Chapter 8 – Akame The Red Eyed Killer

"And the reason this group chat exists is for us to help each other in times of need." - Owner


"Help each other? Do you mean we can travel across dimensions to visit one another?" - Kira


"As expected, Light-san is smart." - Owner


[System: The Great Immortal is offline...]


"Travel across dimensions, huh..." I muttered, staring up at the ceiling. A spark of intrigue flared within me. "There's no harm in trying. After all, a technology capable of bridging worlds? Only an almighty existence could create something like that." I then focused my thoughts on reopening the system, navigating to one of the members' profiles for a private chat. The one I had in mind was the member nicknamed "Red Eyed Killer." Out of everyone, he seemed like the perfect candidate to test this bizarre technology with.


Railgun? Definitely not. Her way of speaking alone makes her seem like a headache. Empress of Annihilation? While she's a strong contender, I can't stand her haughty attitude—it reminds me too much of one of my old rivals in the immortal world. That flirtatious type, all beauty and no brains; I could practically guess her measurements just from the way she talked. Kira's also a no-go. He's too green, just now encountering the supernatural. His world must be similar to mine—boring. Golden Darkness? Not enough intel, so that's a no. Whiteroom Masterpiece? Too dull. Though guys like him often hide their true power, I'm still not interested. That leaves Red Eyed Killer. He's careful, observant, and patient—much like me. The perfect match for this little experiment.


Without wasting any more time, I sent him a message.


"Hey, I want to test this weird technology for traveling to other worlds. And I won't take no for an answer." - The Great Immortal


I then focused on the "Travel" button in the system.


[System: The Great Immortal wants to visit your world!]

[Accept] [Refuse]


"..." - Red Eyed Killer


"Okay, let me find a suitable place first." - Red Eyed Killer


A "suitable place," huh? The system mentioned that when summoning someone from another world, they would appear directly in front of the summoner. You could choose the location beforehand. Also, time in the summoner's world freezes while the visitor is there. If the visitor dies in the summoner's world, the system forcefully returns them to their own world, and they can never use the system again. Essentially, it's like having a second life while in someone else's world. After a few minutes, Red Eyed Killer sent another message.


"I'm ready." - Red Eyed Killer


Seeing his message, I focused my thoughts on the "Travel" button once again.


[System: The Great Immortal wants to visit your world!]

[Accept] [Refuse]


Suddenly, my body was enveloped in a bright white light, and my surroundings morphed into a kaleidoscope of colors. Within seconds, I found myself standing on open ground, likely in a valley, given the towering cliffs around me. I looked down at my palm, clenching and unclenching my fist to test the sensation. It all felt real.


Without warning, I sensed a sword slashing toward me from behind. I ducked just in time, narrowly avoiding the attack. Spinning backward, I put some distance between myself and the assailant.


"What's the meaning of this, Red Eyed Killer..." I demanded, locking eyes with the source of the attack. Then I noticed something. "Oh, you're a woman," I said, my expression unchanged.


The girl didn't respond, merely adjusting her stance. "Eliminate," she said, before dashing toward me with her blade poised to strike. Slash after slash, I dodged each one effortlessly.


"That sword... it's dangerous. Even for an immortal like me, a single cut would be troublesome..." I mused aloud, still dodging her increasingly rapid attacks.


"Hoh, nice technique. But too bad, your opponent is me," I taunted, stretching out my hand. Suddenly, her arms jerked upwards, her movements halted, and her sword clattered to the ground. I was using telekinesis. Her expression shifted to surprise as she realized she had lost control.


She grunted, straining against the invisible force holding her. What a futile effort.


"It's useless to resist. Nothing can break free from my grip unless they're immortal or of a higher realm. Which means," I said, pausing as I approached her. Once I was close enough, I leaned in, speaking softly but firmly, "A mortal like you has no chance of escaping. Now, tell me—why did you attack me?"


She remained silent for a moment before answering. "An existence from an unknown world could pose a threat to my comrades. I had to eliminate you before that could happen," she explained, her gaze hardening.


"Is that all?" I asked, seeking confirmation.


"What are you planning?" she countered, her expression unwavering.


"Hahaha, so you were just scared I might bring danger to your comrades? Worry not; I came here with no such intentions." I released my telekinetic hold on her, and she fell to the ground, landing on her backside.


"Eh, you didn't? But the way you spoke..." She trailed off, looking up at me with a curious expression.


"Didn't I tell you? I'm only here to test this weird technology for traveling between worlds. My curiosity has been satisfied. And maybe you forgot, but this system was created for us members to help each other in times of need," I explained, offering her a hand to help her up. "So I came here with no ill intentions. Got it?"


"I, see..." She paused for a moment before her expression softened, breaking into a smile. She took my hand and stood up before asking, "So I can consider you and all the other members of this system as my comrades too?" she asked, still smiling.


Seeing her sincere expression, I scratched the back of my head and looked away, blushing slightly as I replied, "You could say that."


Dang it, this is why I chose the Demon Path of cultivation. I'm terrible at dealing with this sort of thing, so I hide it behind an emotionless mask.


"I see. My name is Akame. What about you?" she asked, extending her hand once more.


I shook her hand, introducing myself. "Rena. Amanozako Rena."


And just like that, I made my first friend in another world. Don't get me wrong! I'm only using her to gather information about this world—not because I'm lonely and need a friend, okay?!


