An relaxing Saturday

Breakfast consumed both in and out of the shower, Andrew was slightly surprised when several knocks sounded at the front door. 

He wasn't expecting any visitors, and as far as he knew, Maxwell wasn't either. Maxwell, however, came prancing out of the bedroom where he was assembling their outfits for dinner, excitement on his features. 

"Oh it must be here!" He called excitedly while Andrew watched him in confusion from the doorway to the kitchen. What on earth was he expecting that made him that excited to answer the door? Maxwell hated having to interact with the cold in even minor ways. He hated the freezer. 

Andrew watched as Maxwell pulled on his winter jacket to answer the door, but when he opened it, a woman was standing there in an official looking uniform carrying something rather large wrapped in an even more confusing contraption. 

It looked like a thermal blanket, but…not quite? The zipper was really confusing him.