
The morning sun cast a golden hue over the sprawling estate as Maverick, Julius, and Louis stood before the grand entrance of Maverick's manor, ready to set out for London.

The manor, with its imposing structure and manicured gardens, looked serene in the early light. 

Maverick held a sealed letter in his hand. He turned to Edgar, who stood by the carriage, his usual composed expression in place.

"Edgar," Maverick said, handing him the letter, "please ensure this is sent out today."

Edgar took the letter with a slight bow, his eyes filled with the unspoken understanding.

"Of course, my lord." he said, his voice steady but warm.

With a final nod, Maverick stepped into the carriage, followed by Louis and Julius. Edgar watched as the carriage door closed, then he stepped back, offering a respectful salute as the carriage set off down the gravel path, the wheels crunching softly underfoot.

Inside the carriage, it didn't take long for the usual bickering to begin. Louis, who had already spent a week in Maverick's residence, seemed determined to engage Julius in yet another argument.

"I still don't get why you think you're so special," Louis muttered, his arms crossed as he shot a glare at Julius.

Julius, leaning back casually in his seat, simply smirked. "Maybe you're just not special enough to understand."

Louis's face reddened, and he opened his mouth to retort, but Maverick's calm voice interrupted. "Enough, you two." He didn't look up from the small memo in his lap, where he was writing with a focused expression.

"What are you writing, Maverick?" Louis asked, curious despite himself.

Maverick glanced up briefly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Just a little leisure activity. I've gotten used to writing reports, so this is… a way to unwind."

Louis made a face. "Reports… the most annoying thing to do." He groaned dramatically, clearly remembering the tedious task.

Julius chuckled softly, which only served to irritate Louis further. "What's so funny?" Louis snapped, glaring at Julius. "I bet your reports are awfully written."

Julius brushed off the accusation with a wave of his hand. "I don't write reports."

Louis stared at him, disbelief written all over his face. "You… don't write reports? How can you even be in the same squad as us? Unbelievable."

Maverick, still writing, hid a smile. The dynamic between the two had become a familiar backdrop during the week they'd spent together.

As much as the arguments could be tiring, there was a certain camaraderie that Maverick appreciated, even if it was wrapped in constant banter.

By the time they stopped at a resting spot in the afternoon, where horses were changed, the three of them were in need of a break.

They found a small inn with an outdoor seating area, where they could stretch their legs and grab a bite to eat. The atmosphere was lively, with travelers and locals alike filling the space.

As they sat at a table, waiting for their food, they couldn't help but overhear a conversation from the next table. Two men, their faces serious, were talking in hushed tones.

"Did you hear about the chaos in that small town a few miles away?" one of the men said.

"They found several bodies last night, all women. This has been happening for several days. It's terrible."

The three men exchanged glances. Maverick set down his fork, his eyes meeting Julius's and then Louis's.

"We'll stay the night and investigate," Maverick decided, his voice low but firm.

Louis nodded, his earlier lightheartedness replaced by a focused intensity. "Agreed."

When they arrived at the town in question, the atmosphere was tense, with townsfolk whispering amongst themselves. Maverick and Louis handled the check-in at a small inn while Julius stood by the door, his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings.

"I'm going to take a stroll," Julius announced casually, as they finished securing their room.

Louis frowned, ready to complain. "You're just going to wander off?"

Maverick placed a hand on Louis's shoulder, stopping him. "Julius might seem laid-back, but his instincts are sharper than either of us. If there's something to find, he'll find it."

Louis looked at Maverick, surprised by the endorsement. If even Maverick acknowledged Julius's skills, then perhaps there was more to the man than met the eye.

Louis watched as Julius walked off into the gathering dusk, his steps confident, as if he knew exactly where he was going. It was enough to make Louis reconsider his earlier doubts.

Maverick, seeing the thoughtful expression on Louis's face, gave him a reassuring nod. "We'll rest for now and regroup later."

As night settled over the quiet town, Maverick, Julius, and Louis prepared themselves to set out. 

Maverick and Louis walked with a steady vigilance, bringing their silver blade, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. 

Julius, on the other hand, appeared entirely unfazed by the ominous atmosphere.

His hands were tucked casually into his pockets, and his steps were almost leisurely as if he were simply out for an evening stroll.

Louis, who had been skeptical of Julius's nonchalant attitude, found himself holding back his frustrations. After all, Maverick trusted Julius's instincts, and he had seen firsthand how sharp they could be.

Still, it was difficult to reconcile Julius's relaxed demeanor with the seriousness of their mission.

They wandered through the town for hours, checking every corner, alley, and darkened street. But despite their efforts, they found nothing out of the ordinary.

The town seemed almost too quiet, as if whatever evil had plagued it had already moved on.

As they passed a particularly deserted stretch of road, Julius finally broke the silence. "I think the vampire might have already left this town," he said, his voice calm and matter-of-fact.

"They're probably moving on to another town in search of new targets."

Maverick glanced at Julius, his brow furrowed. "What makes you say that?"

Julius paused, taking in their surroundings with a critical eye. "I've noticed something—since we arrived, I haven't seen a single woman in this town. Not one. They've likely fled because of the terror that's gripped this place. And if there are no women left, the vampire would have no reason to stay."

Louis, who had been silently fuming at Julius's earlier behavior, couldn't hold back any longer. "And you're telling us this now? Why didn't you mention it earlier?"

Julius shrugged, unbothered by Louis's outburst. "Because I needed to confirm it with my own eyes. I couldn't be sure until we searched the town thoroughly."

"He was right, Louis. We can't just making decision without looking into it first." Maverick said.

Louis fell silent, realizing that Julius had a point. Maverick, too, seemed to accept Julius's reasoning, though the thought of the vampire already being gone was unsettling.

The next morning, they set out again, continuing their journey toward London. As they made their way along the road, they stopped at a small inn to rest and change horses.

The inn was bustling with travelers, and Julius, ever the opportunist, wasted no time in mingling with the other guests, subtly probing for information.

Maverick and Louis sat at a table near the window, sharing a quiet lunch while Julius moved about the room, engaging in casual conversation with a group of merchants.

Maverick took a glance at Louis, "You seem down, what's wrong?" He asks.

Louis was in deep thought when Maverick asked him. He lift his eyes to look at Maverick in the face. "Maverick, did I still not experience enough on handling work?" He look dejected.

"You are thinking about last night, didn't you?"

"Yes. I think I still had a long way to go before I can have an equal standing as you, and.. Julius."

He hate to admit it but it still a fact.

Maverick let out a sigh and his eyes search for Julius. "Julius is too good to be compare at, Louis. I might just know him not long ago, but after working together with him a few times, I can tell that he had gone through a lot of fight during his life, and his enemy seem extremely strong as well. You don't have to compare yourself to him."

Louis nodded on Maverick words.

It wasn't long before Julius returned to their table, a satisfied look on his face.

"I've got news," he said, lowering his voice as he took a seat. "There was another murder last night, in the next town over. Same pattern as before—victims are women."

Maverick's expression hardened. "That confirms it, then."

Louis clenched his fists, the frustration evident on his face. "We were so close. We should have anticipated this."

"Don't be too hard on yourself," Julius said, his tone surprisingly gentle. "Vampires are unpredictable. But now we know their next target. We just have to catch up before they strike again."

Maverick nodded in agreement, "We'll push on and reach that town as quickly as possible. This time, we won't let them slip away."