
After weeks of searching Stefan had finally tracked Margo down. He had stepped off a private chartered plane into the Cayman's two days before. She had covered her tracks well. He had initially dismissed the Cayman's. He had checked the clan house and there was no sign of her or Antione there.

He had spent weeks searching clan properties across the globe but there had been no sign of Margo or Antione. Not even a sign of Cora Mann or Jared Duluth had turned up. He had found the link between Cora and Jared quickly because their engagement had been all over the human papers not that long ago.

Stephan had been surprised that Antione had taken such a high-profile feeder considering the likely outcome of such an arrangement. He had realized that Jared and Cora were linked during his investigation. Now with Cora linked directly to Margo it was quite an interesting situation. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.