
The bliss that he has been savoring, though, was rather short-lived.

Just like what he had said, it was indeed a fleeting moment.

Perched above a tree, with nothing but underwear covering his body, Lucas looked at the black creature that had just found its way toward him.

The creature, or rather, the beast, was not huge like what he had been encountering so far.

The size appeared normal and rather ordinary.

It was black in color and had emerald eyes. Its face was akin to a lizard, but its body was akin to an overgrown cat or dog. The beast has a mane made of flame, contrasting its black body with the orange hue of the flame. Its tail was quite thick, bare along most of its length, ending with a tufted tail with black fur at the tip.

Aside from the fact that it has a lizard-like head, one would recognize it as a flaming lion of some sort.

However, even though it looked like one, Lucas knew for himself that it wasn't.