Ch 20: Ancestor -1

Feng Liang's entire body froze. Every muscle locked in place as the terrifying realization hit him. The overwhelming aura that had filled the cave... the one that felt as powerful, if not more so, than his father's... was no longer just coming from the cave's depths. It was right behind him.

His mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation, but there was no time for logic. His body moved instinctively as he turned to face whatever was behind him, his heart pounding so loud in his chest it drowned out the ambient sounds of the cave.

He saw it.

Sitting there, against the rocky wall of the cave, was a skeleton.

The sight of it sent a chill through Feng Liang's spine. This wasn't an ordinary skeleton. It wasn't just some forgotten bones buried deep in the earth. No, this skeleton radiated an aura that could crush mountains.

Even sitting there, it exuded more power than anything he had ever encountered, more than even the Heavenly Demon himself.

The skeleton sat leisurely against the cave wall, one leg bent up with its arm resting on its knee, the other leg stretched out. Its posture was almost casual, as if it had been resting there for ages without a care in the world. The skull tilted slightly downward, as though it had once been lost in thought.

But the power it gave off was anything but casual. It was terrifying. And yet, it was sealed, Feng Liang realized. The full power of this being... whoever it had been... wasn't even active. If that seal were ever broken, even he, with his newfound cultivation, would perish instantly.

Before he could react further or comprehend the full danger of the situation, something even more shocking happened.

The cave seemed to darken, and the air around him grew dense with energy. Slowly, Qi began to gather around the skeleton, swirling in intricate patterns as it condensed into a physical form. The bones shimmered with light, and in a matter of moments, the skeleton began to change. The eerie bones were slowly clothed in flesh, muscles forming, skin materializing.

The energy intensified, wrapping around the skeleton like a cocoon of power, and within the span of a few heartbeats, the transformation was complete.

Before Feng Liang stood a man.

A tall man, with broad shoulders and a strong, muscular frame. He wore robes of deep black, and upon those robes, a magnificent golden dragon was embroidered, winding its way across his chest and down his sleeves.

His hair was long and pitch-black, falling in thick waves over his back, and his eyes... his eyes were darker than the night sky, endless and filled with a cold, ancient wisdom.

His features were sharp, chiseled, and intimidating. There was something about his face... something familiar. Yet at the same time, it was unlike anyone Feng Liang had ever seen in person. His aura was suffocating, even in this sealed state.

The man remained seated, resting leisurely against the cave wall, one leg still bent up with an arm draped over his knee. There was a carelessness to him, a freedom in his posture, as if the world's troubles were of no concern to him.

He had the look of an emperor who cared little for the pomp and ceremony of royalty... more of a rogue king, dressed like a free spirit, yet still undeniably powerful.

Feng Liang swallowed hard. The man's aura was staggering, and Feng Liang knew that even with all the strength he had gained from the Heavenly Void Scripture, even with his body strengthened to inhuman levels, he was no match for this being.

The man's dark eyes shifted lazily toward Feng Liang, locking onto him with a gaze that sent shivers down his spine. His smile was faint but ever-present, like he knew secrets that could unravel the fabric of the world.

"So... who are you, boy?" the man asked, his voice smooth and calm, but filled with an unshakable authority. It was the voice of someone who was used to being answered, not questioned.

Feng Liang's heart raced. Despite the man's casual tone, the pressure from his presence alone was enough to make Feng Liang want to drop to his knees. He could feel the power radiating from him... vast, immeasurable, and old.

He hesitated for only a moment before bowing deeply, his respect instinctual.

"Junior greets senior," he said, his voice steady, though his mind was swirling with confusion.

"My name is... Feng Liang."

The man's smile widened ever so slightly, and his eyes twinkled with amusement. But then, suddenly, something in his expression changed. His relaxed posture stiffened, and the amusement vanished from his face, replaced by a look of pure shock.

"What... what did you just say?" the man asked, his voice now laced with an undercurrent of tension. His eyes bored into Feng Liang, as if trying to peer into the very core of his being.

Feng Liang blinked, confused by the man's sudden change in demeanor.

"I said... my name is Feng Liang," he repeated, unsure of what had caused such a reaction.

The man remained silent for a long moment, his eyes never leaving Feng Liang. His expression was unreadable, but there was a flicker of something deep in his gaze... something that looked like recognition.

But then, with a heavy sigh, the man leaned back against the wall again, rubbing the bridge of his nose as if trying to dispel the thoughts running through his head.

"No... no, that's impossible," he muttered to himself, shaking his head.

"It couldn't be."

Feng Liang stood there, his confusion only growing. What does he mean? What was impossible?

The man's sharp gaze returned to Feng Liang, but this time, there was a smile... a different kind of smile, one filled with interest and curiosity.

"So, you're Feng Liang, huh? That's... interesting." His eyes narrowed slightly as he tilted his head.

"But tell me, if you're Feng Liang... why do you possess My Bloodline?"

Feng Liang's breath caught in his throat. My bloodline...? For a moment, the world around him seemed to freeze, and everything clicked into place. The vast demonic energy, the resemblance in the man's face, the raw, overwhelming power that radiated from him

The ancestor's voice rumbled like distant thunder, filled with seething rage.

"Has the sect fallen so far that they discard their own blood simply because of a perceived weakness?"

His Qi flared violently, the oppressive energy crashing through the cave like a tempest. The very walls groaned under the weight of his power, small stones falling from the ceiling, and the ground beneath Feng Liang's feet trembled.

Feng Liang gasped for breath, his body quivering under the pressure. It was as if the air itself had been replaced by an unyielding force that crushed his lungs, making it impossible to stand, let alone respond. His vision began to blur, dark spots dancing in his sight, and his knees buckled, bringing him to the ground.

Sensing Feng Liang's distress, the ancestor's eyes flickered with realization. He gritted his teeth and reined in his overwhelming Qi, forcing it back into the depths of his body. The air lightened instantly, and the suffocating pressure lifted, allowing Feng Liang to collapse to his hands and knees, coughing as he desperately tried to regain his breath.

"Forgive me, boy," the ancestor said, his voice softer, though still simmering with anger. He sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead as if trying to calm the storm inside him.

"I didn't mean to unleash that much. It's just... it's been far too long since I've been awake. And to hear that my descendants... Our Bloodline... have become so weak and lost their way... it's unforgivable."

Feng Liang, still panting, slowly rose to his feet, his legs wobbling slightly. The ancestor's aura was still immense, but now that it was contained, Feng Liang could at least stand without being crushed by its weight. He looked up at the ancestor, confusion and awe swirling in his mind.

"Ancestor," Feng Liang began, still catching his breath,

"I don't understand. This world… we follow the Murim principles now. Martial arts, strength through battle… we don't cultivate like you did."

At the mention of Murim, the ancestor's eyes darkened with irritation, and he crossed his arms, shaking his head.

"Murim... don't tell me your generation abandoned cultivation entirely for that nonsense."

Feng Liang furrowed his brows, still struggling to reconcile the truths he had learned from the ancestor with everything he had ever known.

"You mean to say that before… we cultivated? Truly?"

The ancestor scoffed, folding his arms over his chest.

"We didn't just Cultivate we were the pinnacle of cultivation. The world's most powerful forces bowed before us. Back then, our strength didn't come from just fists and weapons, but from a mastery over Qi, over life itself."

He floated slightly closer to Feng Liang, his dark eyes gleaming with a strange mixture of amusement and disappointment.

"And now… you tell me that you people have been toying with something as crude as Murim? A path based on fleeting power, on nothing but brute strength and short-lived martial techniques?"

Feng Liang swallowed, suddenly feeling very small.

"It's all we've known, Ancestor. The world… it's different now."

The ancestor barked a laugh, though there was no humor in it.

"Different? Different because the heavens were sealed away from this world! Do you think our strength was simply lost? No. We... the greatest cultivators of our time... sacrificed ourselves to lock away the true power of the heavens. To seal off cultivation and protect this world from greater threats."

Feng Liang's eyes widened, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Sealed? You… you mean to tell me that you were the ones who sealed this world away from the path of cultivation? Why?"

The ancestor sighed, his expression turning somber.

"There were enemies far beyond what your world could face. Dark forces from realms beyond this one. To protect the balance, the strongest of us made the ultimate sacrifice and locked away the heavens. Without access to those energies, the world regressed. Now, it seems all you've been left with is this pitiful imitation of true power... Murim."

Feng Liang's mind spun with the weight of the revelation. So the stories were true… The Heavenly Demon Sect's ancestors had indeed been the most powerful cultivators, but they hadn't just disappeared. They had sacrificed themselves to seal away the path of cultivation, and over time, the knowledge had been lost, replaced by martial practices that now ruled the world. Murim was nothing more than a shadow of what once was.

The ancestor floated closer, his gaze narrowing.

"But you… you speak of Cultivation. How is that possible? What realm are you in?"

Feng Liang hesitated for a moment before answering, knowing the answer would likely sound laughable to someone like his ancestor.

"Body Refining Realm… first stage."

For a moment, the ancestor stared at him, his face unreadable. Then, suddenly, he burst into laughter... loud, echoing laughter that filled the cave, shaking the walls. He clutched his sides, floating around as he laughed so hard tears almost seemed to form in his eyes.

"Body Refining? First stage?" he howled between gasps of laughter.

"You're telling me… that my descendant, with My Blood, is stuck in the First Stage of body refining?"

Feng Liang's face flushed with embarrassment. He hadn't expected the ancestor to laugh at him, but given the circumstances, it was understandable. Compared to this man... this Legend Feng Liang's cultivation was practically insignificant.

The ancestor wiped a tear from his eye, finally calming down. He shook his head in disbelief.