128. The Core Of The New Card Group! The Training Goal Of Two Million Hp!

The fate card of "Scorpio" has the same level as its body.

They are all Lv45, and they are the highest-level destiny cards in the illustrated book, none of them.

And because of the characteristics of the fate card, it can be equipped without any restrictions.

So this is also the most intuitive gain after Chu Mu killed "Scorpio"!

[Fate Card: "V-Type Gastrea-Scorpio"]

[Level: Lv45 (Extraordinary)]

[Fate: Judgment]

[Tags: mutation, creature, boss]

[Upright: Constitution +50, immune to "forbidden", "severe injury" and other negative states that prevent life recovery

[Inverted: Physique +50, gain a "Continuous Damage" bonus equal to the "Life Regeneration" bonus]

[Remarks: "Uncle in a white coat, can you return the car to me?"]

"Extraordinary" grade fate card!

This is the first time Chu Mu has seen a rarity above "gold"!

It is also the rarity level second only to the "Legendary" quality!

"Just adding 50 points to the basic attribute..."

Chu Mu showed surprise, and directly equipped "Scorpio" on the illustration book.

In an instant, his physique attribute reached 140 points!

The blood volume has also increased by 587, which has increased to 1540 points, which has exceeded his upper limit of mental power!

And the two bonus effects of "Scorpio" are also very powerful!

Putting it upright can ensure that you are not subject to negative states such as "forbidden treatment",

Combined with several other "gastroenteritis" fate cards,

You can get a stable recovery effect without any influence!

And the inversion provides a massive "Damage Over Time" bonus!

It allows Chu Mu to have a very high degree of meat at the same time,

It also has an amazing continuous damage bonus effect!

"However, I don't have any skills or weapons that can cause continuous damage...

Chu Mu thought regretfully.

However, with this card,

He can build a set of "life recovery + continuous damage" fate decks!

In a nutshell, it is "a batch of meat, but at the same time, the damage is high"!

"Extraordinary level destiny card, worthy of its rarity!"

"A single card can become the core of a combat system!"

Putting away the illustrated book, Chu Mu happily took out another trophy from the ring.

This is a book that cannot be opened, but its description information can be seen.

[Specialty Training Book: Extraordinary Regeneration]

[Level: A (Extraordinary)]

[Effect: After using it, start the special training of "Extraordinary Regeneration". After meeting the training goals, you will get the A-level specialty "Extraordinary Regeneration"!]

[Target: Recover 2 million life points accumulatively]

[Remarks: Pay 100 reincarnation gold coins, you can take this item out of the dungeon]

"It turns out that the ability to 'specialize' can be obtained in this way."

Chu Mu looked at the training book in his hand in surprise,

Even the "Sura Heart" is only a B-level specialty.

But the training book he obtained by killing "Scorpio" can directly give an A-level specialization!

Of course, the premise is that the training objectives can be achieved.

A total of 2,000,000 health points have been restored to him... Thinking about it, it is a very long process.

Chu Mu's health is only in the early 1500s,

Even if all of them are equipped with multi-purpose "Fate Cards that increase the upper limit of life",

Adding a "Queen of Multi-Eyes", the upper limit of life is only more than 400 points.

You have to heal 500 Chu Mu's health to complete this feat!

"What else can I do... Take your time."

I glanced at the "tariff" of up to 100 gold coins

Chu Mu completely cut off the idea of ​​taking this book out of the copy.

He had no choice but to use up this valuable training book by himself.

The level of "Scorpio" is too high, and the value of the dropped items is also high,

For Tier 5 players, this number may be painful, but it definitely won't be impossible.

However, Chu Mu is just a low-level player who has just (left) advanced to level 3.

It is almost impossible to take this training book out of the dungeon.

Fortunately, it was loot that Chu Mu could use, otherwise he would lose money.

After confirming the use, the training book turned into a ray of light and got into Chu Mu's body.

At the same time, a progress bar appeared in front of his eyes.

[You have started the training progress of the "Extraordinary Regeneration" special ability! ]

[When the progress reaches 100%, you will automatically get the "Extraordinary Regeneration" feat! ]

[Remarks: You can only start the training of 1 specialty at most, and the opportunity to obtain this specialty will be automatically given up by training.

"Once you start, you must achieve your training goals."

Chu Mu rubbed his temples, stretched, and got up from the boss chair.

The "Scorpio" thing has been resolved..... the remaining problems are easy to handle.

"Those monsters are pouring in! Run!"

"Gasturates . . . are gastrulations!

"Help me, I don't want to die!"

"Stay old man out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Mom, where are you...Mom...."

Although "Scorpio" is dead, the damage it caused is irreparable!

The line of defense named "Giant Stone Monument" has collapsed, and the Gastrea that had been eyeing it for a long time came rushing in like a tide!

Thunderous roars sounded one after another, full of murderous wildness and rage,

Completely smash the last trace of civilization and tranquility in this city!

The fleeing people screamed and pushed each other,

The old people and children who fell to the ground were trampled by people mercilessly,

Everyone is frantically fleeing from the gastritis that are chasing after them!

Official helicopter gunships try to intercept the enemy pouring into the city,

But just a few seconds after shooting, it was directly shot down by a bird-type Gastrea in the air!

Huge gastroenterics keep skimming the ground,

Compared to humans who can only move on their legs,

Their modes of action and mobility are more diverse and flexible

The fleeing crowd is like dominoes,

It keeps falling from the end, then gets shredded and chewed.

This hunt and escape in the night will continue for a long time,

There is still a long time before the dawn of the next day.

However, in the chaotic city, there is a very strange "safe zone".

The area centered on the "Church of Destiny" is surrounded by many frightening gastroenteric,

But these gastritis are like tamed domestic dogs, not only will they not attack church believers,

On the contrary, it will help to resist the hostile gastritis coming from other places!

Because of this, after hearing this unbelievable news, the refugees in the surrounding areas as if grabbing a life-saving straw, all rushed towards the location of the Church of Destiny!