Chapter 58: Li Jin's apprentice

Li Jin's POV

I jump myself in bed. I'm back again in this cage that I'm living in. I look at the ceiling, or should I say the curtain.

I never thought time would pass that quickly. I wish I didn't have to go back to this sickening reality. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I better rest instead.

The next morning, the empress suddenly summoned me into her quarters. I don't know why he needed to summon me when she had Shanguan Zu Jin perform to warm her bed.

I entered her residence and headed to her reception hall. "Royal consort Li Jin has arrived!" Eunuch Liu announces.

The empress was sitting on her chair. I notice the new chair next to her.

"The emperor consort had arrived!" Eunuch Liu announces.

He looks at her and smiles before sitting on the chair that I notice.

"Good morning, A'Jin. How's your vacation?" she asks.