It's exactly as it looks like

The sound of knocking on a door slowly roused Andrew from his slumber. Groaning, he flexed his arms around the man beside him, grumbling at the disturbance. 

"Andy! Max! Are you well enough to join us for lunch?" It took Andrew a moment to recognise the voice, and when he did, his eyes shot open. He sat up, Maxwell groaning as he suddenly lost his heater. Andrew scrambled for his glasses, panicking when he didn't find them immediately but calmed down when he found them not on the nightstand, but in it. 

"Andy? What's wrong?" Maxwell mumbled, his voice deep with sleep. Andrew shoved his glasses on and turned his now clear gaze towards his partner. He looked all sleep mused and so damn adorable that Andrew almost forgot why he'd gotten up so quickly in the first place. 

"Andy? Max? Are you alive?" Maxwell frowned, rubbing his eyes as he sat up more, before he groaned.