Maxwell exhaled slowly, staring out at the dark yard in front of him. The lights from the house behind him casting everything in severe shadow. The smoke from his lips curled up, dispersing into the air as he wrapped his arm around himself.
Slowly, Maxwell tapped his cigarette into the tray nearby, continuing to stare out at the night sky before him as he let his thoughts run over him easily. Nothing really stuck for a long moment, his body too satiated for the thoughts that normally plagued him to settle their hooks in.
Fuck. Andrew certainly knew how to fuck the worry out of him. He also knew how to surprise him, and make him feel things he didn't want to.
It made him uncomfortable how easily he was able to read him now. He knew that it would come with time, but it still made him uneasy. What if Andrew came across something he didn't like? God, that would be awful.