
Feeling the tense pleasure he moaned, "Zephyris, I...m about to come."

This turned Azraelis off; Owen shouldn't be calling Zephyris' name. He was irritated to the extent that he almost hit Owen.

But Owen's cute and pleased face was something that would make anyone want to take him right then and there.

He sighed as he glared at him, smiled, moved closer, and kissed Owen's forehead, then his lips, ears…


"Your Grace, we have found the path they followed," a tall guard said, holding his compass.

Afraid he might be the next person the king would kill, something he was not ready for.

Zephyris didn't say a word, his eyes staring at the walls without blinking. He was enraged and almost went berserk.

His butler simply asked the guards to leave, and they did so.

And shadows which had been hiding, came out as they bowed to Zephyris. One of them stood up, "My Lord, we have found the portal leading to the intruders, but.." and he paused.

Zephyris turned to the guard and looked at the shadow guards Boeing in front of him.

"But?" He asked, his voice laced with anger.

"Your brother Lord Azraelis is the intruder and we can't get in there without your permission to act," he announced.

Zephyris eyes turned pure black, causing the room to hit zero temperature. His aura was getting to peak and no one could say any nor make this man to calm down.

If only the Queen wasn't kidnapped they wouldn't have to see this side. Even though they were used to it, it was still frustrating as hell.

"Open the portal to Raven's peak, I know where he is." He said and stood up.

"But your grace, it will only mean war." One of the high ranking shadow guards said.

"Then we give them war. No one, not even my brother, has the right to touch my queen, your queen." He paused and looked at them.

"Be grateful I didn't have your head cut, open the portal and match men to the south gate. I'll handle the rest."

"Yes Your Highness."

They all gulped, Raven's peak wasn't the King territory, crossing there will bring war and that's something the King has to risk.

For 1000 years he had made sure there wasn't any war with them. But it seems that what is meant to be it's meant to be.

Immediately the shadow guards bowed low and rushed out of the throne room; their footsteps were inaudible against the cold stone floor. The heavy, oppressive air seemed to cling to them, a leftover from King Zephyris's anger.

Outside the grand palace doors, they were greeted by a bitter gust of wind, the chilling temperature making their breaths visible.

One of the guards, a tall figure cloaked in blackened armor, turned back to the others. "Prepare yourselves; Raven's Peak is no friend to strangers, less so to those who approach without heed."

The others nodded in silent understanding. They were bound to serve, no matter the risks, and they knew their king was beyond reasoning. His rage was colder than the ice around them and far deadlier.

The head guard stepped forward, the dramatic flair with which he raised his hand. Dark energy crackled in small eddies around his palm until it finally started to rip open a rift into the air before them.

The jagged edges of the portal shimmered with a deep violet light, hissing as the magic settled.

"Move. The King does not like to be kept waiting," the guard ordered.

They stepped through without another word, disappearing into the swirling magic before the portal winked out of existence.

On the other side, the world was darker, colder. In front of them, Raven's Peak loomed, the ancient mountain fortress rearing from the fog-shrouded cliffs.

In the distance rumbled thunder, ominous of what lay ahead. For a moment, they said nothing, then looked at each other with fresh resolution.

The king would be here soon, and then there would be no turning back. Whether by battle or whether by Zephyris' will, it was all but decided.

Meanwhile, in the palace, Zephyris lifted himself from the throne seat where he had been seated and walked heavily, his steps ringing through the icy halls.

Black eyes blazed with anger as he steeled himself for what lay ahead. Owen's face fueled his burning hatred with every passing second.

"Brother or not," he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper, "he'll pay with his life for taking what's mine."

With a flick of his hand, he materialized a portal and, stepping into the inky void that was feeding darkness, he would meet his men at the gates of Raven's Peak after saving Owen, then he would unleash the anger that had been boiling within him for far too long.

This was much more than a rescue mission. This was the beginning of a war that had been seething for a millennium. And now, it was going to boil over.


"Now you're all loosened up for me," Azrael's voice whispered into Owen's ear as he spread Owen's legs, licked his fingers, and thrust them into his ass.

"Ngh," Owen moaned, pinching his nipples. "Zephyris, please put it in immediately," he begged.

Azraelis felt a slight itch on his face before attempting to grab Owen's neck.


Azraelis stumbled back, clutching his neck where the blade had just grazed him. His laughter was a mix of pain and amusement.

"Is that all you've got, Zephyris?" Azraelis growled, his voice strained from the wound. Black blood oozed from his fingers as he tried to regain his balance.

Zephyris remained stoic, his expression devoid of emotion. The blade in his hand glistened in the dim light, its edge stained with Azraelis' dark blood.

Despite his calm demeanor, a palpable tension hung in the air.

Owen, still in a haze of pleasure, struggled to comprehend the events unfolding before him. He absentmindedly checked his holes with two fingers, ensuring they were adequately loosened.

"You should have stayed hidden, Zephyris," Azraelis snarled, his eyes filled with malice. "Now, it's personal."

Without warning, Azraelis lunged once more, moving faster than Owen could track with his eyes. But Zephyris was quicker. He sidestepped and swiftly swung his sword in a fluid motion, slicing through the air.

In a swift movement, he snapped his fingers, and a rope snaked around his brother's neck, tightening its grip. Then, he turned his attention to Owen with a smirk.

"You seem to have loosened up, just for me" Zephyris said seductively, before swiftly carrying Owen away and disappearing.