The Lonely Road II

They arrived at the run-down car lot and an older balding gentleman came out to meet them. They climbed out of the car with their belongings and the man held up a hand for them to wait one as he looked the Mercedes over then smiled. A newer Altima pulled into the lot, and he waived them over to it.

The man explained they he often set up emergency trades for his friends on the islands. They exchanged titles and keys and soon they were in the car and headed back along their predesignated route. Cora opened the glove box. Inside were two cellphones and a note that said if they followed their instructions, this car would get them to Michigan.

When Cora looked in the back seat, she noticed the car had a couple of other things as well. There was a double bottle warmer that plugged into the twelve-volt charger, a pair of scissors, and a bag of disposable plastic cups.