I now know you.

Chapter 3


 You may light up my world but your warmth will never reach me.

 As if, following a rhythm, someone was snapping their fingers.

"I am still wondering, when will she ever get up?" Mia heard a sharp voice ask, very close to her.

 She felt she was lying in her bed because it had that soft and fluffy feeling.

"Leave her to rest, Lydia" she heard a voice that sounded like Shamika, replying to the person,far off.

'Was this really her room? Why is she hearing different voices?' She thought, as she forced herself to open her eyes and look around.

 Confirming it was her peached coloured room, her eyes darted to her bed.

"Fine, fine, but I am only hoping, our new mate is not dead. I mean, that will be very bad for us and for this centre" the girl, named Lydia, said. She was sitting close to her in the bed, on a green dress and had short brown hair.

 Mia wanted to pretend that she had not woken up but when she heard that, she looked at her, raising her eyebrows.

"Why would I be dead?" She asked, as the girl jolted from shock and saw Mia sitting up.

"Oh, you are awake" 

"Yes, I am," Mia said, with a straight face, holding the quilt, towards her body.

"That's good. I am sorry about that, no offense, but I couldn't help but think of all the bad things that could happen here, by the way, I am Lydia" She said, stretching her hand and Mia shook hands with her.

"You really are beautiful, as Shamika said" Lydia added and Mia gave a smile, trying not to remember that she had just heard her, saying she could be dead.

"Lydia, are you talking to yourself, again?" Shamika's voice sounded from Mia's kitchen, before Mia saw her bringing a food tray. 

"Thank goodness, Mia. I was just about to wake you up, how are you feeling?" Shamika asked, as she went to drop the tray, on the small round table, near her bed. 

 The sweet aroma of beef stew hit her, as Mia gave the tray a glance, it had sweet bread, pottage and beef stew.

"I am fine, thanks" Mia replied to her with a smile, secretly salivating.

"Ooh, I can't relate to you at all, but I can only imagine. If Tavon ever saved me, I would die" Lydia said, as she raised her hand to her face in a dramatic position.

 Mia saw Shamika, rolling her eyes at that moment.

"Get a hold of yourself Lydia, Tavon is pointless" Shamika said, folding her hands.

"What? He is not" Mia felt herself say, involuntarily before she even realized it, as Shamika and Lydia, both giggled.

"Oh no, I think she has already fallen," Lydia said, clearly amused by everything as Mia wanted to hide, desperately from embarrassment.

"Just so you know, I am not interested in Tavon, whatsoever. I believe a woman should be meant for more" Lydia said, proudly.

 'Tavon', so that is his name?'

 Mia smiled, thinking about it but wondered why it sounded familiar at the same time.

"Falling in love, doesn't mean, a woman can't be who she wants to be, Lydia. You are totally not getting the hang of things" Shamika said and sighed.

"Do not give a thought about what she is saying, Mia" She continued, facing Mia, as she then sat near her on the bed, taking the spoon.

"Nonetheless, Tavon could never be my type" Shamika said, as she scoffed, taking the pottage to feed her.

"I can actually do it, myself, " Mia said.

"Do not worry, I will do it," Shamika said to her.

'She seems quite nice' Mia thought, as she reminded her of her sister- Carina and so, she found herself being fed by a stranger for the first time and to her amazement, Shamika's cooking was amazing.

"I know you always say he is too proud and overconfident but think about it, Shamika. Who would not? He is sought after by thousands of beauties, because of his handsomeness, he is favored with the best swordsmanship and magic skills combined, he has won the Clabel twice, he is…" 

"Okay, okay. You do not have to tell me why he feels so special, all the time" Shamika said, interrupting Lydia.

"You are so not fond of him" Mia said, voicing what she noticed.

 Immediately she said it, Shamika paused for a moment.

"Yes, he kind of snatched the CLabel that was supposed to be mine, some time back" she said before continuing, feeding.

"I was so close, so close to winning it but he had to step up his game. I can't seem to forget it" Shamika said and Mia nodded remembering her sister.

Could she also feel this way, towards her?

 Lydia immediately chuckled

"Liar, Tavon would have won it, regardless. He was destined for greatness, right from birth. Master always say, his powers are at the brink, whenever we practice, we are good but we do not come close, he is the best in the whole of the centre"

 Mia smiled after learning, he was the best in the centre. She had seen him, first hand and could not help but even agree without seeing the others.

"Not to be rude Mika, but you can not blame others for your failures," Lydia added.

"That was no less than rude. Anyways, Whatever" Shamika said, rolling her eyes.

 At that moment, there was a tap at the door and Lydia got up to open it.

"Good day everyone, we are here" a girl said, entering, followed by another.

"Okay, Mia, these are the remaining ladies, they would introduce themselves to you" Shamika said.

"Hello Mia, I am Natalia and it is nice to finally meet you," the first girl who announced their arrival, introduced. 

 She was a fine dark skin maiden, with long black hair, wearing a fine pink dress. Her smile was attractive.

 She seemed to give off an energy like Lydia but looked more loquacious and certainly did not sound sarcastic.

"My turn, I am Georgia and it is nice to meet you" Georgia said, smiling, she had long, wavy, lighter brown hair and was dressed in blue.

"And it is nice to meet you too," Mia said with a smile.

"Oh my goodness, is it because you are new here? How do you have all the great things?" Georgia asked, going to touch an old peach painting, that Mia was also surprised to see. 

 Maybe, she had not fully looked at this room very well.

"Leave it alone, Georgia. Ahh! She is such an inquisitive person" Shamika said to Mia, dropping the spoon.

"You sure eat a lot," She whispered to Mia who giggled.

"Talking about inquisitiveness, I heard Tavon saved Mia from the bad tempered dragon" Georgia asked, as she went to sit in a chair with Natalia.

"It was so amazing, I have never seen Tavon save anyone before, Mia's the first," Natalia said, smiling.

"Oh please, he left her to die on the floor, after showing off to everyone that he could kill a dragon" Shamika said, rolling her eyes, not understanding why people could not see Tavon in her perspective.

"He left me…?" Mia asked them, surprised.

"Of course, did you actually expect more from him? It's a miracle that he actually saved you. Taking you to the healer could have been a whole new matter for the year" Lydia said. 

"The healer was there in time, so his assistant took you. They brought you back today" Shamika said to her.

"Anyways, we are glad you are fine. A perfect time for bonding and your lessons happen to start tomorrow, are you ready?" Natalia asked excitedly and Mia smiled but it quickly faded.

"Yes, I guess," she said, feeling awkward. How is she going to cope tomorrow, with no skills? 

 She is very sure that she will be kicked out tomorrow.

 If she indeed has such limited time, she has to try her best to find 'Tavon knight'.

 After thinking about it, the name hit her with realization.

 What?! They probably can't be the same person, right? White-haired can not be the same person she is supposed to win over. There should be many Tavons in this centre.

"By any means, is Tavon's family name, 'knight'?" She asked them, inquisitively but at the same time not wanting to hear the answer.

"Yes, he is, how did you know? Or he told you?" Georgia asked and they all looked at Mia for an answer.

"Yes… yes, I happened to hear of his great skills" Mia said, giving an awkward short laugh after and everyone gave her a funny look but nodded after, agreeing with her.

"Okay mates, we have to let Mia rest properly to get ready for tomorrow's lessons, we can chat tomorrow, hurry up!" Shamika said, as she clapped her hands and everyone who did not belong to the room, stood up, saying a 'goodnight' to Mia who replied to them, a lovely night.

"I am sorry about the noise, Mia. Goodnight and see you tomorrow" Shamika said, as she was the last person to leave, closing the door behind her.

'She is so, Carina coded' Mia thought.

 She heaved as she got up and went to take her bath in the peach coloured and flavored water, it was heaven, refreshing and relaxing.

 Getting to her room, she sat on the bed but was restless.

 Tavon is the one she is looking for, and he is so handsome, how does her father expect her not to fall for him? 

 Anyways, sitting here lazily, the way she likes, would not do her any good. 

 If she is going to be thrown out tomorrow, she has to find Tavon, who knows? 

 He might even tell her where the stupid jade is.

 Mia managed to sneak out of the treehouse and out of room 26, her mate's light was out at this time, as she closed the door, securely.

 It was dark, cold and scary for her, outside. 

 Especially now that it was night time, but she could finally see some people scattered here and there, chatting, walking, playing, gathering for a bonfire, trying their magic skills. Despite her first impression, outside at night was entertaining but that is not why she is out.

 First off, she could start by checking near the forest, where they both sat.

 She walked down the path and passed the flowery side. There was no single person here.

 The floral scent of rose's, the soft Violet's, the strong minty smell of rosemary, all hit her, as she smiled.

 She sighted the chair and, at the same time, saw a silhouette of a person, walking inside the forest, wearing all black. 

"Was that Tavon?" She asked herself, loudly. 

 His hood blew off, due to the breeze, exposing his white hair, as she gasped. It's really him.

"Tavon!" She yelled for him to wait for her but the person was not stopping. 

 She saw another person on black too, staggering, as he followed Tavon with a knife.

"What!" She panicked, running after them before she knew it.

 In the middle of the forest, a fight had erupted between Tavon and the mysterious person.

 She hid in fear mixed with excitement, behind a damaged house and kept on watching, it's not like she had any power to save him. 

 Besides, he is known as the most powerful. So, she was going to watch how he defeats this man and announce his victory all over the centre, he had better not die in the process.

 Not long after, Tavon had tossed the man, beside a tree like trash, he really had the upper hand. 

 The man groaned, looking all bloody but Tavon did not have a single scratch on him.

 Tavon bent to his level, as she watched him, he brought out a dagger and she wondered what he was up to.

 When suddenly, he started stabbing the man's neck, multiple times.

 Her soul left her body, with her eyes widening in shock.

 How could he kill someone with no remorse?!

 She wanted to shout but no words were coming out, as tears filled her eyes.

 After stabbing the man and being satisfied, he started walking towards the damaged house and she became more scared.

 Why didn't she stay in her room today to discover more hidden things?!

 Luckily for her, he opened the door and went inside but she could still see him, from a broken wall.

 He looked disheveled and was heaving so much.

 She tried to steady her breathing too, as she noticed his eyes were deep red. He slumped down, near the wall, breathing heavily, as Mia watched with uneasiness.

 How the hell is she going to get out of here!

 If he knew she saw him, won't he end her right now? It is better to run away to her Kingdom and tell her father that the man is not normal.

 Which normal person's eyes turn red, even when casting a spell? She has never seen it, or maybe it's new?

She turned, tiptoeing away with fear.

 When suddenly, her leg kicked a stone and the next thing she saw was Tavon gripping her neck into the house, livid in anger. She yelled, beyond horrified.

 She saw his deep red coated eyes vividly, it was scary. His grip was even scarier because she was sure she could die any moment.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked, his charming voice was all gone now, replaced by a scary one.

What the hell is this?

"I…I you a..re choking me, ple…ase" Mia managed to say, as she felt him, close up the distance between them, breathing on her neck. She feared he might bite her off.

 She contemplated kicking him on his groin but decided against it immediately, what if he got more angry and ended her there? 

 No, it was better to act submissive and find an edge, even if it seemed impossible at the moment.

 Suddenly, there was a footstep and his hold on her softened. She wondered who her savior was. 

 She turned, following his gaze and not too far away, she sighted a more horrid figure and screamed, Tavon grabbed her hand, as he rushed back inside, locking the door swiftly. 

 Mia noticed something as he turned, his red eyes were gone! 

 His hands had gone from hot to cold in an instant when he grabbed her, just now.

 His handsome features were back as he kept pacing and Mia was trying to comprehend what just happened.

 One minute, he was strangling her and the other minute, he was back to normal and let's not forget he just stabbed someone earlier, she squirmed uneasily.

"What is your problem?! Why are you everywhere, with problems?!" He yelled and for one second she wondered how the focus changed to her, suddenly.

 The horrid figure seemed to scratch softly on the wall surface and simply walk away, Mia heaved, hearing its retreating footsteps.

 She sighed and said:

"That is right, you seem not to have noticed but I am the girl with unexplainably low luck…"