Earl of Cardiff

Julius sulked dramatically as they walked, strolled through the bustling town, still bitter about losing the card game to the children.

"I can't believe those little brats cleaned me out," Julius grumbled, his voice heavy with exaggerated indignation. "Who knew kids could be such ruthless card sharks? I'm ruined, Maverick, absolutely ruined!"

Maverick listened to Julius's complaints with a quiet smile, occasionally nodding to show he was paying attention. He didn't say much, knowing Julius was just venting his frustrations. 

"But I'm still lucky to bump into you." Julius said, his voice cheerful.

Maverick turned to Julius, his curiosity piqued. "Why are you here in Birmingham, Julius?"

Julius answered nonchalantly, "I came to see you, of course."

Maverick raised an eyebrow, pressing a little further. "And why did you leave without saying a word that day?"

At this, Julius fell silent, his expression clouding over. Maverick noticed the change but chose not to push any further, respecting Julius's reluctance to share. Instead, they continued their stroll in comfortable silence, stopping by every shop that caught Julius's interest. 

When they passed a quaint pastry shop, its windows filled with an array of delicious-looking treats. Julius's eyes lit up as he suddenly burst into the shop, pulling Maverick along with him.

"Maverick, buy me some!" Julius demanded, his tone a mix of petulance and pleading. "I haven't eaten anything since last night."

Inside the pastry shop, the air was filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries. Maverick and Julius stood by the counter, their eyes scanning the array of delicious treats.

Julius, with his usual carefree demeanor, pointed at a few loaves, nodding approvingly as Maverick placed their order.

As Maverick was about to pay, a middle-aged woman emerged from the back of the shop. She paused as she looked at Maverick, a flicker of recognition in her gaze.

"Excuse me, young man," she began, "Are you by any chance from the Beecham family?"

Maverick turned to her, answering politely, "Yes, I am."

The woman's smile widened, a touch of nostalgia in her expression. "I knew it. You've got that Beecham look about you. You've grown up quite fine, haven't you? And you have your mother's eyes… such a lovely woman she was."

"Thank you. It's been a long time since I was last here."

The woman nodded, her eyes glistening slightly. "Time does fly, doesn't it? But it's good to see you back. Your family was always well-regarded in this town. Your mother… She had a way of making everyone feel special. And now, seeing you, it's like a piece of her has returned."

Maverick wasn't one of many words, but he appreciated the woman's kindness. "I appreciate that. It's good to be back."

As the two exchanged a few more words, Julius stood off to the side, observing the interaction silently. He watched the way Maverick's face softened as he spoke with the woman, a rare expression of vulnerability that Julius didn't often see.

It was a glimpse into a side of Maverick that was usually hidden beneath his calm and composed exterior.

As they resumed their stroll, Julius munched on the bread happily, they wandered through the town, laughing and chatting as the hours passed, until the sun hung low in the sky, painting the horizon in warm hues of orange and pink.

Realizing how late it had become, Maverick turned to Julius with a practical question. "Where are you going to stay tonight?"

Julius flashed a cheeky grin, replying with his usual bluntness, "I'm staying at your place, of course."

Maverick couldn't help but chuckle at Julius's straightforwardness. "I don't remember asking you to stay at my place."

Julius looked at Maverick with puppy eyes, "Can't I?"

Maverick smiled softly, obliged. "Sure"

Before heading back, Julius led the way to the horse boarding stable where he had left his horse.

When they arrived, Maverick noticed a white horse lying on the ground, looking utterly exhausted. Concerned, he approached the horse and gently caressed its neck, turning to Julius in surprise.

"This is your horse?" Maverick asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Julius rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Yeah, that's Remus. Useless horse. This lazy thing's spoiled rotten, can't handle a decent ride without collapsing like this."

Remus lifted his head slightly and looked at Maverick with a pitiful expression, as if seeking sympathy. Maverick frowned, his tone shifting to one of gentle admonishment. 

"Julius, you can't just run your horse ragged like this. Horses need proper care and rest. You're going to end up hurting him."

Julius shrugged dismissively, but there was a hint of guilt in his eyes. "He'll be fine. He's tougher than he looks."

Remus snorted in displeasure.

Maverick shook his head, still stroking Remus's mane soothingly. "You can't treat him like this. Horses aren't just tools, Julius. They have their limits."

Julius muttered something under his breath, looking away as Maverick continued to comfort the weary horse. After a few moments, Julius sighed, conceding, "Fine, fine. I'll take better care of him."

Maverick nodded, satisfied with the small victory. "That's all I'm asking."

Both Remus and Julius secretly glared at each other fiercely without Maverick notice.

As the carriage rattled along the road toward Maverick's manor, the countryside around them began to darken with the approaching evening. Inside the carriage, Julius and Maverick sat opposite each other, the earlier lightheartedness from their time in town now replaced by a more somber atmosphere.

Julius, resting his arm on the window ledge, turned to Maverick with a contemplative expression. "Your parents… they both died a long time ago, didn't they?"

Maverick nodded, his gaze steady. "Yes. Both of them were killed by vampires."

Julius fell silent, his face darkening as he absorbed the weight of Maverick's words. 

The carriage soon arrived at the grand gates of Maverick's manor. The towering structure loomed ahead, its ancient walls and manicured gardens holding the echoes of a storied past. As the carriage rolled to a stop, Edgar was there to greet them.

"Welcome back, my lord," Edgar said with a respectful bow, before turning his attention to Julius. "And welcome to you as well, sir?"

Julius, with his usual charm, smiled slightly and replied, "Weston. You may call me Weston."

Edgar bow respectfully, ""Lord Weston." 

As a maid approached to take their coats, Julius handed his over but, when asked for his gloves, he politely declined. "I'll keep them on for now, thank you."

Maverick caught the exchange and took a brief glance at Julius, noticing the subtle tension in his partner's posture. However, he chose not to comment, instead following Edgar's lead into the manor.

They were soon led to the dining room, where a lavish meal had been prepared for them. The table was set with fine porcelain and silverware, the soft glow of candlelight adding warmth to the room.

Edgar, ensuring that everything was in order, excused himself, leaving Maverick and Julius alone to dine.

As they began their meal, Julius seemed ready to bring up their work, but Maverick raised a hand, giving him a meaningful glance. "Let's enjoy dinner. We'll talk about work in the study afterward."

Julius, understanding the unspoken message, nodded and returned to his meal, though his mind was clearly still on the matters at hand.

After dinner, they retired to Maverick's study, a room lined with old books and dark wood paneling, filled with the scent of aged leather and ink. Once inside, Maverick closed the door behind them, ensuring their privacy.

"No one in this house knows about my job," Maverick began, his voice low and serious. "And I don't plan on telling them. Especially Edgar."

Julius leaned against the edge of the desk, arms crossed, and nodded. "Understood."

With that settled, Julius began to share the information he had gathered. "I plan to infiltrate some of the noble houses during the London Season in the upcoming week. I suspect some of them might be cooperating with the vampires."

Maverick listened intently, his expression thoughtful. "Before we discuss that… What exactly did the noble vampire tell you that night in Paris?"

Julius paused, meeting Maverick's gaze with a hard look. "I'll answer that question once we successfully identify which noble is supporting the vampires. Until then, it's better left unsaid."

Maverick held Julius's gaze for a moment longer before nodding. "Agreed."

"Now, the problem is how you get invited to these events," Julius continued. "I've been thinking… You'll need to become the carrot in this mission—gathering information or acting as a decoy, while I slip into the events and investigate from the inside."

Maverick raised an eyebrow, considering the plan. "You want me to be the bait?"

"Not bait, exactly. More like… the face of the operation. You have the connections, the name, and the title that will grant us access, Earl of Cardiff, Lord Beecham." Julius grin wickedly.

Maverick sighed, running a hand through his hair. He didn't even want to ask Julius just how he found out about his title.

"Fine. But we'll need a solid cover story to explain why I'm suddenly interested in mingling with the aristocracy."

Julius smirked. "Leave that to me. We'll have you back in society in no time."