Fracture Peace

The train station is a bin of noise and movement, a throng of people pushing and shoving in every direction. Maverick stands amidst the chaos, his patience wearing thin.

Accustomed to the quiet of night patrols and desert streets, the bustling crowd felt overwhelming. The heat of the day, combined with the lack of sleep, make him feel dizzy.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally reached the first-class rail-carriage. He finds his seat and sinks into it with a sigh of relief.

The first-class section is mercifully less crowded than the rest of it. As the train begins to depart, Maverick closes his eyes, hoping to catch a bit of rest despite his heightened awareness.

A few minutes later, he sensed someone approaching. Their footstep is rather light and relaxed, thinking the person is merely checking seats.

However, when the same present returns and sits across from him, Maverick feels an intense stare and decides to take a look.

Opening his eyes, he sees a man with striking green eyes and blonde hair, dressed in nobleman's attire complete with black leather gloves.

The man sip a glass of brandy with an air of sophistication. There were many handsome men Maverick had seen in his life, but this one possessed a rare kind of allure.

Realizing Maverick is awake, the man apologized for disturbing him. "Forgive me. Didn't mean to intrude but this seat has an incredibly tempting view." He smiles.

Maverick turns his head to look at the window. It is a moving train so whenever one sits, the view will be the same. The man chuckles seeing Maverick movement and offering him his brandy 

"A sip?"

"No. Thank you" Maverick declines politely. 

The man smiles and nods, returning to his own activities. Maverick closes his eyes again, while the stranger gazes out the window at the passing countryside.

After an hour, a sudden scream echoed from the rail-carriage behind them. Maverick snaps to the attention, ready for battle, but remember that vampires wouldn't be active in daylight. It was likely a robbery or a fight.

The man across from him sighs and stands up reluctantly. "It seems fun back there," he said, heading toward the connecting door between rail-carriages. 

Maverick stops him. "It might be dangerous to go alone." he warned, surprising the man. 

The man's eyes lit up with interest. "Why don't we go together, then?"

Maverick agrees, and they move to the connecting door. They see several men assaulting a train officer in the economy class rail-carriage.

The train officer whose duty is to prevent economy-class passengers from moving into the first-class seems to be lying unconsciously on the ground. Maverick burst in, taking down the attacker with swift. 

The man who accompanied him clapped in admiration. "Impressive, indeed."

Maverick might be used to receiving praise from his juniors, but for some reason, he feels like every word from this man, since the beginning of their conversation always sounded like he is deliberately teasing him.

Maverick wrinkles his brow looking at him, that man had a smile all over face, Maverick thinking hard, but it might also just be his imagination.

"Let's return," said Maverick. 

As they turn to return to their rail-carriage, a figure suddenly drops from the train roof.

Maverick's companion moves to shield him with his back, but the attacker delivers a powerful kick, sending both Maverick and the man flying out of the moving train.

The world spun as Maverick and his companion tumbled through the air. Before they were kickaway, the man managed to hold Maverick into his arms, planning to protect him from any unwanted injury but it looked like it wasn't needed at all, since they landed on soil with tallgrass.

Despite the circumstances, it still hurts on his back. "That was unexpected" said that man while groaning in pain.

Maverick who is safely landed using that man as a shield seems unhurt. "Are you alright?" Maverick asked, his eyes still searching for the attacker. 

"I'll survive, but you need to move, so heavy–" the man replied. 

Maverick quickly sat up on his side. "Seem like the attacker didn't jump along" 

In the quiet aftermath, the man asked Maverick. "You are from the special soldier, aren't you?" He slowly sat up.

"Only the insider knows about the special soldier? Who are you?" Maverick asks in a wary voice.

"You already said that only the insiders know about the special soldier, so what are you wary of?" said the man nonchalantly.

Maverick is still doubting the man even though he has clarified himself. "I've never seen an insolent man like you in my unit." he said it with a straight face.

The man is silent for a moment, he looks at Maverick with a serious expression. After a few seconds, he started to laugh out loud. 

Maverick can't stand this man's behavior and quickly stands up, he wants to stay away from this man and never want to see him again. But when he is about to walk away, the man grabs his hand. 

"Where are you going? We are not done yet" the man finally stood up.

"It was still hours away from Paris. I have to leave now" Maverick replied.

"It's not you but us. Let's follow the rail-track. I know a town nearby, but I have an important thing to ask you before we set out" said the man.

"What is it?" Maverick listens to him seriously.

The man clears his throat, looking earnest when he opens his mouth. "What is your codename, my dear?" The man bowed while raising one his hand toward Maverick like a gentleman asking a lady for a dance.

Maverick suddenly felt a surge of pain striking his head. He finally gets it, this man has been treating him like a lady since the very beginning. His face grim and walks away as quickly as possible. 

The man lift his brow in confusion and immediately ran after Maverick. "Hey, wait for me!"

The two men walked along the rail track under the fading afternoon light. The breeze is soft and refreshing, carrying the scent of wildflower and distant forest.

They had walked companionably in silence for two hours after Cherie promised to stay silent if Maverick told him his codename. 

"Marx. It's Marx!"

"Oh. Nice to meet you Marx, I'm Cherie."

The process was not easy for Maverick, who always did things in seriousness. Maverick had to scream his name out loud twice since Cherie kept pestering him along the way.

During the time Cherie also told Maverick his codename but he didn't believe Cherie's silly codename and refused to acknowledge it.

As the sun dips below the horizon, they arrive at a small town nestled in a valley. The town, usually bustling with life and activity, was eerily quiet.

"This place should be alive with people drinking and laughing until midnight," Cherie murmured, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Something's wrong."

They approach a nearby inn, its sign creaking softly in the evening breeze. Marx knocked on the heavy wooden door.

After a few moments, it's creak opens, revealing an old man with weary eyes. His face brightens with recognition when he sees Cherie.

"Sir, what a surprise! Come in, come in!" the innkeeper said, stepping aside to let them enter.

"Thank you old man," Cherie replied, his voice polite. They step into the warm, dimly lit common room. The innkeeper guides them to a table near the hearth.

"You look like you've had a rough journey. What brought you here?" the innkeeper asked, his eyes flicking between the two men.

Cherie glanced at Marx before replying, "We are just going around having fun. But where is everyone? This town is usually so lively."

The innkeeper expression darkened. "There was trouble. A few days ago, people were missing or found dead in the morning, bodies mangled. Some said it's a wild animal, but–" he trailed off, shaking his head. 

Marx and Cherie exchange a knowing look. They both suspect the same thing—vampires.