A fear that lingers

"Okay, what's up with the guy in a suit sleeping in the office?" Dr. Piper asked as soon as she stepped into the office. She was the next to arrive after Andrew and Richard. Usually Dr. Cox was the last to arrive because she had to drop off her daughter at daycare. "Also, nice to see you again Dr. Nice. Have you been hounded yet?" She asked, a knowing smile on her face. 

Richard gave her a look, while Andrew chuckled. 

"To answer both of your questions, that is Mr. Newman, Mr. Beckett's head secretary, and he was waiting for Richard and I at the front desk. Because of that I think everyone was too afraid to approach me to 'hound' me. Richard did try to warn me, but I am unsure of what that truly means yet. I am sure I will learn as the day goes on." Andrew told her as she took off her outer coat and put on her regular work coat. She pulled her long hair up into a messy bun and glanced over at Mr. Newman.