully bowed.

"Please follow me, Your Highnesses," the servant beckoned as he led Owen's family to the opulent dining room, leaving Owen alone with the King.

"I will introduce you to my trusted butler; should you require anything, do not hesitate to ask him," Zephyris' melodious voice resonated in Owen's ears.

Owen took a step back, feeling a bit overwhelmed, and replied, "Of course, Your Highness."

"Drop the formalities can you?" Zephyris asked as he moved forward towards Owen. And grab his chin with his hands and lift it up as he stares at those ocean eyes.

"Beautiful, and the fact that you smell like lilies is very fascinating," he said and turned away from Owen. Without delay, a youthful gentleman emerged clad in a sleek black suit, emanating a sense of subtle refinement.

The black woolen jacket and trousers, complemented by a matching waistcoat and shirt, harmonized effortlessly in a monochromatic display of sophistication.

Every intricate element, from the buttons to the collar, harmonized in a deep ebony hue, crafting an atmosphere of understated elegance. Owen cast a brief glance at the gentleman, whose countenance bore a solemn demeanor.

"You called Master."

"Here is Butler Flynn. He will attend to your needs from now on, and I'll show you around later," Zephyris Ignoring Flynn words.

"I'll be at the dining table, you should join me when you are done." he stated and left.

Owen let out a sigh and turned to Butler Flynn, "Flynn, I require an ink and a scroll," he requested.

"Yes, Your Highness, I will fetch them immediately. Do you require anything else?" he asked, bowing respectfully.

"Once I am finished with them, prepare two baskets of gifts and discreetly place the vellum on them," Owen said softly. Flynn raised his head, nodded, and then left to carry out the task.

"What do you intend to do with those?" a fairy appeared on Owen's shoulder, inquiring. Owen sighed and attempted to brush the fairy off her shoulder.

"You are a nuisance, always appearing and disappearing at will. I am married and stuck with a stranger who killed Owen in the novel," Owen muttered.

"What is my purpose here?" the fairy asked, and they both chuckled.

"Oh, make sure the prince doesn't go berserk with his power while also revealing a new character's true colors," Indigo exclaimed happily.

"Once you're done with this mission, you can check your stats. Just say 'Open mission stats,' and a holographic screen will appear," Indigo explained.

"I see, that's a good idea. I should check it now...."

"Your Highness," the butler's voice came from behind interrupting Owen, "here is the vellum, ink, and quill." Owen turned, nodded, and accepted the items. "Thank you," he said gratefully.

Nearby, there was a Tabouret nearby, a small stool that he could use as a writing surface. Owen positioned himself in front of it and began to pen his message.

(Nyx, I am pleased to inform you that both you and Eryn will soon be residing with me here in the illustrious Tenebrous Empire. Please show Eryn this letter and instruct him to discreetly place spies within the palace to keep me apprised of any developments. I trust you will handle this task with the utmost discretion and efficiency. Do not disappoint me.)

He folded it and gave it to Butler Flynn, "Don't read it and make sure King Zephyris doesn't read this too. Prepare a gift for two people and put this in it, and two guards should go with my parents to pick up my things."

He smiled politely as the butler bowed before leaving Owen alone. "You sounded quite suspicious, almost too suspicious," Indigo exclaimed, her brow furrowed.

"That was precisely my intention. I wanted to test whether the butler serves me personally or just his master, so I can be cautious in the future. If the King reads that message, I will have my answer," Owen said with a smile, casually pushing a strand of hair back.

"Now, I should go join them for dinner and observe or smiply join in the drama," he added with a smirk, eliciting an evil laugh from Indigo.

Walking towards the west wing of the palace, where the dinner room was located on his right, Owen was greeted by the guards who opened the door for him.

As he entered, he prepared himself to watch the events unfold, or they will watch the events that will unfold.

Zephyris spotted Owen immediately and greeted him with a warm smile, beckoning him closer with a gentle gesture. "Come here, my lily," the king called out, prompting Owen to roll his eyes but comply with the request.

"Today, you shall have the honor of sitting on my lap and sharing my meal," Zephyris announced with a twinkle in his eye, his voice filled with a sense of playful mischief.

Owen was taken aback by the unexpected request. Why would the king want him to sit on his lap? Was this a display of a dominaneering husband, with Owen cast in the role of a submissive wife? These thoughts raced through Owen's mind as he regarded Zephyris with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

Deciding to play along, Owen mustered a smile and approached the king, who was seated at the far end of the table. "As you wish, my Lord," he replied with a sly grin, determined to turn the tables on Zephyris in a subtle yet satisfying way.

Queen Lucia and King Rykhard were taken aback by Owen's timidity, as they had sensed a shift in his behavior during their recent dinner together.

"Very well," he murmured, his voice soft and soothing. Owen obediently settled on his lap and turned to face the King.

"I am famished, my Lord. Would you please feed me before you partake?" Owen entreated, his voice barely above a whisper.

Zephyris chuckled, "Of course, I shall..." But before he could finish his sentence, he felt a pair of hands gently squeezing his thighs. Glancing down, he saw Owen's mischievous smile, eagerly awaiting to be fed.

"He is playing with fire," a voice in Zephyris' head warned as his eyes quickly turned black before returning to normal. He swallowed nervously, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Open your mouth," his husky voice commanded.

"Yes, your highness," Owen replied, obediently parting his lips and squeezing Zephyris' thighs tightly.

"It appears you desire something more, don't you?" Zephyris murmured, his voice barely audible.

"No, my Lord, I do not," Owen insisted, chewing on the sliced steak that the King had graciously fed him.

"I hope so, because believe me, you will be begging for more when I give you what you're craving for, Owen," Zephyris purred with a soft rumble, catching Owen off guard and causing his neck to turn tomato red.

Embarrassed, Owen quickly removed his hand and focused on his food. The room fell silent as everyone finished their meal, and Owen's family bid him farewell as they returned to their Kingdom.

As Zephyris escorted Owen to his room, Owen found himself sleeping alone in a spacious double King size bed.

~Lights out~