That was the wrong thing to say

Andrew stumbled into the doorframe of the bathroom, a silly grin on his face as he gripped onto the door. He stumbled towards the door, fumbling with the lock only to realise he hadn't locked the door at all last night. 


Throwing the door open, Andrew's smile froze on his face as he was faced with a very short, very angry man with black hair and piercing blue eyes. He had his arms crossed, his suit was impeccable, and he appeared to have a guard with him. It was one of the alphas that his Father had hired for him, and Andrew felt his smile slip from his face entirely. 

Maxwell's eyebrow twitched as he stared up at Andrew. 

"What? Who were you expecting?" He demanded and Andrew stuttered over his words. 

"M-My order." Andrew mumbled, confused. Why was he here? This didn't make any sense. He had been at work just a few moments ago, and now he was here? Had he teleported?