Andrew didn't have time to respond, his mouth opening as the server arrived.
Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Maxwell ordered a tea, also unlike Maxwell, and the two were given some more time to talk.
Andrew, now able to respond to Maxwell, gripped his hand.
"Have you really been thinking about that this whole time?" Andrew asked carefully and Maxwell swallowed thickly.
"Of course. I…I really did a horrible job trying to talk to you. I was just so…I was so worried that I just…" Maxwell let out a shaky sigh, running his hand over his face. He looked like he was the one who'd gone on a bender, not Andrew. He looked at Andrew, his blue eyes big, serious, and wet. "I'll do anything. I'll change anything you don't like. Just, please don't leave me, Andrew. I can't live without you." Andrew felt his eyes widen as the first tear fell from his face.