Chapter 13

It had been four days since Joffrey was sent to the black cells. Within those four days Cersei had barely had time to breathe. There was so much that needed to be done and she had three children to care for. The Queen Regent poured a second cup of wine as she sat at her desk with papers and messages spread in front of her.

The first day had been consumed by the small council meeting. Unsurprisingly news of Joffrey's cruelty was no shock to the small council, and Cersei felt the now familiar guilt for turning a blind eye to it for so long.

Varys had convinced her that the truth was her best weapon in removing Joffrey and disclosing all that had occurred in her chambers that day was necessary. The truth, Cersei found, was more difficult to tell than a lie. The reactions of Pycelle and Baelish were mixed to say the least.

"You birthed a dwarf?" questioned Pycelle "No wonder our King sought to deal with the creature. Such a thing is not fit to be Prince"

Cersei had glared daggers at the old Maester "You will never speak of my son like that again, or your head will join Meryn Trants"

Pycelle had been useful to Cersei in the past and played the part of blundering old fool well, but since she had used Creylen to deliver her baby and tend her brother the Grand Maester was struggling to contain his spite.

"That is the other problem, your Grace" cut in Baelish "You killed a Kingsguard"

"I did not. Creylen will confirm the man was minutes from death when I slit his throat as his wounds were fatal"

Baelish had nodded, accepting her words before continuing "Be that as it may, your brother killed a member of the Kingsguard"

"In defence of the Prince"

"The Imp should be executed. Disgraceful behaviour, and he constantly undermines King Joffrey. He had no right to interfere with the order!" Pycelle spat, sulking in his chair. Cersei almost preferred him snivelling and trying to gain favour.

"He was acting as the Kings Hand. He is my brother. He had every right" Cersei  said, eyes burning into the old Maester

"So there will be no trial for Lord Tyrion killing a Kingsguard then?" asked Littlefinger, looking interested at the prospect

It was Varys who tried to bring the meeting to focus "I think we can agree Joffrey cannot remain as ruler. He has shown on many occasions hints of madness, and I believe it is better to remove him before he can cause more damage to the realm. The issue of Meryn Trants' death can wait"

"Aye. You could argue Joffrey's actions started this war when he took Ned Starks head" agreed Baelish

They had argued and discussed all day before eventually coming to an agreement that Joffrey would be removed from power and Tommen would become King. The evidence would be presented to the highborn Lords and Ladies in exactly a week.

The second day since the incident with Joffrey, Tyrion had woken up briefly as Creylen examined his injuries. Cersei had been discussing plans with the Maester to move him when she realised her brothers eyes were open and gazing around the room.

'Am I still the handsome brother?' he had asked her. The question sounded like Tyrion, but his voice was so weak and hurt it bore little resemblance to his usual self

Cersei couldn't deny the overwhelming guilt she felt whenever she looked at him. She had instructed Creylen to keep him asleep as much as possible. Surely it was better to sleep through the worst of the pain? Nevertheless, she couldn't keep him in her bed forever - she needed to sleep too. Moving him back to his rooms in the tower of the hand was also out of the question until Joffrey was dealt with. There was no telling who might be loyal to Joffrey and who may attack Tyrion to gain favour with him. No, it was better to keep him close for now.

The Maester hadn't long left to arrange a room close to hers in the Red Keep when her guard announced another arrival.

"Your Grace, there's a boy here to see you. He claims he's Lord Tyrion's squire"

Cersei moved to the door and opened it to find her guard blocking the entrance of a strange, dark haired boy. Though she didn't pay much attention to servants she had certainly seen him following her brother around. She couldn't help the curiosity of why he would come to her.

"Why are you here?" she asked, letting her guard stand between them as she spoke.

The boy kept his head ducked but lifted his eyes slightly to meet hers "Begging your pardon your Grace, but I've not seen Lord Tyrion in over two days"

"Interesting" Cersei answered, looking the boy up and down "Have you checked the brothels?"

"I did, your Grace. He hasn't been seen in any of them"

"What about the local taverns?"

"He wasn't there either, your Grace"

"I recall my brother once becoming so drunk he slept in a cask of wine. I assume you've checked all of them thoroughly?"

At that the boy raised his head and a desperate plea entered his voice "Please, your Grace. He told me he was coming to see you and asked me to sort through his books. I've not seen him since"

"Hmm" Cersei said, pretending to ponder her brothers location "I suppose you think I've got something to do with his disappearance? I'm such a cruel big sister after all"

"No…your Grace. I would never…" the boy stammered looking terrified and Cersei softened her face slightly

"You're his squire?" she asked him to clarify

"Yes, your Grace"

"Very well. I suppose you'd better come in then"

Toying with the boy had amused her, but his concern for Tyrion seemed genuine. In any case, he could prove useful and Cersei left the door open as she moved into her chambers.

"Here's your Lord" she said, all traces of mirth gone from her voice as she gestured towards the bed

"Lord Tyrion" the boy whispered, his face crumpling in grief "What-how did this…"

For some reason, Cersei found herself telling the truth "Meryn Trant and Joffrey tried to kill my baby. He stopped them"

"I'm so sorry…" the boy babbled

Cersei was about to ask him what he was sorry for, when she realised he was apologising to Tyrion. The squire moved closer and dropped to his knees besides the bed.

"I failed you, my Lord. I'm so sorry" he sniffed, and Cersei realised he was actually crying "I'm your squire - I should have been here to help you"

The Queen Regent couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that went through her at the boy's genuine sorrow. She doubted any of her servants would weep for her. It had taken her eldest son days before he even noticed she wasn't at court.

"Do you wish to help him now?" she asked, drawing the boy's attention

The squire turned from the bed and stood once more, a faint blush coloured his cheeks as he regained his composure.

"Yes, your Grace. I'll do anything"

"Good. I'm having him moved to a chamber in the red keep, you will help him recover from his injuries. Go to his rooms and fetch anything he might need. Be discreet. No-one is to know where he is or what has happened in this room. Understood?" Cersei asked, her gaze burning into the boy

"I understand, your Grace" the boy replied, nodding solemnly

"Where is the sellsword he is usually with? The one he pays to kill people"

"Bronn? He was helping me look for Lord Tyrion"

"Find him and send him to me" Cersei decided "Go. Now"

The squire all but ran from the room leaving Cersei alone once more. It had been an oversight to assume no-one would notice her brother's absence. While she liked to ignore his presence apparently there were at least a couple of people who did not and had been actively searching for the Imp.

Cersei couldn't deny feeling envious of her little brother in that moment. If she went missing her servants would most likely steal her jewellery and hope she didn't return. The thought left a sour taste in her mouth but was that what truly bothered her? No. It was the boys face in the corridor. He had been nervous and timid, but there was still an accusation in his eyes. The squire knew Tyrion had come to her and Cersei knew the boy had thought the worst of her. Was she truly so monstrous that everyone thought this badly of her? Did people think she would cause such damage to her own brother?

'You hate him' a voice whispered in her mind 'You've always wanted to see him hurt like this really'

Perhaps she was no better than Joffrey.

'You're a lion' she reminded herself 'the opinions of the sheep don't matter'

At least the encounter with the squire had proven useful. The boy was obviously devoted to serving Tyrion and Cersei was fairly certain the sellsword would guard her brother's new chambers for a bag of gold.

The third day Cersei had gathered her children with the intention of telling them everything. She had visited them only once since the incident and the baby had been sleeping in Myrcella's room with the wet nurse since that night. Now that her little brother was resting in a different room, Cersei wasted no time moving her baby back to her chambers. She had called for her children to meet with her and settled Tommen and Myrcella in chairs around her desk.

She had missed them more than she realised. Her little baby was so small in her arms yet his little face beamed up at her as she cuddled him close.

"Mother, what's going on?" asked Myrcella, shifting in her seat

Cersei adjusted the baby in her arms as she replied "I have some news to tell you darlings, and it will be difficult to hear"

She tried to be gentle in telling them what occurred three days before and she desperately wanted to skim over the details, but Tommen would be King soon and his innocence to such things could not last.

"Why would they hurt the baby? He's so little. He can't hurt them" Myrcella said, tears staining her cheeks as Cersei finished the tale

"I'm his big brother, I should have protected him" Tommen added, equally upset

"The danger has passed my little lions. Your brother is ok, see? He's right here" she soothed, bouncing the baby up and down

"What about Uncle Tyrion?" asked Tommen, sad green eyes quivering

Cersei considered her words carefully. She couldn't shield them forever, no matter how much she wanted to.

"He was badly hurt, but in time he will recover"

"Promise?" asked Myrcella

"Yes, I promise"

"Did he really kill Ser Meryn?" asked Tommen, interest sparking in his watery eyes. He always loved tales of Knights and heroes.

Cersei smiled fondly at her children "He did. Saving your little brothers life"

"Can we see him, Mother?" said Myrcella, turning hopeful eyes to meet hers

"It's best you don't see him right now, but I'm sure he'd love to see you when he's feeling a bit better" Cersei answered, as her children nodded glumly. She let the conversation trail off while the children composed themselves, focusing her attention on her new son lying in her arms

"Mother" started Myrcella, drawing her attention from the baby "will Joffrey try to hurt the baby again?"

"He's King" said Tommen, eyes widening in fear "he can just get another Kingsguard to hurt him"

Cersei hated the look of panic that spread over both children's faces at the thought. They were afraid of Joffrey; how had she not seen it before now? No child should fear their older brother.

'Or sister' she thought as her mind flashed back to her own childhood and a scared little brother looking up at her with tear filled green eyes 'Why do you hate me? I'm your brother'

The Queen Regent shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Now was not the time to dwell on bitter memories, when there were so many problems to deal with in the present.  

"That is the other reason I wanted to speak to you both. Joffrey cannot continue as King. After he tried to kill the baby I had him arrested and taken to the black cells"

Both children's faces lit up at the news; and a piece of Cersei's heart broke away.

"So he can't hurt us Mother?" asked Tommen

"I would never let him hurt any of you" she said, fighting to keep the sorrow from her face. It was a lie. She had stood like a lion without claws as her eldest son moved to kill the baby. She would do better though. Never again would she hesitate.

"Joffrey was a bad King" said Myrcella, looking uneasily at her mother as if fearing a reprimand for voicing the thought

"He was my love, but the new King will be great. I'm sure of it"

Both of her children glanced at each other in confusion. She gave them a few moments to consider her words, curious for what conclusion they would come to.

"Won't you be Queen now?" asked Tommen, furrowing his brow

"No" murmured Myrcella as it clicked into place "Tommen will be King"

Her son stared at his sister, mouth hanging open before turning to his mother for confirmation.

"That's right" Cersei said watching Tommen's face "you are the next in line to the throne"

The boy squirmed in his seat "Mother, I don't think I can be King"

"You're still very young. You'll have lots of help" Cersei promised, guilt blooming in her chest at pushing this burden onto her sweet son

"You'll be a great King" said Myrcella, gripping her brother's hand

Tommen didn't look convinced but smiled at his sister's words.

"What will happen to Joff?" he asked eventually

"The small council will present evidence that Joffrey is unfit to rule" explained Cersei, the now familiar guilt weighing her down "I believe your brother is not well. There is an element of madness in him and I'm not sure how to deal with it. For now, he will remain in the black cells, but I swear he will never be allowed near any of you again"

Her children nodded accepting her words, though Tommen still looked unsure about his future as King. Myrcella on the other hand, seemed delighted for her younger brother.

"After Joffrey is removed from power, you will be crowned King. Long may you reign" Cersei said, watching her children as she snuggled her new baby closer.

It was much later on the third day, long after Cersei had sent the Princess and future King to bed that she made the journey into the black cells. Part of her never wanted to see Joffrey again, but the mother in her had to believe there was the little boy she loved hiding behind the cruel man he had become. Perhaps he wasn't beyond saving? She had to believe that - part of her wanted to believe that. The temperature dropped the lower she went and Cersei was reassured to find Lannister soldiers spread around the black cells as she had instructed Ser Harwinn. The Knight accompanied her now as she reached the level her eldest boy had been confined to. It wasn't the worst of the black cells by far, but it was dark and desolate enough to make Cersei understand how people gave into madness after long confinement.

"You can remain here Ser Harwinn, I will speak to him alone" said Cersei, standing at the end of the corridor from Joff's cell

"That is not wise, your Grace" the Knight said, his face twisting with distaste "My men have reported he has been ranting and raving. Allow me to accompany you"

"It's quite alright. I have no intention of getting close to him. I shall summon you if necessary"

Cersei knew that Ser Harwinn was not happy with her decision, but he stayed in the entrance to the corridor all the same. The rest of the corridor was empty of prisoners as Cersei took uncertain steps towards her son.  

The walk was short, but Cersei could have been walking the length of the Wall until she found herself outside her son's prison. She would not go in, but the bars on this cell were big enough that she could see quite clearly into the sparse, dimly lit space.

"Joff" she called softly, eyes searching for her son

"Hello, Mother" sneered her sons voice as his head appeared at the bars. Without the expensive clothes and care he was used to, the madness in Joffrey had made itself known. His pale blond hair was unkempt and dirty and his scruffy, gaunt appearance only served to make him look more dangerous.

"I thought I should visit you"

"You sent me here" he accused pushing his face against the bars "you betrayed your own son"

"You betrayed your family. You were going to kill your baby brother and your uncle"

"They are vile monsters, not fit to be a stag or a lion. What I was doing was justice and you did nothing to help me"

"I could never help you with that. I should have stopped you" answered Cersei, her eyes darting across her sons face for a sign. Any sign he wasn't a monster. "You were going to kill a baby"

"He's a dwarf, he should not have lived"

Cersei felt like someone had thrown cold water over her as Joffrey's word sunk in. They were her words. How many times had she said that about Tyrion?

"You tortured your uncle. You enjoyed it" she stated, suppressing a shiver

"I did" he agreed, gripping the bars of the cell until his knuckles turned white "I wasn't going to kill him quickly. He deserved it; you know he did. I did it for you Mother. He should be the one down here at my mercy. I had so many plans for what I was going to do to the twisted little monster. If he's alive; what I'll still do to him"

"No, you won't" said Cersei, swallowing hard

"I will" he promised "then when I'm done with my uncle I'll move on to my new baby brother"

Her baby son's happy face flashed before her and Cersei wanted to wretch at what Joffrey was promising.

"You'll hurt no-one. Soon you will no longer be King"

At that Joffrey's face morphed into a feral snarl as he slammed his fist against the door "I am the King. No-one else. Only me"

"Joff, please. Stop this madness" Cersei begged, desperation sweeping over her face "What happened to you? You're my first boy. I never wanted things to come to this"

He laughed at her plea, the dangerous green eyes of a predator watching her "What do you mean Mother? I'm everything you taught me to be. Ruthless. Strong. Without mercy for the weak. We cannot have dwarves in the family. Don't you understand? They do not deserve to live. Weakness does not deserve to live. Tommen and Myrcella are weak too. They're not like me - I'm the real lion of the family"

'There's no hope' Cersei thought, fear wrapping itself around her like a cloak

"So my uncle still lives then? Good. I don't want him to die that easily" Joffrey continued, as Cersei struggled to look away from his face. There was truly no trace of Jamie in him. He had all of her hate and nothing else.

"He's not going to die" Cersei answered rooted to the spot

"It's what you always wanted, Mother" stated Joffrey, as his face took on a serene, glazed expression "When Ser Meryn beat him, when I cut into him - he didn't fight back. My Uncle knew he deserved it. He knew no-one would care what I did to him. Who cares for a monster? When I get bored down here, I often remember the sad look on his face as he realised he was going to die at my hands"

Joffrey looked drunk on the memory as the harsh lines of his face smoothed into contentment - the sight sent a chill down Cersei's spine.

"You're the only monster I see" Cersei whispered. Watching her boys gleeful face as he recounted the horrors he'd inflicted was more than she could handle

"When I saw that thing you gave birth to, it looked so happy. As if it didn't know what kind of monster it was. I would have enjoyed teaching it"

"You're insane"

"I'm your son. Your King"

"Not anymore" Cersei said, emotion making her voice heavy

"I'm just like you Mother; I'm everything you taught me to be. You cannot deny me"

"It's my fault Joffrey, I know it is" she said, voice cracking

The Queen Regent turned swiftly from the cell, walking briskly back up the corridor as Joffrey's voice echoed to her.

"I'll remember what you've done to me Mother" he called to her, his voice taunting "Tell my uncle I send my regards"

It was early in the morning of the fourth day when the guard hammering on her door roused Cersei from bed.

"My Queen, Podrick Payne is here to see you. He says it's urgent" called her guard

Following her visit with Joffrey, Cersei had returned to her chambers and gone immediately to bed. Her son was clearly mad and dwelling on his words would do her no good. She was a lion. She would get past this; she would not crumble.

"Send him in" she called, slipping from bed and wrapping a gown around her. She hadn't slept well, and Joffrey's words continued to echo through her mind despite her resolve to ignore them.

The boy spilled into her room panting and babbling. Cersei's stomach knotted in anticipation.

"It's Lord Tyrion, your Grace. I went to check on him and he's not well. Fever. He was burning" the boy said pouring his words out

"Why are you here? Did you not get the Maester?"

Podrick's head bobbed up and down rapidly "I went to get him straight away. He sent me to get you…he said it didn't look good"

"Leave me, I'll see to him myself"

The squire bolted from the room as Cersei dressed herself with shaking hands. She sent a message for the wet nurse to be summoned to watch over the baby. Cersei had to see Tyrion with her own eyes, perhaps the squire was overreacting. 

'He can't die' she thought hurrying out the doorway as soon as the wet nurse appeared.

The squire was stood outside the door when she got there, concern etched on his young face. Cersei ignored him as she slammed into the room. Tyrion was lying in a shaking heap on the bed, sweat coated his brow and dampened his hair as he groaned quietly. The Maester had pulled the sheets back on her brother and was examining his right hand. A pile of blood stained bandages lay discarded at his feet.

The Maester turned to her with a grim expression on his face. Cersei listened as Creylen diagnosed the problem, but his words seemed to wash over her. She got the message though; his right hand was seriously infected. The infection was spreading. The Maester wanted to remove his hand.

No. That could not happen. She would not let that happen.

Cersei didn't need to be a Maester to see the situation was desperate. Her brother's hand was red and swollen to twice its usual size, with thick green pus coating the slash. She ordered Creylen to find a way to save his hand and he suggested cauterising the wound was the only chance. The Maester explained the process to her and she wanted to heave at the thought. This would be excruciating; milk of the poppy would only dull so much suffering. Cersei moved closer to the bed, looking down at the monster she'd spent her whole life hating. He looked so weak and vulnerable as he lay swathed in bandages on the bed; Cersei felt ashamed.

The gruesome procedure would be performed shortly. The squire was summoned to heat the knife; Creylen was preparing his tools. Cersei would hold Tyrion down while it was done. There was no way she would let someone else do it. This was her fault after all.

The Queen Regent climbed onto the bed with Tyrion and pinned his right arm beneath her body, lying next to him. She could feel Creylen moving behind her back to secure the infected hand. A length of cloth was tied around Tyrions right wrist and secured to the edge of the bed.

"Your Grace, you must keep your weight on him" explained Creylen "if he jerks too much I could cause irreparable damage to his hand. The wound is in a very awkward place for this procedure"

Cersei nodded her understanding and turned her attention to Tyrion. He looked deathly pale and shuddered at the contact as she moved to secure him. Careful of the stitches on his face she pushed his damp head back into the pillow and tried to comfort him.

'Your fault. Your fault' sang a voice in her head as she brushed his golden hair back from his face

"You'll be ok" she reassured him "We'll fix this"

Cersei thought she was prepared for the task, but as soon as Creylen made the first cut into Tyrion's hand her resolve shattered. Her little brother shuddered violently and fought to escape her grasp, as his whimpers of pain turned to cries of agony.

"Shh" she said, trying to pull him into her side "Let me help you"

'This is what you always wanted Mother' rang Joffrey's voice

"No" Cersei denied hugging Tyrion tighter as his face contorted in anguish "I never wanted this"

Every sob, every time Tyrion pulled away from her felt like a sledgehammer to the walls of spite she'd built between them. It was too much; she couldn't hate him anymore. Cersei had realised it as soon as she realised she loved her new baby son. Her baby boy was barely a week old and between Joffrey and the small council she'd seen enough to know her son would be scorned for the rest of his life if she allowed it. Her father allowed it to happen to Tyrion; and so did she. Only Jamie treated him like family.

"Has no-one ever comforted you brother?" she asked, before adding in a whisper "Of course they haven't"

Vaguely, Cersei could hear the Maester shouting instructions to Podrick and the smell of infection was ripe in the air but Cersei focused only on her brother. His left arm was still in the sling and his chest was covered in bandages but Cersei tried to find some way to help him that wouldn't cause him more pain. She ran her fingers over his too warm face, and tried to rub his shoulder to soothe him, but he flinched away from her every touch. The action broke her heart, for every time she saw it she imagined her own baby son ever being so starved of affection he would find no comfort in his family. She resolved then that her children would never be made to feel like that.

'He knew no-one would care what I did to him'whispered Joffrey's voice in her ear 'Who cares for a monster?'

"Please Tyrion" she said, feeling something warm sliding down her cheeks "it's nearly over. I'm here; I care"

"Bring me the blade boy" called the Maester in the background "You must hold his fingers flat while I seal the wound. Do not let go"

The smell of burning flesh filled the room as the heated blade made its first contact with her brother's hand. Cersei could no longer deny the tears that slid down her cheeks as Tyrion's eyes shot open. His agonised shout filled the room as fearful eyes darted desperately around the room for escape.

"Tyrion, it's ok. You'll be ok" she begged "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

For the first time in her life, Cersei truly meant it. She was sorry for treating him as she had. Sorry for not defending him. Sorry for her monster of a son who had learnt all his hateful ways from her. Sorry for disgracing her mothers memory. Joanna Lannister had been a true lioness; she would not have let anyone treat Tyrion poorly anymore than Cersei would allow them to treat her own son poorly. Cersei choked back a sob at the thought of her mother. Surely she would be ashamed of the bitter, hateful person her only daughter had grown into? If Cersei had died giving birth to her last son, the thought of Myrcella treating him as she had treated Tyrion broke her heart.

"Look at me little brother. I'm here. I've got you" she said, as terrified green eyes stared in confusion at hers, moments before sliding shut. He had worn himself out, Cersei realised. The pain of the cauterisation process had pulled him from unconsciousness to struggle against the treatment but he was far too weak to sustain the effort.

"I'm so sorry" Cersei murmured in his ear "I don't hate you little brother. I promise"

Cersei Lannister had not truly cried for many years, but all of that pent up emotion poured out of her as tears escaped her eyes and traced tracks down her face. Tyrion's eyes were screwed shut as he tried to curl in on himself and away from Cersei, but she carefully drew him closer ignoring his now feeble attempts to escape.

"It is done, your Grace" said the Maester leaning over her, to check Tyrion "I will clean the burns and wrap the hand now"

Cersei didn't trust herself to speak so she nodded, refusing to let go of her brother who had finally surrendered to her comfort. Thankfully, Creylen said nothing as he wrapped the injury and Podrick could be heard tidying the mess in the distance. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room, and Cersei wondered if she would ever be able to forget it.

"It's over now. You're ok" she whispered, absently rubbing circles on his arm

Cersei felt exhausted. For four days her life had been nothing but heartbreak and worry. Seeing Joffrey for what he truly was had broken something deep inside Cersei that she doubted would ever heal. Joff was right about one thing; she had taught him everything. She had taken her precious first born and filed him with her anger and hate. Lying in the bed comforting her younger brother, Cersei realised she had been wrong. Tyrion was not the monster; she was.

It was now late in the evening on the fourth day that Cersei Lannister sat with documents and papers spread before her. She had sat holding Tyrion long after the Maester had left, whispering soft words to him and soothing him until the tense lines of his face had finally relaxed and her own tears had dried up. Moving from the bed, Cersei had felt fragile. She readjusted the sheets over her brother and her eyes landed on his now heavily bandaged right hand. Creylen had wrapped it so his hand was trapped in a flat position. At the time, Creylen had explained it was to increase mobility in the limb when it healed but Cersei knew her brother would carry that injury forever; a gift from her eldest son.

The Queen regent had made her way to the door when low voices on the other side could be heard.

"I'm his squire. I should stay with him" protested one voice

"You helped him enough. Cauterising wounds is a nasty business, and trust me I know. I'll keep an eye on the little shit while you go and sleep" grumbled another voice


"No buts. Go and find yourself a stiff drink, a woman and a bed. You know he'd want you to"

Cersei had heard enough and pushed the door open to find a blushing Podrick and her brother's sellsword bickering in the corridor.

"Your Grace" they both greeted, bowing slightly

The sellsword was gruff and crude but had readily agreed to guard Tyrion while he recovered.

"One of you will sit in there with him until the Maester is certain he is out of danger. I don't care who"

"It's my turn. The lad's going for a nap" answered Bronn, flashing her a grin as he sauntered into the room. At first she had made one of them stand outside the room and check on him periodically, but after seeing how quickly the infection had taken over it was better to have someone stay with him.

"You're quick actions might have saved his life" Cersei called, as Podrick walked quickly down the corridor

Her words caused the squire to pause and he turned to her "I was happy to help, your Grace"

'Strange boy' Cersei thought as he retreated down the corridor.

Returning to her own chambers, Cersei found it was now well past midday and she quickly dismissed the wet nurse to spend time with her son. The baby was sleeping when she lifted him from the cradle and into her arms.

"Mother is here. I'll make sure you have a good life" she cooed at him, tracing her fingers over his soft golden hair "I suppose we should find you a name"

Cersei had tried to get on with some of the work spread across her desk, but the events of the morning had left her thoughts scattered and she found she couldn't concentrate long enough to do anything. Setting down her now empty cup, Cersei moved to check on her son before bed when her guard announced her hand maid. The young woman entered the room in short, quick steps approaching Cersei.

"Pardon the interruption your Grace, but ravens have arrived that the Maester thought you would want to see immediately"

The young woman quickly deposited two pieces of parchment bearing the seal of house Lannister, before leaving swiftly. There were two scrolls. One addressed to her and one for Tyrion. Absently, she recalled the letter her brother had brought to her days before that had yet to be answered. Whatever their father wanted, it was unlikely to be good news. Anger gnawed at Cersei as she looked at the unopened letters, before tossing them on her desk.

'Father can wait' she thought, climbing into her own bed. She doubted there was any good news in those letters and Cersei was in no mood to deal with it.