Andrew was doing his best. He really was, but between his hands trembling, the fact that the smell of everything was overwhelming him, and his lack of hunger, the best he could manage was about 7 bites of the huge plate of food before he had to stop.
He felt terrible for it, because it was clear that May had put a lot of work into this, but she just smiled, working away on her own plate.
"If you need to throw up, I also made sure that there was a bucket nearby. Do aim for it if the time comes." She told him cheerfully, and Andrew felt his heart twist.
"Why are you…being so kind?" Andrew asked and May didn't stop moving, but her hands twitched.
"Why? Does there need to be a reason?" She asked, her tone unchanging, and Andrew grew nervous. He felt uncomfortable hearing those words from her, especially since they had only just recently reunited. He might have felt more comfortable if someone like Kim had said that to him, not May.