Brothers from another mother

Andrew was ridiculously nervous. 

Having been away from work for so long, it felt strange going back after being away from work for a week. He was worried about how the others were going to take it. 

He'd basically up and left, and apparently left the whole company in disarray. Richard had been telling him about what had happened while he was gone, and it had been a disaster. 

Maxwell hadn't been himself, and everyone knew it. Richard had warned Andrew that people had connected the dots to Andrew not being around the company anymore, and things might be…a little intense for him. 

For that reason alone, Richard was coming to pick him up in the morning to take him to work. The other reason was to make sure he didn't run away. Richard didn't know that everything had gone over well the previous day, even if he did know that he was meeting up with Maxwell. He probably wanted to question him about it.