Two battling beasts

"Mrs. Proctor-"

"-It is not Mrs. Proctor to you, Andy, it's Jenny."

"Alright, Jenny, I can-"

"-There is no way in hell I am letting you pay for anything."

"I am more than capable to do so."

"I know that honey, you've been taking care of yourself for so long. Let the adults do it now." 

"I am an adult." 

"Mmhmm. Tell me that when your teeth grow in again." 

Andrew felt like he was losing his mind. 

She was so unassuming. So kind, so sweet, and as stubborn as his Mom had been. She was telling him off, putting him in his place, all with a smile on her face. He felt overwhelmed, and the worst of it all? No one was helping him fight her. Especially Mr. Beckett. He stood back with a smile on his face, a little smirk if you would, and was watching the whole thing. Andrew wanted to tear his hair out. 

Jenny reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze.