The Den

The car pulled up to a colonial style white pillar and red brick mini mansion. Margo grabbed the envelope containing the payment for their blood supply. The pair walked up to the front door which opened before they could knock.

A small darker complexioned woman stood beside a tall red-headed man. "Hi, I am Celia, and this is my mate, Ian. We are the heads of the Cayman clan. Please come into our feeder den."

Margo looked them over quickly and smiled. "My name is Margo Atlas; I am head of the Atlas clan. This is my right-hand Antione Castille. Pleased to meet you."

Celia waved the two of them into the foyer. "You two are famous. You have the largest clan in the world and you're an elite council member. Plus, you are both ancient vampires."

Ian put a hand on his mate's shoulders. "That's a heavy weight you just put on their shoulders, my love. Their just here for dinner."