Privilege Of A 'Genius'

The absence of homes or shops made his path on the way home a path few chose to walk to.

Although this was not the only path home, Lucas always chose to walk this path as he liked the symmetries of the trees that lined up on the side of the street.

Walking home has always been peaceful and his rare chance to contemplate life.

At least, that was how it was supposed to be.

A frown appeared on his face as he kept the tonfa inside his backpack; though, the tonfa's head protruded out of the bag as it was not tall enough for it.

Ahead of him was a group of students gathered together.

Lucas was extremely familiar to all of them, as they were his classmates.

And just when he thought life was peaceful and was going smoothly for him these past few days. Hector, his cohort, and a couple of others were now standing on the road that he used to take.